Chapter 33

There was a time when Team X was so busy that they'd need to change in their van between the drive from the airport to the venue. At this moment, Xiao Yi remembered the absolute chaos that ensured as five people attempted to change at the same time while he awkwardly twisted to put on the remainder of his suit.

Aside from just being plain awkward, they'd constantly bump limbs together as they changed. Even if only one of them changed at a time, somehow they'd end up bumping into someone else.

A small smile adorned his face as he grabbed the back of his shirt and threw it on the seat beside him, exposing his bare torso with a long, almost straight, jagged scar running diagonally across his chest to hip.

Almost as swiftly as he removed his shirt, a white dress shirt was pulled over his head, covering his body in a swift move.

At least this time there was no one to bump arms with as he slid his arm through the black top.

Thankfully, the windows were tinted and V himself was a deterrent, standing beside the passenger side door with a livid expression was enough to keep wandering eyes from attempting to peer in.

Xiao Yi leaned across the front passenger seat and flicked down the visor as he quickly fixed his hair and collar before exiting the car and walking straight into V, angrily typing on his phone.

V glanced up as the door closed and quickly began typing again while gritting his teeth. "There's been a slight change of plans… Your sister-in-law wants a divorce."

Xiao Yi straightened his back and raised an eyebrow, waiting to see if V followed his train of thought as he watched the other slide his phone into his pocket and walk over to a private elevator.

As soon as the elevator doors closed, V hit the emergency stop button and turned to Xiao Yi with a calm mask plastered over his features, yet his clenched fists told another story as his thoughts aligned with Xiao Yi's own.

"Let me fill you in so you know what you're walking into. Right now, Xu Chun Hua is standing next to her father lying for him. Firstly, they believe that you don't exist at all. This is their main point of contention, and they're using it to say that I've been forcing votes a certain way, gaining more profit, and overall fraud. They're pretty much saying I'm taking 2 votes instead of 1."

V was silent for a moment, before adding. "Ah, they also want to claim that we stole a few character designs from another company. I should have the drafts in my safe, though."

Xiao Yi nodded and reached to fix the cuffs on his wrist. "You didn't tell her that I own those shares?"

V chuckled and raised his hand to wipe his hair out of his eyes, both amused and baffled by the situation. "Well, why would she need to know what happens in the company? The files I bring home aren't important, but she does know about confirmed projects before the public does."

'What a stupid situation…'

Neither of the men talked for a few moments so Xiao Yi decided that he'd been filled in enough and set the elevator into motion again with a sharp gaze in his eyes.

Although he thought the whole situation was stupid, so stupid that he'd be surprised to see this kind of behavior in high school let alone a top gaming company, he was still very serious.

His blood was boiling.

Perhaps V was overwhelmed right now with anger, but later he'd also realize the implications. His marriage was over, there was no coming back from this betrayal.

The motives were out in the open now and evidentially, it wasn't just Xu Chun Hua's father that had been preparing. How many days had she been planning this alongside her father while welcoming V home with a smile?

This is why Xiao Yi hates other people. You never know when they'll put on a mask in front of you.

The elevator opened into V's office, which connected to the main meeting room on the top floor of the building, separated by a plane of glass. Ironically, V had them installed so that his employees felt that he was transparent with his work.

Xiao Yi couldn't see the shareholders nor wife and father-in-law from his position, nor could they see him as he decided to lean against the wall for a moment.

'Allow them to think they've won.'

He waved his hand slightly as V looked over, motioning him to leave the elevator, and watched as he walked over to the safe located underneath his desk.

The door to the office swung open and Xiao Yi could hear a woman's voice, Xu Chun Hua, speaking boldly. "What are you doing here?"

There was an audible scoff. "Getting evidence. Oh, I may as well grab the divorce papers you signed when you signed the prenuptial agreement, too."

An older man's voice probed into the conversation. "Even if you have some papers, what about the shares? Where are they being transferred to?"

"About that…"

Another man's voice interrupted. "If you told us that you wanted to hold onto them before, that'd be fine. Why did you use the vote?"

Chaos ensured and Xiao Yi stayed in his position as more people joined the conversation, accusing V of fraud, and forgery, at one point someone even jumped in to add identity theft.

Identity theft…

Xiao Yi decisively pushed himself off the wall at that moment and walked into the office with sharp, yet calm eyes. "When did he steal my identity?"

Silence filled the room, and Xiao Yi continued as he walked around the desk to find various documents thrown out as evidence. After examining them for a moment, he turned and met Xu Chun Hua's gaze.

Xu Chun Hua immediately began sputtering. "When did you get here? Why are you here? I know you're friends, but don't you think it's a bit much following him to the company?"

'What a mess, are these adults?'

Something snapped inside him, and Xiao Yi tilted his head and sneered. "You're really something, aren't you? Shouldn't you at least track down the bank account that the dividend goes to before trying to strip a man of his company? Do you think I wanted to be here? I'd rather be sleeping."

V nodded his head toward Xiao Yi. "He's the second largest investor and shareholder, Xiao Yi."