Chapter 48

Two groups of people were investigating Xiao Yi, but the person in question was leisurely gardening on his alt paying no mind to the happenings of the world until V came home and leaned against the balcony door in front of the desk with his arms crossed.

"They found out."

Xiao Yi blinked and he felt his heart drop. "Eh?"

V brushed his hand through his hair and sighed. "They know everything except for the contract you signed, they think you're still signed to the previous Team X for a longer period and they refused to sign your contract, but Chen Qiang is questioning that too."

Xiao Yi shut his eyes for a moment and hit himself on the forehead. "Shit."

"Shit is right, they're demanding me to get in contact with you and they've been harassing Xiao Qiu for a week!"

"Ignore them." Xiao Yi hummed, then waved V off and went back to the game as if he hadn't heard anything.

It didn't matter how much they knew, they didn't know the full story and hence they would still believe he was somewhat of a scumbag. Besides, he's certain that what he said before wouldn't make them think higher than himself.

They were right, though, Xiao Yi was prideful and arrogant in his own way. He would have never reached out to distant acquaintance to try to find a couch to crash on, he would have marched into their team headquarters with a contract in hand and asked if anyone wanted him.

His finger twitched as he plucked another spiritual fruit off a tree and Sleepy turned to the mansion, cleared out his bag into his storage, and walked to the target board.

He grabbed a random S mission, looked on his map, and teleported to the second continent.

The second continent was much larger than the first, but it had fewer cities to visit and more rural towns due to the climate. The bottom half of the continent had a four-season weather system, but the top half gradually became a layer of thick ice with nearly constant snow storms.

His target, a max-level sword master, was on the icy plains and Xiao Yi felt like he was about to deal with a lot more than one person because the only things that area had to offer were a guild raid, dungeon, and a few gathering missions that don't need to be completed if one's already done it.

Xiao Yi hummed and checked the reason. According to the request, this person kicked him, the original guild leader, out of the guild once he used him enough and claimed that the original guild lead account was hacked.

This is…

Well, not Xiao Yi's business. Sleepy flew above snow-covered pine trees and eventually tracked his target down.

He smirked and jumped off the mount, landing right in front of the guild leader with his duo swords already drawn.

The guild leader fell instantly and it took the others a second to realize what happened and soon, Xiao Yi was surrounded by eight players.

Sleepy flicked the blood off his sword and the snow around him absorbed it as he typed.

[Sleepy]: Oops, my hand slipped.

No one typed in general chat, presumably using their guild or party chats to communicate, as they collectively began throwing attacks.

Sleepy flipped into the air to avoid the mage's array circle, spun slightly to avoid the summoner's spell, and landed right behind the bard. His hand 'slipped' again and he slashed her neck.

[Sleepy]: Well, that wasn't very nice was it? Hmm…

Sleepy flicked his swords again and the blood fell from the tip of the blade onto the white patch of snow. He turned his attention to the remaining seven players and laughed.

They're all high-level players, why can't they get close to landing a simple attack? He's been standing still!

'No fun.'

Thousands of cherry blossoms began fluttering around the group, a truly beautiful sight against the blinding white snow stained with blood.

Just then, the mage on their side seemed to get his head out of his ass and the ground beneath Xiao Yi began to shake, cracks seemingly ripping it open.

Xiao Yi smirked and sidestepped, right into another ultimate performed by the rogue. Traps littered the ground, ready to grab his feet at any moment as the hunter's ultimate formed above their heads.

A beautiful, giant red bow engrossed with flames appeared and hundreds of arrows engrossed in flames floated in the air in front of him.

Xiao Yi felt his heart race and a genuine smile bloomed on his face. They wouldn't be able to kill him before his cherry blossoms took them, but they were formidable opponents in a group of three.

The others… likely newer players.

Sleepy gracefully jumped into the air and stepped onto floating raindrops, followed by the hunter who'd already laid his ultimate. Sleepy turned and met his twin blades with his own duo blades, dancing on the raindrops as the cherry blossoms began to enclose the group and avoiding the attacks being thrown by the remaining members.


The dwarf fell to the ground as Sleepy leaned back to dodge the hunter's blade, the hunter dodging as he swiped his own.


The sorcerer fell, and the arrays threatening to catch him if he fell dissipated atop the broken ground. Sleepy turned to avoid the mage's fireball while the hunter's blades met his, not even an inch from the other's neck.


The paladin, who, sadly had no attacks to reach the sky, was the next to fall as the hunter tugged on the string of the bow.


The rogue, song weaver, and mage fell together as if it were a romantic movie where neither wanted to let the other die before them.

Hundreds of arrows coated in flames fell from the sky as the hunter fell to the ground, not yet dead but close enough that the remaining petals would get him in a few moments. Sleepy also fell off the rain droplets and he focused on dodging and hitting the arrows away.

By the time the attacks stopped, the assassin with long black hair was the only one standing amidst the eight players he originally approached, with half HP.

Xiao Yi leaned back and smiled.