Chapter Three: The Trip to the Informant!


Jerking awake, a sharp gasp of air filled my lungs. Sage's head rested on the bed, his hand over my staff. The quiet snores bouncing off the bed, my fingers tracing the gauze around my neck. A flashback of Steph slitting my throat haunted me, my chest tightening. My breaths grew shorter, Sage's head snapping up. Clammy sweat drenched my skin, my trembling fingers ripping off all of the needles. The wounds sealed shut, Sage choosing to pull me into his arms. My breath hitched, teardrops soaked the top of my head. Clutching me close to his chest, my panic attack subsided. For some reason, seeing him like this dragged me out of my nightmare.

"You can relax. You have me now." Sage promised lovingly, lifting up my chin with his finger. "I love you Artica, so don't you forget that." Sighing deeply to myself, he had always been there to hold me my whole life. Gazing lovingly down at me, his lips kissed mine passionately. Melting into his arms, my walls were down. Embarrassment burned my cheeks, my tail wagging. Chuckling warmly to himself, his brow cocked playfully.

"I see you are happy to see me too." He joked lightly, kissing the top of my head. "I know you so well. We did grow up together after all. Also you were my partner for ten plus years." Pressing my lips into a thin line, the time on the digital clock caused me to fall out of his arms. Sprinting down the hall to our room, my trembling fingers ripping off my destroyed clothes. Sage nipped at my heels, my fingers pulling a simple black sweater dress over my head. Pinning me to the wall, his sage eyes glistened with adventure. Sliding down the wall, my hand clutched my stomach. Fuck! I moved too fast after almost dying. Coughing up blood, Sage rolled his eyes.

"I have a meeting at our only club hidden in between the city and Badlands." I wheezed, my throat still aching. "Will you let me go if I let you come?" Deir rushed into the room, slamming into my arms. Swallowing some blood, my arms wrapped around his shoulders. Burying his head into my shoulder, his tears soaked my dress. Sobs wracked his body, his fingers gripping my dress. His family had been brutally murdered in front of him, our relationship shifting into a sibling relationship.

"Don't you dare do that again!" He yelled brokenly, my ears flattening. "You are my sister, and you know it. I can't stand to lose anyone else in my life!" His words touched my heart, my lips kissing the top of his head. A scarlet puffy face stared up at me, my fingers wiping away his tears. Poking his nose, his face scrunched up in confusion.

"I have Sage to fight by my side." I chirped cheerfully, fighting the urge to scream out in pain. "I have a meeting today, but how about I hang out with you all day tomorrow. I need to check on you guys anyways. What do you say?" Leaping off of my lap, his boots clicked a song as he danced around. The joy in his wide grin made everything worth it. Bowing in my direction, another glob of blood resting in my throat. Clutching my stomach, a couple of my stitches began to pop. The throbbing pain protested violently, a bit of blood soaking my hand. Well, this can't be that great.

"Sounds like a plan." He exclaimed gleefully, kissing the top of my head. "I will be picking up at eight o' clock sharp. So be bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning." A wicked grin curled on my lips, his tenacity reminding me of myself when I was younger. Skipping down the hall, blood soaked my dress. Placing me on his back, Sage carried me down the twisting halls. Passing my staff to me, it shrank down to its normal size. Tucking it into my boot, his other hand held his gun. One of the villagers opened the door for us, my head resting on his back.

"You really should be more careful." He growled through gritted teeth, his face riddled with quiet annoyance. "I will stitch you back up at the club. You're lucky you're cute." Sticking my tongue out at him, his face softened. Flashing me a tired grin, an alligator splashed towards us. Raising his gun, the bullet hit the creature square in between the red eyes. Collapsing into a heap, thousands of rats scurried up to it, dragging it away. Shuddering, both breathed out a frightened hiss. Marching forward, a pissed Mouse ripped open the metal door.

"Where is my food!" She demanded angrily, her hunger clearly getting to her. "We only have a week left of food." My brow cocked, the daggers shooting from Sage's eyes shutting her down. Clearing his throat, a sibling fight seemed seconds from starting. Hopping off of his back, my body leaned against the wall. Rolling my eyes, there really wasn't any time for this.

"Could you argue later? I would like the door to be shut before an alligator comes in here to make me lunch!" I snapped hotly, lifting up my dress. "I am going to stitch myself back together now before we take off. I will be back with more food the day after tomorrow. I figured I should probably do my inspections. I promise to bring you some cookies. Calm your tits, Mouse." Sliding down the wall, a blast of stale air blew me back as Sage slammed the door shut. Nausea wracked me, a bit of my intestine peeking out. Sage's boots pounded down the hall, a medical pack in his hands. Putting a piece of leather between my fangs, his nimble fingers threaded the silver stitching needle. The needle slid between the skin, his fingers shoving my intestines back in at the same time. Intense pain burned the area, each stitch causing me to nearly break through the leather. Tying up the final knot, his face was inches from mine as he cleaned up the wound area. Her sword had really got to me, the wound throbbing angrily. Pulling the leather from my mouth, his lips pressed against mine sensually. Time stopped, my heart skipping a beat. For years I had always wanted him to kiss me like this, my dreams finally coming true. Releasing me from his spell, his scent sent my nerves into a frenzy. Sitting down on my lap, his hands cupped my face.

"Don't pop your stitches again." He growled huskily, locking his lips with mine hungrily. Sinking further into his spell, my mind wandered to how we would sit like this when we were kids. Mouse snapped her fingers, her brow cocking with frustration. A nervous grin tickled on my lips, her foot tapping impatiently. Shrugging my shoulders, her reaction made her look rather adorable.

"You have a meeting to go to. I have your evening masks ready, and the proper clothes for the club. There have been eyes on the club, so keep your eyes open." She warned icily, tossing us a couple of black garment bags. "I want you two back in one piece. I don't like who you are talking to. Get the information and get out. You two have quite the rewards over your heads." Stomping off her, a cookie hung out of her mouth. Hopping off of my lap, he peeled off his shirt. Revealing a six pack, the sweat dripped off of his abs. A lump formed in my throat, my thighs rubbing together. Cocky laughter rumbled in his throat, a deep crimson burning my cheeks.

"I can leave so you'll actually get dressed." He teased lustfully, buttoning up a black dress shirt. "If you want me to take you, I will when you are ready. Unfortunately, duty calls." Turning to leave, a squeak escaped my lips. Struggling to my feet, I turned my back to him. Peeling off my dress, wet blood smeared across my cheeks. Unzipping my bag, a black leather ball gown greeted me. The leather squeaked and squealed as I pulled it over his head, my lips pressing into a thin line the moment I realized that I couldn't reach the zipper. My breath hitched, his lips brushing against the nape of my neck as he zipped me up. Spinning me around, the material fluttered around my boots. His eyes shined with his deep love for me, his black silk tuxedo brushing against my skin. Wrapping his arm around the small of my waist, Mouse popped up again. Shoving us towards the exit, dread bubbled in my stomach. Shoving the skirt into the wide red leather belt, Sage pulled a leather black and red fox mask over my eyes. Each rung clanged with each step up, the purple rays painted the sky. Wandering over to the destroyed kitchen, Sage pulled out his bike. Pushing a button on the bike, it changed into a sleek black expensive bike.

"I see that she made some upgrades." I commented oddly, putting a helmet over my head. The mask had just barely fit, his black and red rabbit leather mask hiding his face. Hopping onto his bike, his gun flashed in the holster hidden in his suit. Chuckling happily to himself, he pulled his hair into a man bun. Offering me his gloved hand, his crooked grin made my heart flutter. Adjusting the plunging neckline, my ample breasts kept trying to escape. Accepting his hand, the harsh air of the Badlands lashed at my cheeks. Tying the skirt of my dress around my waist, my arms wrapped around his waist. The engine rumbled to life, the directions to the club hovering in front of him. Resting my head on his back, the sand turned into a bunch of rundown shacks and huts. My heart broke at the sight of them, all of those people were too poor to live in the city while still being forced to do the jobs that were assigned at birth. This system was too cruel, favoring the rich. The poor could never advance, doomed to work to death. My teeth clenched into a snarl, most of the women selling their bodies to make enough money for food. Silent tears streamed down my face, my mother and I had lived in one of those homeless cities before venturing further into the Badlands. The officers kicked and punched us for the hell of it, my mother losing a child because of their assault. For days after I held her in my arms, enough tears flowed from her eyes to drown us.

"We're here!" He announced a chirpy tone, the engine dying down. Helping me off the bike, his nimble hands untied my skirt. The black leather spread like a sea, people whispering sharply behind us. Something felt off, my trembling hands peeling off my helmet. My hair cascaded down my back, an elderly man in a garish golden suit tugged on my arm. His white cat ears flattened at my snarl, Sage leaning over my shoulder.

"I thought you were the musical act of the evening." He stammered nervously, his slender white tail twitching irritably. "I only have two minutes to find my act, or my boss will kill me." Groaning bitterly to myself, he was right. Vicious gang members usually ran these types of places, the tears flowing from underneath his white diamond mask crashing onto my skirt. Getting down to his level, his five foot frame made him so vulnerable. He had been one of the originals, the strain of the experiment evident on his misshapen hands. My duty was to help people no matter what, my heart sinking at the sight of his tears.

"I can do you one better. I will perform and talk to your boss." I offered kindly, my stomach aching. "You really should get out of this life, and find a peaceful one. This isn't any way to live, fear itself will only kill you sooner. His ocean blue eyes twinkled with excitement, his quaking hands cupping mine. Shame dimmed his eyes, his eyes refusing to meet mine.

"You're the former police chief Artica." He whispered softly, a tender blush rising to his cheeks. 'You have big fans out here. I, Snowball, am one of your biggest fans." A tortured smile dimmed my features, Slate slapping my shoulder to get me to act nicer. Clearing his throat, he offered out his hand. Snowball accepted it cautiously, Sage's charm winning him over instantly. Rolling my eyes, Sage had always been the more sociable one.

"How about a duet between lovers?" He suggested a bit too gleefully, my eyes narrowing in his direction. "You can come with us. I can't stand to see you wither away here. What do you say?" Nodding his head silently, Sage hid his bike in the bushes before popping up behind me. Guiding us through the stage door, his head swiveled around to see if anyone was around. Switching our masks, a short sigh escaped my lips.

"We can't have you recognized, now can we?" Snowball laughed softly, white fur peeking out from underneath his mask. "So do your number and meet your friend, or the other way around? I don't care." Go on the stage, his strong arms shoving us onto the stage. Sage whispered something into the bandmaster's ear. Adjusting their simple golden suits, the shrewd face twitching with pure annoyance. Tapping on his golden stand, a steady drum beat alerted me to what song it was. Offering me his hand, his deep rich voice sent chills up my spine. Spinning me around to the beat his eyes never left mine, my body trembling. The slow music caught the attention of the crowd, his feet barely touching the ground.

"There once a white vixen destined to save us all, her heart frozen with fear." He sang handsomely, the woman all swooning in the front. "A dark past follows her, her heart made of gold. Forever wandering the city alone until her prince came to rescue her." My tail spun around my body, his arms swinging me down. The instrumental break played, buying me some time.

"Sing like a good girl." He ordered curtly with a showman's smile, tossing me up into the air. Catching me in his arms, it was my turn. Swallowing the lump in my throat, my anxious smile not impressing the audience. Grabbing me by my waist, my nerves frayed slightly. Performances had never been my thing, he turned his head towards him. Never leaving his loving gaze, the words flew from my lips.

"The man found the vixen broken at her worst, offering her his hand." I sang sweetly, my voice sounding angelic. "Taking it, the darkness was soon swept away. Dancing to the rhythm of their hearts, they wished the night would never end. Smoke curled off of pitchforks and sticks, the villagers chasing them out of town. Wandering the desert, the two of them soon lay still in the golden sand." Tears welled up in my eyes, Sage wiping them away. A commotion broke the flow of the music, officers in black armor pouring in. A snarl curled on my lips, the officers shooting down the forgotten citizens. Digging in my boot, my fingers wrapped around the sleek staff. Tapping it on the ground, lightning crackled around it. The officers smelled dead, the rotting flesh sickening me. Pulling Sage behind the curtain, the walker virus had infected them in the Badlands. They needed to be put down, his eyes rolling. A bomb whistled, the whole club now laying in a growing pool of blood. Tossing Snowball onto my shoulder, the bomb would take care of them. Crashing out of the club, an orange explosion threw us into the nearby tree line. Bark crumbled over my head, my stomach stitches popping. Snowball stirred next to me. The bones of his left arm were shattered, guilt eating at me. Struggling to my feet, blood poured from the back of my head. My vision blurred, Sage calling out my name. A flash of pink armor caught my eye, a rose pink ax swinging inches from my face. Leaning back, blood soaked my dress. Clutching my stomach, blood flowed over my fingers. Falling to my knees, my staff shrank back down. Vomiting up an unnatural amount of blood, Snowball's lips were moving a mile a minute. Sage sprinted towards his bike, panic written all over his face. Struggling to my feet, my shaking fingers slid my staff back into my boots. Raising my fists, Snowball's eyes and nose bled profusely, my mind wondering what the hell he was planning. His bones cracked, his muscles snapping. Something big was about to go down, the dread in my stomach only making it worse.

"I am your informant, but it was a trap!" Sunshine announced proudly, the president's daughter flipping me off. "I am going to the be the one to capture you." Her long silky golden blond hair danced around her face, her silver eyes glittering with malice. The ground quaked violently, all of glancing over at Snowball. His body began to decay into snowflakes, his claws digging into the loose dirt. Tears welled up in my eyes, his sacrifice won't be forgotten.

"Get her out of here!" He yelled over the rumbling of his motorcycle. "This isn't going to be pretty. Thank you for caring for me." Sage scooped me up, my fists pounding at his chest. Clutching me close to his chest, a tear barely made it out of my eye before he revved his engine at the sight of an ice explosion heading our way. Wrapping my arms around his neck, he used his hand to pull a glowing lever that matched the metal of his gun. Yanking it forward, a still moment surrounded us while the whirring noise hummed louder. Blasting off, a couple of police bikes roared behind us. Each rev taunted us, my finger wrapping around Sage's gun.

"Code name Sweet Revenge." I commanded boldly, the gun shifting into a mixture of a shotgun and pistol. The blue lights flickered, black iron bullets whizzed by our heads. The blunt shotgun held an endless chamber of bullets, Sage holding me up. My vision blurred again, my aim a little shaky. Focusing a bit harder, the engine rested above the wheel. Only knowing this because I designed the bikes myself, my finger pulled on the trigger. A bullet popped from the muzzle, hitting the engine. Blue sparks bounced off the metal, the moment the bullet blasted through the metal.

"Code name grenade launcher." I wheezed, coughing up blood all over Sage's shoulder. Smoke curled off of the bike, only ten seconds remaining before blue flames devoured the rider. Hissing echoed in my ear, the metal gears switching to a five foot grenade launcher. Aiming for the base of a decaying metal lamp post, Sage held up the butt of the gun. Looking through the scope, my arm yanked back the trigger. Three blue grenades flew towards the lamp post, the metal screaming the moment it hit my mark. Metal groaned, the post preventing the officers from getting to me. One more thing before I fainted from blood loss, the words coming up with a fresh glob of blood.

Code name Energy Blaster." I whispered through a coughing fit of blood, Sage ripping off the bottom of my dress. The gun hissed once more, changing into one large barrel with a tiny handle. Resting it on my shoulder, only five seconds remained to save the rider. Charging up silently, my finger pulled on the trigger. A ball of blue energy smashed into the rider's chest, the crack of their ribs mixing with their scream as they flew off of the bike. The other bikes skidded to a stop, the officer mouthing thank you as blue flames devoured their bike. Collapsing onto his chest, rough darkness claimed me.