
"And you didn't tell us!" Sammy and Daniel said at the same time, "I mean love is the only one who knows about us," Elizabeth remarked, "Wow I feel hurt, I thought we were bros man," Daniel said leaning back on the couch, "Look we wanted to tell you guys but we weren't ready too." Josh replied, "But Love knows," they complained, Elizabeth smiled and shrugged her shoulders. "Well, now you guys know." She said, "You know what forget about it, I can't wait for the interview we have tomorrow I want to see what excuse your going to use Josh." Daniel smiled. "Well, that doesn't matter because I'm going, to tell the truth." She smiled.

Later that afternoon at the mansion

In Davian's study room his talking on the phone with someone. "I agreed that you can come over but if you're not staying with me." He told the person over the phone, "Come on Davian Thailand is killing me, I'll land in New Zealand in a few hours so please let me stay for a few days." The person begged, "Nope, why don't you ask Jackson your brother why me!" Davian complained, "Because he's not in New Zealand right now, his somewhere in Europe." The person remarked, "Plus I'm your cousin your closest cousin matter fact so let me just stay for a little while." Davian sighed as he leaned back in his chair. "You know what, I don't care anymore come over and stay however long you want." "Thanks, man!" The guy over the phone rejoiced and hung up.

A few minutes later he got another call from one of his employees.

"Hello," he said, "I have sent the documents to you sir." "Are you sure you fixed them?" He asked, "Yes sir I'm sure I double-checked everything before I sent it to you." "Okay then." He said hanging up the call. "Ugh!" He sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair and took off his glasses. He closed his computer as he stood up and went upstairs.

Once he got to his room he froze outside the door when he heard Love speaking.

"Don't worry baby, I promise when you come out I'll give you all my love." She said, "Mommy will love you to the fullest!" She added on. "Daddy also loves you to the fullest. Daddy is an awesome man!" "His hard-working cares for his family loves everyone around him, and mostly Daddy loves you the most!" He stated, "Although daddy works a lot, Don't worry if you ever need him he'll drop everything just so he can play with you." She remarked, "His the greatest person you'll ever meet. His also the greatest and loving person I've ever met in my life, I do love him with all my heart." She smiled touching her belly.

Davian smiled as he opened the door and walked in. "You're talking to him again," he remarked, "yup, he has to know about his parents before he comes out." She smiled, "I'm sure he'll learn more about us once he comes out so there's no need to tell him everything when he's still inside you." He smiled and he sat on the bed with her. "But I wanna bond with him so this a great way to bond with our baby." She told him, "I guess you're right." He said as he kissed her. "Oh by the way Austin is coming over this evening, and is staying with us for a while." He told her, "Ooo, that's great I haven't seen him in a long time!" She rejoiced, "I'm sure Li will be happy to see him too!" She added.

Later that evening Love invited Elizabeth over so she can see Austin. Elizabeth was so excited to see Austin since it's been a long that she has seen him. After he graduated she didn't see him after that, she heard that she moved to Thailand with his grandpa's demand. So she was excited that her bestie was back in town.

"Omg, can't wait to see how Thailand changed him!" She rejoiced, "Same here!" Love added on.

They were both giggling and talking about random things. They heard the doorbell ring. The two girls looked at each other and smiled. They both got up and rushed to the door.

"AUSTIN!!" They both rejoiced at the same time, "LOVE ELIZABETH!" Austin rejoiced as he hugged both of the girls. He couldn't believe that they are still friends with each other even though they haven't seen each other for years.

"Wow, you look great!" Elizabeth complimented Austin. "Thanks, Bestie. You're looking good too." He replied while embracing Liz with a hug.

"Oh my gosh, Love you're pregnant!" He pointed out, "Yup, and it's a boy!" She smiled, "congratulations!" He rejoiced, "Where is my favorite cousin!" He said as he entered dragging his luggage into the house. "DAVIAN!!" He shouted, Love and Elizabeth looked at each other and laughed. After all these years Austin hasn't changed at all.

Later on in the kitchen they are talking and catching up.

"Omg, they are so cute!" He remarked as he looked at Aria's and Daniel's babies, "I'm so happy for them!" He smiled. "So how about you Li, how's your relationship with Josh?" He asked, "You can say it's okay." She replied, "Seems like you guys are still the same." He remarked as he drank his water. "We'll forget about us, tell us about what life was like in Thailand," Love said, "Oh my gosh, y'all won't believe what happened to me in Thailand." He exclaimed, "WHAT!" The girls asked curious, "I saw the finest guy in my life! Like when I tell you he is HOT, he is!"

The girls laughed and asked him more questions on how exactly did he see this fine specimen of a man. "So we like met at a bar this one time, and one thing led to another." He told them, "This a secret but, we have something going on." He whispered to them. "I'm so happy for you!" Elizabeth rejoiced, "Same here!" Love smiled.

"Now that I'm back, let's go celebrate with some juice since Love is pregnant and can't drink," he laughed, "Yeah that sounds great!" They all agreed.

To be continued