Chapter 70

Xiao Yi tilted his head slightly.

Was he being kidnapped?

He didn't need to leave?

Why weren't they treating him like the scum he was, or were they planning to exact their revenge in another way?

The thoughts ran through his mind, one coming right after another, until Mu Yichen tilted his head back and stated. "You'll know when we get there."

"Even I don't know where we're going, don't ask me!" Li Hao's shout came from the couch, he hadn't even bothered to turn as he swiftly attacked another person.

Seeing that they weren't going to tell him anything, he decided he'd go with the flow.

A few minutes later, plates were passed out left and right and the boys ate. Mu Yichen and Li Hao didn't bother to move from their positions, one eating while watching TV and the other eating with one hand while playing the match.

Tang An sighed. "Chen Qiang's cooking has gotten better and better."

Chen Qiang shook his head. "I learned from the best, anyway, if I didn't cook when abroad - I would have starved. I think you spoiled us too much in the past."

Xiao Yi couldn't help but nod. Although he knew how to cook when he was a kid, he'd gone rusty over the years from the favoritism from the Chen family, Tang An, and then his brother.

Hell, even Lee spoiled him a bit.

Tang An chuckled, batting his hands as he denied it. "I definitely didn't teach you this. Don't push it onto me."

Xiao Yi smiled a little as he ate.

This was nice.

An hour later, the boys pulled up to a three-story brick building with no sign and Xiao Yi's heart faltered while his face remained calm.

Even Li Hao was a bit surprised, asking. "Where the fuck did you bring us?"

Chen Qiang shook his head and walked up to the door. "Come on."

The group of five walked through the halls until they came to a door. Without knocking, Chen Qiang pushed it open as if he were the owner and walked right in.

Li Hao shared a look with Xiao Yi before pulling him in, followed by Mu Yichen and Tang An.

Although the building looked abandoned, this room was anything but old. The floor had a sudden switch from concrete to carpet, the walls were lined with books, awards, and credentials, and in the middle of the room was a couch, a chair, and a desk.

Behind the desk, a man with glasses sat with his fingers over his forehead, scolding. "I told you to knock."

Chen Qiang directly waved him off and went to the couch. "We have an appointment."


Xiao Yi stared at the scene but followed Li Hao to sit on the couch.

Li Hao crossed his legs and arms and asked. "Where the hell are we?"

Mu Yichen, who had sat next to Tang An on the couch, pointed at the credentials on the wall. "It's a therapist's office."

The man behind the desk laughed. "He didn't tell you?"

The boys, aside from Tang An and Chen Qiang, shook their heads.

"They followed you here despite not knowing?"


"Into this building?"

"They're sitting here, aren't they?"

The man burst into laughter and stood up. "I haven't set anything up yet - do you know what this place looks like?"

'A place to murder someone and get away with it.' Xiao Yi thought though he didn't vocalize it.

The man sat down in the chair across from them and introduced himself. "Ji Wangshu. I'm a psychiatrist, you are here for family therapy."


The place he'd been kidnapped to… Was it family therapy?


Xiao Yi's jaw dropped open slightly.

"What the hell, why do we need therapy? No way." Li Hao went to get up, only to be pushed back by Chen Qiang.

Chen Qiang frowned. "I think if anyone needs therapy, it's us. Plus, it's not individual therapy, he won't diagnose you or anything."

Ji Wangshu shook his head. "I won't diagnose you but I might recommend individual therapy and diagnose you later."

"See, I don't want it!"

Mu Yichen's eye twitched and he slapped his leg. "Sit down!"

The room went silent.

Ji Wangshu observed the boys for a while and his eyes faltered on Xiao Yi's face. He turned to Chen Qiang and asked. "This is the boy who's photo was -"

"Shut it."

Ji Wangshu switched directions and smiled brightly. "The appointment begins now, anything you say here will be kept in this room and I'm mainly here to help mediate. There is no judgment..."