Discussing Controversial Topics

"Sure thing member, Kronical_Wave! These are topics that I usually avoid but it's best to have this conversation now than to put it off for long. So, let's start with a discussion about gender roles and expectations."

I sat there listening to what the Life Coach had to say.

"Many societies have certain expectations for how men and women should behave and these expectations can have a big impact on individuals and relationships. For example, men are often expected to be strong and assertive, while women are often expected to be nurturing and submissive. Although these were set into motion by our biology, these expectations can put a lot of pressure on people to conform to certain roles and behaviours that can limit their choices and opportunities, it can also sometimes cause mental disillusion.

Next, let's talk about sexual harassment and assault. This is a serious issue that affects many people, especially women. It can take many forms, such as unwanted physical contact or advances, verbal or written harassment, or nonverbal gestures or behaviours. Please understand that consent is key in all interactions. It is never okay to harass or assault someone.

There is a double standard to this topic. Men are often belittled when they come out and announced that a woman has sexually harassed them. The consequences are not as severe for the men.

I've had cases where a man reported to the local authorities that he was ganged and raped by a group of women and he was laughed at and made a mockery of by the very same authorities that are supposed to do the right thing and stand up for justice regardless of which gender has committed the crime.

I believe that there will be no change to these double standards anytime soon unless more people come out and speak about it. But most men would see it as embarrassing to even expose themselves in this light. Women often weaponise and fake cases of sexual harassment. I've seen done a few times. So this is also an existential issue. As a result, it is causing a majority of men to shy away from women.

Now, let's discuss gender-based violence. This is a major problem that affects many women and can take many forms, such as domestic violence, rape, and other forms of physical or sexual violence. These forms of violence are never acceptable. They have serious consequences for victims. Albeit, a lot of women, instead of standing up, they sit back and allow this to happen.

I know they are mostly men present here so I'm going to take this chance to say this if you have women issues and you feel the need to attack them, do so verbally and not physically.

I see that the chat is going crazy with this. If your woman is constantly hitting you or belittling you try your best to walk away from the situation or terminate the relationship. Now if it gets to a point where you have to defend yourself then do so. I know some women out there who are extremely violent and can do some damage to a man. So if you find yourself in that sort of scenario then do what you have to, to protect yourself.

Next, let's talk about gender inequality. This is a pervasive issue that affects many areas of society, including the non-existent pay gap between men and women, as well as the underrepresentation of women in leadership roles and other areas.

Personally, I believe most women shouldn't be allowed in certain leadership roles because they can get too emotionally unstable and when this happens, they tend to lash out irrationally, especially at the persons around them.

Now I am not saying that this applies to all women; some can do certain jobs better than most men can. But I believe when women are being chosen for important leadership roles, it is important that they are carefully vetted on their intellectual capacity and rational stability rather than them being hired based on their physical beauty, their attractiveness and the pressure of woke groups when it suits whoever is in charge. The same can apply to men if you switch it up a little.

Continuing to the last topic that Kronical_Wave put forth which includes reproductive rights. These are the rights of individuals to make decisions about their reproductive health, which covers issues such as access to contraception and abortion. I understand these rights are an important aspect of gender equality, as they allow people to make choices about their own bodies and health without interference from others. However, reproductive rights are often under attack.

Overall, it is crucial to recognize and address these inequalities to create a more equal and fair society for all. But I've come to realize that when most women speak of equality, they mean seniority and dominance over men and that right there is creating another issue.

If equality is to be a thing, then the playing field should be level, not slanted. However, my take on this is that there is no such thing as perfect equality. I believe the only equality we share is in the expectancy of growth, not in a sheepish or selfish mentality but in a prudent and congruent mindset as sentient beings."

Wow, I couldn't believe my ears. As a young man who lacked self-confidence and wasn't out in the world that much, I was mesmerized by the Life Coach's intelligence. He often maintains a non-biased point of view while at the same time sharing his personal beliefs and experiences, which to me, made a lot of sense. I was so hooked by his discussion that I had no idea how much time had passed.

"Life Coach, can you tell us more about how women's behaviour changes around men?"

"Hmm, this person wants to know how most women think and act around men. Ok, do recognize that women, just like men, are complex and unique individuals. It's not accurate to make assumptions about how all women think or act based on stereotypes or generalizations, even though most of them that you come across are true. Instead, we should approach each individual with respect and an open mind and communicate and listen to each other to better understand each other's perspectives and needs.

When it comes to dating, keep in mind that communication and consent are golden and recognize that relationships require effort and work from both partners and that it's important to be honest, open, and supportive of each other.

I've been over this topic many times since the start of the seminar. Focus more on yourself and become a better version of and improve your physicality and finances. These are important goals that can help you feel more confident and secure and can also help you achieve your dreams and aspirations.

To improve your physicality, all you need to do is focus on a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep. To improve your finances, budget wisely, save money, and invest in your education and skills. With hard work and determination, you can achieve these goals and become the best version of yourself. If you have any other questions about these topics, just let me know!"

"Life Coach, can you expand more on female nature 101?"

"Ok but before I do that, please keep in mind that it's not helpful to think of women as a monolithic group with a single set of characteristics or behaviours. Just like us men, they are complex and diverse individuals with unique personalities and experiences.

Also, avoid falling into the trap of stereotypes. This goes both ways. Stereotypes are oversimplified and often inaccurate ideas about a group of people that can lead to prejudice and discrimination. Instead of relying on others' information, get to know someone yourself. Often we take information at face value, especially when it is coming from someone that we deem as value.

Now an aspect of understanding female nature is recognizing the impact of societal expectations and gender roles. As we discussed earlier, many societies have certain expectations for how men and women should behave and these expectations can have a big impact on individuals and relationships. So be aware of these expectations and strive to be more accepting of people who don't conform to traditional gender roles.

I'm not saying you should swallow your spit and don't have standards. You can most definitely have standards for this is who we are as diverse individuals. Just don't become very upset and lash out when the person in question doesn't adhere to your standard. All you have to do is find someone that does; though this may be difficult.

Moving on, understand that women are capable of a wide range of emotions and behaviours. They usually tend to have a capricious nature. We generally assume that all women are emotional, irrational, or manipulative, or that they all behave in a certain way which is termed slutty behaviour. But not all women are like this, at least not 100% of the time. The best advice is to communicate and listen to each other to better understand each other's perspectives and needs. I hope this discussion has been helpful and informative."

'Yes, it sure has,' I said to myself. I was learning so much just by listening to this man. I couldn't believe this seminar was free for any to participate in.