Time flies

I teleport back to the Night Rose castle, or whatever it was called. As expected, when I appear, tons of angry vampires are after me for stealing their queen.

They swarm me like enraged bees. I proceed to fight them all off, making sure to try to not kill them. My only goal is to grab 2 subordinates I want and then leave.

I have a feeling the queen of vampires will become something interesting in the future. So I'll try not to piss her off too much.

Soon I settle on 2 A ranked vampires, grab them and teleport away. Once I'm alone with the 2 vampires, I snap their necks and turn into my drake form. Then I swallow them, like taking 2 pills.

When I turn back into my human form, I quickly put on my clothes again and teleport to where Nadia is.

"Artoria you're back." Nadia runs to me happily. I smile and nod at her.

"Let's go." I tell her.




Decades pass by.

Me and Nadia travel the world, training and fighting any strong creatures we can find.

I have grown to like this little elf. She is the antithesis of me. She's kind and positive and very cheerful. Yet for some reason I like this about her and wound up getting attatched. My influence over her has given her a sadistic side as well, that only surfaces in battle. It's incredibly amusing seeing this. She starts acting like a different person.

The initial fear or apprehencion that she had towards me, when we met, has disappeared completely. Now she treats me casually. In fact she treats me so familiarly, that I had trouble handling it at first. I hadn't have had anyone get so close to me, so this is a first experience.

I suppose it feels like what having family would be. Like having a little sister, but different, since we're in a sexual relationship. Needless to say I've been having a lot of fun.

Since I've been teaching Nadia to fight, she has become a monster. She can now even spar with me.

Speaking of my excellence, another evolution is due soon. I can feel the pressure again. I don't know exactly how long it will take, but hopefully only a few years. As I've grown stronger, the process has become much slower. I've reached high A rank in my magicule count, since then.

It has been a bit over 60 years since I met Nadia. I'm thinking of setting up a home in the near future. All this traveling is getting boring.

We keep all our items in our spacial storages, so we don't need a base. But having a home is something completely different. I have had lairs, I've had bases and dwellings, but never a home. I would like to experience that.


I wake up in the morning, in a king size bed. We're staying in a luxurious suite of a country, I already forgot the name of. Nadia kept bugging me about going to this festival that's happening here, in the capital.

I lazyly stretch and bask in the comfort of the silk sheets. Having no intention to get out of bed yet. "Uaaah." I yawn.

Suddenly the door of my room opens and Nadia barges in.

"Artoria! Let's go shopping!" She calls out to me happily.

The pink haired high elf has changed over the years. Her body is still the same slender and supple, with good assets. But her godawful hairstyle has changed. Now she has long hair, that reaches to her lower back, that she usually wears in a ponytail. Her face has also matured a little, no longer radiating youthful innocence. Instead there is a mature aura around her, while she still maintains her positivity. She also still has this vibe about her that just flames my urge to dominate her.

"Your good morning sucks. Are you sure you're not a kid?" I make fun of her, while smirking and supporting my head with my hand.

"Atleast one of us has to keep the liveliness going. Besides I'm younger, I have special privliges." She boasts with a smile. Then she walks over to me and grabs my silk covers, attempting to reveal my nude form to the world. "Now get up already!"

"You fool!" I exclaim and hook my leg at the back of her head. Then pull her in and flip her over. Expertly manhandling her and coiling around her, like a snake. Reliving the past.

I get her in the bed, beside me. While hooking my arms and legs around her slender body, entrapping her.

"Ugh." Her expression shows annoyance. But I pay it no mind and smirk. Then I stick out my long tongue and lick her cheek.

"You are my prey." I whisper in her ear, with a husky voice. I can feel her shiver lightly, through my embrace. Then I nuzzle and sniff her neck.

"You can drink, if you want." She says, already guessing my thoughts. I smile when I hear her.

Then I make my two canines extend and pierce her neck with them, gently. Bloods starts pouring out, so I suck it all up. Her blood tastes incredible, like fresh blueberrys. Her blood is one of the best tasting bloods I've ever tasted. Though it may just be my feelings towards her.

I drink blood because of the delishiousness of it, but I can also fill my feeding need with it, like a vampire. Over the years I've become scarily proficient at this, as it's a hobbie of mine. Now I can release all sorts of toxins through my fangs, that have various effects on my target.

For example, right now I'm releasing a sort of toxin, that makes Nadia feel pleasure. It's like an intense drug that makes her feel like she's in the clouds. I have no idea what is in my venom, I just know how to make a person feel what I want them to feel. The toxin I'm releasing in Nadia right now is also not harmful to her in any way. It has only one purpose. And that is giving her intense pleasure.

"Mmmmnnhhh." She humms out a moan, as I drink her blood and pump her full of pleasure chemicals. Her eyes glaze over and she has a delighted expression on. Just like someone who took some strong drugs.

She has gotten addicted to this, so I can pretty much freely drink her blood whenever I want. She even says me drinking her blood is better than sex. Which is very impudent of her.

Soon I stop sucking her blood. The two holes in her neck heal up within seconds. She's still having her high, as I made it last around 15 minutes.

Watching her face glazed over in delight is getting me wet. So I expertly peel off her clothing and hug her naked form with my own, from behind. I kiss her neck and caress her thighs. When her trip fades, she will get horny and I can do her.

I've had sexual relations in my last life as well. Both with willing and unwilling partners. But with her, it feels different. It's more than just lust and pleaure. It's like I'm connecting with her. It's incredibly hard to describe. Her sex drive is lower than mine though, so I usually let her mood dictate when we do it. But that doesn't stop me from stoking her fire...

After 10 minutes she awakens from her heaven. She looks around and gasps. "Ah! I'm naked." She finds me hugging her from behind, while kissing her neck and caressing her thigh and belly.

"Artoria not again. We're not having sex right now." She squirms around and tries to free herself from my clutches. I bite her shoulder lightly, to let her know of my discontent, yet it just ends up pleasuring her.

She frees herself from me and gets out of the bed. Looks like she has something she really wants to do right now. I look at her scrambling for her clothes.

When she has just come out of the pleasure high I put her in with my toxins, she's especially vulnerable to my viles. So these kinds of attacks on her have a 99% chance of working. Only when she has something she really wants to do, will she deny me.

I smirk and cross my leg over the other, displaying my firm ass to her. I support my head with my hand through my messy hair and flick my tongue at her seductively. The sexy pose is just for my own amusement, as I tease her. Watching her glance at me and try to ignore her urges.

After 60 years of being with someone, you know how to press their buttons to get what you want. It's safe to say I know everything about her. I'm like a succubus to her. Watching this cute elf give in to her depravity and fall into my clutches is one of the greatest joys for me.

Still the elf stays stubborn, so no fun for now. I sigh and get out of the bed. The silk covers slide over my flawless skin and fall off. My flawless body is revealed, which could even induce an erection in a dead man. I simply stretch comfortably and start getting dressed.

My bleached blonde hair has grown longer. It reaches to my lower back. I had this idea that I would only cut it when I was defeated. But this hasn't happened for over 60 years, so I haven't cut it. I just conciously limited my hair growth, so it wouldn't grow as fast as a humans. Otherwise I would have a river of hair trailing me.

I get dressed in a rather simple dark blue dress and tie my hair up in a braid. After that I'm ready to move out.