Chapter One: The White Vixen to the Rescue


The noises of Hound City rang out in the stale air, the clouds of pollution covering up the blue moonlight. Mouse's voice echoed in my ear, my white fox's mask covering my pale face. A jet black taxi rushed past me, my ruby ponytail dancing in the aftermath. Adjusting my black miniskirt, the public stage for execution loomed in front of me.

"I am so happy you are rescuing my brother." Mouse blubbered happily in my ear, my eyes rolling. "I can't believe they pinned another murder on him. Poor Sage." Pulling the hood of my black armored jacket over my black fox ears. My inky black tail twitched irritably, the crowd cheering as Sage was dragged out. My former partner's pale green hair cascaded down his back, his sage colored eyes hidden by his bangs. Yellowed rags dangled off of his slender but muscular body, fresh bruises dotting his skin. Leaping onto a lamp post, my fingers pressed the ear piece deeper into my ear.

"Turn off the electricity." I whispered slyly, the sound of her chewing on a cookie aggravating me. "Please stop eating in my ear. It pisses me off." Pulling out my sleek black staff, white lightning crackled around it. Chaos erupted around me, the power to the city flickering out. Only my lightning illuminated the pitch blackness. Launching myself over the crowd, my boots landed gracefully in front of Sage. Slamming my staff into the stomach of the executioner, the shock of the electricity paralyzed him. Several robotic officers knocked people to the ground, the sleek silver balls scanning my white fox mask. Snatching the keys, Sage barely responded as his chains clattered to the worn wooden stage, a small gasp escaping my lips the moment a black iron bullet slammed into my shoulder. Sage grabbed my wrists, the paralyzing effects of the black iron causing me to fall forward. Struggling to his feet, the electricity flickered back on. Ripping the standard black gun from the executioner's belt, the crowd gasped with a mixture of horror and shock. Their faces blurred, Sage tossing me over my shoulders. Bursting over the crowd, keys spinning in his palm. A wave of relief crashed over me, his fingers digging out the tracking chip in his neck. Blood dripped down his neck, his ancient black motorcycle waited for him patiently. Slamming me in front of him, Mouse's panicked voice echoed in my ears. Snatching my ear piece, he slid it gracefully into his left ear.

"Mouse, this is Sage. I need to know where to go." He demanded urgently, his motorcycle roaring to life. "She has been shot by a black iron bullet. I am sorry for hunting you guys down, if I am being honest I shouldn't have killed a couple of the members your group. Can you help me?" The conversation faded in and out, several officers and robots were after us. Struggling to my knees, my ample breasts pressed into his face, my staff changing into a grenade launcher. Pushing past the pain, one of his hands steadied the launcher for me. Pulling on the trigger, three grenades exploded from the muzzle. Orange flames illuminated the night, blood and body parts raining down behind us. Machines parts whizzed past our heads, the grenade launcher shrinking back into a staff. Sinking back into his arms, a cry of agony burst from my lips as my fingers wrapped around the black iron bullet. Silent tears of pain streamed down my cheeks, the bullet refusing to let go of my muscles. Ripping it out, he needed my help getting out of the city. Shifting through my boots, Sage jammed the milky liquid filled needle into my thigh. Muscles sealed back together, my full strength returning. Hopping onto the back of the back, it reminded me of the good days with Sage. A dozen robots darted towards us, my staff changing into a bow and arrow combo. Steadying my aim, every single arrow shattered them one by one. The city limits weren't that far away, the signal stopping on the other side of the bridge. A line of SWAT Team members blocked the way out, a light rain painting the cracked concrete. Jumping off of his bike, they all pressed their shields together. The white lightning crackled violently, the rain pooling underneath my feet. Slamming the end in the biggest puddle, the members collapsing the concrete. At least they weren't dead, a familiar voice sending chills up my spine. The current police chief popped up behind me, her government issued gun pressed to the back of my head. The safety clicked off, the heel of my boots kicked her in the stomach. Stumbling back, her fist slammed into my jaw. Her white hair fluttered behind her, my hand catching her boot.

"White Vixen, must you free all of my prisoners." Police Chief Stephanie Smothy mused playfully, her black armor dripping in the rain. "I am so annoyed with you." Her petite body smashed into me, her red eyes shooting daggers in my direction. Her white wolf ears flattened, her tail twitching irritably, her black lips curling into a snarl.

"Once you destroy your merit program, then we can talk." I retorted sarcastically, my boot knocking her gun out of her hands. "For now I have to leave. Have fun being the perfect citizen and never having your own thoughts again, Miss serial killer." Jumping into the air, her black gloved finger snatched my tail. Swinging my staff into her head, her body splashed into the water. Sage pulled me onto his bike, his bike speeding over the bridge. Scarlet burned my cheeks, his strong arm wrapped around my waist. So many nights did I wish that he would take me home to his bed. Shaking my head, a true police chief did not think like this. Chewing on my thumb, a light chuckle tumbled from my lips.

"Nice to see you again Artica, I have missed my partner." He growled huskily in my ear, my cheeks only burning brighter. "So this is what you have been up to. I can't believe Steph would do the same thing to me. It was a dark stormy night and I witnessed her placing my prints on the victim she had just killed. I am so sorry for not believing you." An apologetic smile met mine, his bike pulling into a nearby cave. Black scorpions crawled over the golden sands, a couple of rainbow snakes slithered behind them. Setting up a small fire, his slender hands lifted me off of his bike. His six foot three slender frame towered over my five foot seven hourglass figure, his hand peeling off my mask. My bangs hid my right black eye, his fingers sweeping my hair out of the way. Examining my face closely, his handsome face was inches from mine. My heart fluttered, his lips locking with mine sensually. Melting into his arms, his hand sliding down to the small of my back. Time stopped, this moment the very thing that I had always wished for. Releasing me from his spell, his warm eyes never left mine. Tracing my cheeks, his lips pressed against mine lustfully once more. Sinking further into his spell, his heart was beating as fast as mine.

"Why?" I stammered awkwardly, my eyes watching him come up with the right words. "I am not that attractive. I have mismatched eyes, ears and a tail." Biting his lips, he tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. Kissing my forehead, his hands held mine. Something about this moment felt so right.

"I have always wanted to do that, but work rules would never permit us to be together. Also you are the most beautiful woman that I have ever seen." He explained calmly, the dazed look still present on my face. "Are you okay? Did I go too far?" Shaking my head, my hands cupped his face. Kissing his lips sweetly, his hands slid down to my waist. A tender blush rose to his cheeks, Mouse clearing her throat in his ears.

"I can hear everything, and I am disgusted. Don't be gross, Sage!" She teased lightly, the two of us refusing to look at each other. "I am just kidding, he wouldn't stop talking about you. I am glad he finally had the courage. You two can rest for a couple of hours, but then you have to get a move on. You guys are the two top wanted criminals, so you can't linger for two long. Come home safe." Signing off, he flicked his thumb repeatedly until lime green flames danced on his fingertips. Lowering it to the wood, flames roared to life. Sliding down the wall of the cave, he clutched his side. Rushing to his side, my trembling fingers lifted up his shirts only to see an infected cut. Putting out the fire, he needed help now. Helping him to his motorcycle, despair burned in my eyes as I slid my mask back over my face. Tying my staff to my back, relief softened my face as the engine roared to life. Speeding towards the bunker hiding us all, three stressful hours passed with Sage holding onto my waist like his life depended on it. A decaying Victorian mansion loomed in front of us, Mouse scrambled out of the hidden metal door. Helping me with Sage, both of us groaned bitterly as we climbed down the ladder. Guiding him to the nearest bedroom, her dark brown sleek bob was the last thing I saw as she went to hide his bike in the hidden garage. Clammy sweat drenched his skin, a fever burning his cheeks. Lifting up his shirt gingerly, my fingers dug around for my pouch of first aid. Unfolding it on the nightstand, the item I needed was the antidote to the poison they had given him. Selecting the violet liquid, the needle welcomed the liquid.

"This is going to hurt. Many apologies, Sage.' I apologized sincerely, jamming the needle into his slide. A sharp howl of pain burst from his lips, his teeth gritting. Watching the poison foam to the top, Mouse passed me a bucket of warm soapy water. Her sage eyes bled panic, my trembling fingers accepting the water graciously. Wiping off the poison, I would have to go steal the ingredients to make more of that blasted antidote. Pulling out a stitching needle, the curved hook glistened in the light. Dragging a medium length of wire through the tiny hook, Mouse passed him a piece of leather to bite down on. Her giant black sweatshirt brushed up against me, her five foot frame hanging off of my back. Muffled screams escaped his lips, the needle gliding with ease through his skin. Pulling the skin together, my nimble fingers tied it off. Snipping off the excess wire, he struggled to sit up. Ripping the rags over his head, his six pack glistened with sweat. Swallowing the lump in my throat, his eyes fell on my homemade aspirin.

"Can I have some of that?" He queried gruffly, opening up the black canister. "I see you still make your own medicine. A lot of the slums could use your skills. They want the drugs without the chips. What do you think about setting up a clinic for them?" Curiosity shimmered in his eyes, his heart still as golden as the day I had met him. Swallowing the pills dry, he crashed back onto the bed. Ever the lazy officer, he always managed to come through when I needed him. Did he have to look so sexy though!

"I am going to get you some food. You must be starving." I stuttered nervously, his arms resting behind his head. "Do you miss anything in particular? I don't have much because I have to pick up our food from the farmers in the Badlands. Maybe you would like to come with me tomorrow? I have been putting them in the bunkers where they figured out how to grow food underground." Saying nothing for a moment, his one comment made my back stiffen up.

"I get to eat your food again. The thing is that I am starving for you." He mused playfully, running his hand through his wild hairs. "I will take whatever you make as long as I get to eat next to you, Arty." Mouse rolled her eyes, my boots pounding towards the kitchen. My mother's compass crashed to the floor, the gears spreading across the floor. Tears welled up in my eyes, the golden metal taunting me. Collapsing to my knees, a tortured wail escaped my lips. Fat teardrops crashed to the floor, this compass being the last thing my mother had given me. The corner of my lips quivered, my body slumping onto the nearest wall. Kicking the pieces down the hall, both Mouse and Sage ran up to my side. A confused look dawned on Mouse's face, Sage picking up every single piece. Tucking them into a leather bag, a simple wave of his hand sent Mouse scurrying off. Clutching me close to his chest, only he ever understood the importance of that compass to me.

"Next time we are in Hound City, I will have an ally fix it for you." He promised warmly, his gentle smile reminding me of my mother's when I was upset as a child. "I know everything about you. Did you know that I was arrested for keeping them off of your trail? Then she pinned a murder on me." His words stunned me, his love for me never dying. Guilt dimmed my eyes, knowing full well what he had gone through in the maximum prison. The bruises were only fresh on the top layer while older ones speckled his bare skin, his heart beating a mile a minute. His life had mirrored mine, the police chief from our childhood murdering our parents after a test. The whole force had their parents killed in front of them as well, the system poisonous to society.

"Don't worry about it." I whispered shyly, his hands cupping mine. "I can live without it." Shaking his head, he placed me on his back. Resting my head into the nape of his neck, his scent of cedar relaxed my muscles. Carrying me to the kitchen, he set me down by the steel metal counters. Poking my head into the cabinets, my arms were full of the ingredients for his favorite soup. Picking up a carrot, you would think that he had never seen one before.

"Did the city not have any fresh vegetables left?" I inquired cautiously, wondering how bad it had gotten. "Is there any food left?" His lips pressed into a thin line, my black lips sinking into a deep frown. Formulating what to say, his fingers drummed on the counter. Beginning to cook, the homemade broth splashed onto the top of my hands the moment I poured it into a pan. Peeling the vegetables, I cut off a piece of carrot for him. Pressing it into his palm, a grateful look twinkled in his eyes. Chewing on the carrot, a satisfied gasp escaped his lips

"Only the rich get to eat vegetables now. The slums are living off of the food cubes, you know the ones we got in prison." He complained bitterly, clenching his fists. "I tried to get them to just give me a bit of food from our vaults. If only we could dry the food, then we could sneak it in easier to the poor people." My heart fluttered at the sound of his plans, a crooked grin dancing across my lips.

"I can manage that if you wish me to figure it out. We both know that I scored the highest on all of the tests." I bragged humbly, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "I will just need to run some experiments. Is your uncle and his family still in the slums?" Scrunching up his nose, surprise rounded my eyes as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Rubbing my thighs together, his chin rested on the top of my head. Well this was not fair, his warmth heated up my soul. Thanking fate, it was amazing to have Sage back in my life. How was I going to survive his addicting kisses?