Chapter 16: Sleep over

Seeing that his son finished eating his mango graham, Yuri felt a little jealous that his son was so clingy to his ex-husband now, obviously he was the one who accompanied his son the most but now that Ivan becomes good and for a while takes good care of their son, he was left alone by his son.

"Son, daddy will take you to brush your teeth now, okay?" Yuri gently asked looking at his son.

Yuan looked at his dad and reluctantly answered: "Okay Daddy, Yuan Yuan will go to brush his teeth first and dad will go to sleep with us later."

"Okay Dad will be obedient, Yuan Yuan will go first." Ivan gently answered.

Yuri carried Yuan to the bathroom sink and put him into a small stool, he squeezed out the toothpaste and put it to son's small toothbrush then gave it to him 

Yuri looked at his son rinsing his teeth, he gently asked: "Does my son like more your Dad now than me your daddy?"

Yuan cutely smiled at his daddy in the mirror and coquettishly said: "Yuan Yuan still likes daddy the most but Dad has also changed for the better now so Yuan Yuan also likes Dad now."

Yuri sighed and said nothing, he also hoped that his ex-husband would always be like this but he knew his personality and he was afraid that his son would be disappointed again after tasting the sweetness of having another father who cares about him.

After helping Yuan to brush his mouth, Yuri was about to take Yuan back to their room. Yuan looked at his dad on the sofa and asked: "Daddy will Dad sleep with us?"

When Ivan saw that Yuri's face turned cold. In order to save himself, Ivan hurriedly said: "Well Dad can just sleep by himself, don't worry son there is daddy by your side so it's very safe. You and your daddy's bed is not enough to accommodate the three of us so you can sleep with your daddy by yourself." Then he added while ruffling his son soft hair: "Dad also promised that I will not leave and if a bad person showed up again, dad would beat all of them so son go and sleep with your daddy."

Yuan was still a little disappointed when he heard that his dad was not sleeping with them but he did not forget to remind his dad again: "Then Dad should always do what you promised to me that you will obey daddies words from now on no matter what it is, okay?"

Ivan smiled and gently replied: "Okay Dad is just like you, I will always be obedient to your daddy, okay?"

Only then did Yuan nod and was led into the bedroom by Yuri.


Ivan found disposable toiletries from the bathroom and came out after cleaning up. Seeing that Yuri was also in the living room, he gently asked: "Did our son fell asleep?"

Yuri glanced at Ivan and nodded then he hesitantly said: "Don't take Yuan's words just now, you know that's only children's nonsense."

Ivan nodded and seriously said looking at Yuri: "Well I understand and I also know that you hate me. I was indeed wrong before, Yuri this time I formally apologized to you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for hurting you and not giving you and our son the responsibilities as your husband and his other father." Then he sincerely added: "I know it's useless and also too late to say these words now but I still want to try and prove it within by action that I've really changed and hopefully one day you can forgive me and become friends."

Yuri heard Ivan apologizing, he didn't feel moved at all, his heart now was like an iceberg that is hard to melt.

Ivan had said too many similar promises in the past but in the end he still broke those promises again and again. 

Now that he has experience with it, he will not let his guard against Ivan because of his recent good behavior, he calmly glanced at Ivan.

"Thank you for today's matter, anyway you just need to know that it is impossible for us to get back together again but it's still okay for you to be the other father for our son and I will not stop your rights as a father for him but if you did something that will hurt our son then don't expect of seeing him again." As he spoke, he sprayed the pheromone air freshener to protect himself from Ivan's pheromones.

Soon the air was filled with the smell of an air freshener. After spraying it, Yuri turned and went into his bedroom. 

After a while, he took out pajamas and handed it to Ivan: "Put this on first, I never used it so its very clean."

"Okay, thank you then you should go to bed early too, Yuri good night." Ivan gently said and felt happy that Yuri didn't stop him from being a father to their son.

Yuri glanced at Ivan then he also finally said good night and once again went back to hi bedroom and locked the door before going to sleep.


Ivan changed into Yuri's sleeping wear, it's a little tight especially the boxer but it's still bearable so he lay on the bed then called his mother so that she will not be worried about him: "Mom, I'm at my ex-wife's place, I will be sleeping here for tonight so don't wait for me to go back."

Ivana thought for a while and asked again: "Son tell mother the truth have you and Yuri got back together?"

"No Mom, I'm only sleeping here today because of Yuri's younger 

brother again who just came here to cause trouble and he scared my son so much so I stayed here." Ivan said a few more words before hanging up.

[Ding! For saving one of your mission targets again, you will receive one million credits 

(1 Million).] System 005 said laying beside Ivan.

'005 can you take care of my money in the stock market for a while?' Ivan asked laying on the bed.

[I can but you need to give me wages for it and send me all the details when I will buy and sell it in fact I can even do all your work when you finally start your business.] System 005 answered while watching an action movies and eating a popcorn again and drinking coke.

'Okay I will pay you and about your wages let's make it a fair deal do you agree?' Ivan said and stole 005 popcorn and ate some of it.

[Hey you thief! Give me back my popcorn!] System 005 said and stole back his popcorn then he calmly added: [Of course there is no fair deal at all, my dear host let me remind you that you aren't hiring a human but a mighty system like me which no human knowledge could reach! So don't compare my qualifications to you humans!]

Ivan laughed seeing system 005 reaction and he said: 'Then how much wages do you need?'

[Five million per month and I will do all your future work, how about it? Do you agree?] System 005 teasingly said and testing his host.

Ivan happily said especially hiring such a great worker and scamming system 005 to be his slave: 'Okay I agree but you will be the one to do all my future work and I will just give you the stocks that I wanted to buy and sell." Then he added: "This contract would be invalid when we end our relationship as your host and as my system.' 

Then a transparent contract was made between Ivan and 005. 


In the morning, Ivan always wakes up early, he wants to go jogging but he doesn't have the key of Yuri's apartment so this time he didn't go out for a morning jog. 

Seeing that there were still some shrimps in the refrigerator that he bought before, he went to the kitchen to cook rice porridge with shrimp.

When Yuan and Yuri woke up, the whole apartment and their bedroom was already full of food aroma.

Yuan was sleepy at first but when he smelled the fragrance of food, he immediately woke up and said: "Daddy, it smells so good, Yuan Yuan is very hungry now and wants to eat."

Yuri who just woke up said: "Okay, daddy will change and wash Yuan Yuan first before you could eat."

When Yuri and Yuan came out, they saw Ivan in the kitchen. Ivan gently smiled and greeted Yuri and their son: "Good morning, you are right in time because the rice porridge was already cooked."

Yuri may who was still in daze and not fully awake yet gently smiled back at Ivan's smile and he gently replied: "Morning, I'll take our son to wash up first."

Ivan was stunned for a moment, this was the first time Yuri gently smiled at him! Yuri really looks handsome when smiling than to see his expressionless face.

After Yuri finished washing his face, he remembered that he had just gently smiled at Ivan just now and he regretted it. 

He must have been dreaming just now! Smiling at Ivan, it was definitely not his own intention! Definitely not!


After Yuri and Yuan came out after washing, Ivan had already put the rice porridge on the dining table.

"Let's have breakfast first, Yuri, you can go directly to work in a while, I will just drop our son in his school before I go back home." 

"Okay." Yuri glanced at Ivan and replied, this was the first time in these years that he ate the breakfast made by Ivan, Yuri ate a few mouthfuls and the taste was not bad and it is much more tastier than what he cooks.

Since they were married Ivan hated the smell of kitchen, he doesn't like to cook or clean at all so what changed him? Anyways no matter what changed him, he doesn't care anymore because no matter what they are already divorced for a year now.

Looking down, Yuan was eating like a little hamster, his cheeks were puffed up and he still happily said to his dad: "Dad, it is very delicious!"

"Really? Then eat more." Ivan gently said while dotingly looking at his son and the more he looked at it, the cuter he felt.

After eating, the three of them set off, Yuri went directly to work, Ivan took Yuan into his school by taxi and when Yuan just got out of the taxi, he met his best friend Yuki.

Yuki happily waved to him and said: "Yuan you are here! Uncle dropped you off today."

Yuan held Ivan's hand, nodded with a smile and said: "Yeah, Dad sent me off today."

"Good morning uncle." Yuki said greeting Ivan.

"Good morning Yuki." Ivan gave Yuan's friend a gentle smile and watched the two enter their classroom before he left.