Chapter Nine: The Blizzard of a New Development


Sweeping up the dead rats, raw anger boiled in my veins. Cursing under my breath, Blizzard limped in. Guilt dimmed his eyes, my brow twitching irritably. Giving him the cold shoulder, his trembling hand picked up the dustpan. The heavy mood sullied the air, the torturous silence eating at both of us.

"The food supply wasn't touched." He stammered nervously, his bangs hiding his eyes. "I just needed to get something for my sister. She needed some information from the other bunkers." Tears welled up in his eyes, my lips pressing into a thin line. Frustration brewed in my eyes, the feeling of hopelessness haunting me. All he had to do was ask me to send him some backup, and not to go by himself. Do these people not realize that they are my family? Each one of their deaths would destroy me, the stress of being in charge of so many people getting to me. Why couldn't they just follow the rules?

"Are you listening to me?" He continued desperately, the wooden handle creaking underneath my grasp. "I am sorry, damn it! Won't you look at me, damn it! What did I do wrong!" Glancing over at him, tears flooded from his eyes. Swallowing the lump in my throat, my expression softened. Donning my brightest smile, my clammy hands lifted up his bangs. Seeing him this way only broke my heart, the whole incident was an accident.

"I am just frustrated you didn't ask for help." I admitted earnestly, wiping away his tears. "I am upset that you got hurt. The tunnels are dangerous without a second person going with you. You could have died, and what would I have done if that happened. Next time just ask me and I will send Mouse with you. Can you promise me that? You are family to me after all. You should know that you don't have to work alone anymore. What the hell is it going to take for you to realize you are a part of my pack." Wrapping his arms around my shoulders, he buried his face into my shoulder. Tears soaked my shoulders, the broom crashing to the floor. His past must have been horrible as well, stained with tragedy.

"I thought you hated me for not listening to you. My father would have killed me if I had made that same mistake." He sobbed brokenly, his hands gripping my tank top. "I will help you clean up the rats, so you can always count on me." Smiling jovially at me, he scooped up the dustpan. Sweeping the dead creatures into the dust pan, the big rodents clanged to the bottom of the metal trash can. Cursing to myself, the other gang's policies were much too harsh.

"I was just worried about you, that was all." I spoke softly, leaning on my broom. "How about we go and get what you need after we are done here? I know my way, and I can handle a gun. Even in this condition I have your back. I keep the alligators in the tunnel to keep the rat population down. If they have free reign over them, it prevents the rats from becoming a major problem. So let's hurry up. We really shouldn't disappoint your sister. She scares me quite a bit." Nodding silently, he shot me a thumbs up. Rushing to finish up, we wiped the sweat off of our brows. Tugging on my black sweatshirt and leather skirt, my hand spun my black staff around. She felt so nice in my palm, a sense of comfort washing over me.

"She needs some herbs in some cave, but I don't know what they look like." He stuttered anxiously, watching me dump the rats into the tunnel. Giggling blithely to myself, confusion dawned on his face along with my crooked grin. Passing me a couple of lists, these herbs were only in the cave a couple of miles from our bunker. His knowledge would be lacking, but these were ugly herbs used for the more complicated potions.

"You have to go above ground for these." I laughed blithely, locking the door. "Let's go before Sage finds out." A chill ran up my spine, Sage popping up behind me. A dark cloud hovered over his sweat soaked head, his arms folded across his chest. Tossing his gun into my sweaty hand, his eyes rolled. What was eating him? Doing favors was the only way to distract me from the aches and pains for a rare moment. This was his way of giving me my way, a reward much deserved coming his way.

"I can't stop you, so just be careful." He warned sweetly, his crooked grin melting my heart. "Blizzard would probably just bring back a bunch of poisonous plants. We can't have that, now can we?" Wrapping my arms around his neck, my lips locked sensually with his. Refusing to let go, both of our hearts beat out of our chests. An electrical jolt shocked us, the two of us ignoring the pain to keep kissing each other. Blizzard cleared his throat, a satisfied sigh escaping my lips. A portion of his abs stuck out of his black tank top, a bigger jolt knocking me to the ground. Damn my growing desire to jump him.

"Way to be, you jackass." I growled through gritted teeth while Blizzard laughed behind us. "I am going to be a bit. The cool night air should feel nice anyway." Struggling to my feet, he cocked his brow as I stuck out my tongue. A red deeper than his fever burned his cheeks, my heart shattering a bit at the thought of leaving him behind. Motioning for us to leave, we crashed towards the ladder. Tucking his gun into my inner pocket, the rungs clanged as we climbed up the ladder. Opening the hatch, my muscles screamed as I pulled myself out. Resting on the dry ground for a moment, my fever returned with a vengeance. Blizzard placed me on his back, an uncomfortable moment passing between us. Almost sensing Sage's jealousy, it took a second to figure out who would acknowledge it first.

"I will carry you, so just tell me where to go." He promised proudly, puffing out his chest a bit. "I am only helping out a fellow pack member." Putting it that way, it made sense. The guilt he still felt was rather apparent, his heart bigger than I expected. Pointing where to go, the cool night air lashed at my cheeks as he sprinted to the mouth of the cave. The night air felt nice, steam curling off of my flaming hot skin. Skidding into the cave, several giant lizards charged at us. Blizzard dropped me to the cool black rock, kicking me further into the cave. That was a little rough for my taste, the method shoving me to safety in the end. Turning back towards me, he motioned for me to go on. Flicking his wrists, several black daggers shot from in between his fingers. Gritting my teeth, the raw agony coursing through my body. Paralyzing me for a moment, every nerve in my body protesting for me to stop trying to do everything. Pushing through the pain, it burned like hell to even stand. Leaning up against the wall, the desired herbs caught my eyes. Blizzard crashed towards me, his hand holding his shoulder. Raising Sage's gun, a tortured wail escaped my lips. This pain only seemed to grow more unbearable by the second, the walls spinning around me. Blood poured from my nose, the drops plopping onto the rock. The lizards snapped their heads towards me, fear freezing me in place. Shit! Why couldn't I move? Smacking my face, a surge of energy coursed through me. Every muscle jerked awake, giving me just enough energy to survive for the moment. Sprinting to the herbs, my trembling fingers picked them all. Shoving them into the bag hanging off of my back, my feet pounded towards the lizards. Leaping over Blizzard, my foggy mind shouted out my options.

"Code name, Kisses of Sleep." I called out shakily, the gears whirring into a long tranquilizer gun. Aiming towards me the biggest one, my muscles screamed as I flipped upside down. Pulling the trigger, several darts bursting from the muzzle. Blue feathers quivered in the wet back, the creature stumbling around blindly. Bouncing off of the wall, more darts rained down on the creatures. Crashing with quaking thuds in front of him, my fingers wrapped around his wrists. Shoving him in between a large crevasse, cloaked figures leaping over the limp bodies. The hood fell, my breath hitched. Steph's red eyes examined the cave, her black armor glistening in the blue moonlight. Chills shot up my spine, a strange nervousness haunting her stern expression.

"Shit, she stole all of the herbs already." Steph groaned bitterly, Blizzard's scent covering mine. "Now she will breed successfully." Deep growls rumbled in her throat, my body resting on the other side of him. Attempting to run out to protect me, my hand pinned him to the wall. His eyes narrowed in my direction, my lips pressing into a thin line. We would be at her mercy if we tried anything stupid at this point, her strength surpassing mine on a bad day.

"You need to calm down. We don't have our masks on." I snapped hotly, watching them wander around looking for clues. "You are seriously injured, and I lack my powers. We would lose. So be patient and cover my scent." My breath ditched me as fingers drummed on the walls, Blizzard's lips moving a mile a minute. A clear haze hovered over us, Steph staring at us while not seeing us. Sweating bullets, my heart pounded in my ears. Never before had she gotten so close to me without noticing me.

"They must have gone." She barked venomously, punching the cave wall next to her. "I can't stand the White Vixen. She stole my prize cow, Sage. I was going to kill him in front of everyone to make an example of him!" My body stiffened at her words, rocks tumbling to her feet. A simple black masked official marched up to him, the president's son's name resting on the chest of the navy Italian suit. Folding his arms across his chest, his foot tapped impatiently. Running his black gloved hands ran through his slicked back blond hair. Silver eyes darkened with malice, his hand snatching Steph's wrists. Why did he seem so familiar? It was almost as if I had met him before, his coldness the opposite of Sage.

"You told me that you could find my Sunny. I was set to marry her off to my best friend, but she disappeared. If you don't find her in three weeks, I will fire you!" He threatened icily, pinning her to the wall, his six foot three frame towering over her. Fighting the urge to help her, Blizzard held me back. Tossing her to the ground, he dug his heel into her chest. I don't care how much I hated you, no one deserved that. No one deserved to be thrown around like a rag doll.

"I murdered my father a couple weeks ago, and you attempted to arrest me." He continued ferociously, her ribs cracking. "I am going to put you in jail if you fail, and replace you with my younger brother who will do anything I ask him to do. Get up, you piece of shit!" Kicking her in the stomach, no one deserved to be treated like this. Sauntering out of the cave, she struggled to her feet. Coughing up a tremendous amount of oil, she struggled to her feet. Running after him, so many thoughts coursed through my mind. Guilt gnawed at me, blood dripping from Blizzard's nose. A crazy idea bounced around my head, Steph needed to be rescued before she entered jail. The prisoners would tear her into pieces, dread bubbling in my gut. Sliding down the wall, the two of us waited for an hour before poking our heads out. Dusting off our outfits, we walked back together in horrid silence. Helping me into the bunker, Wolfston ripped the bag off of my back. Barely catching her wrists, I slammed her to the floor. Everyone gathered around, a snarl curling on my lips. Stupidity could only describe what she had done to her brother, putting him at risk like that.

"What are these herbs for!" I demanded furiously, sweat dripping off of my skin. "Why did you send him out on his own! He didn't know where to go, and I would have sent Sage or Sunny with him. Your brother could have died!" A steady stream of curse words flooded from her lips, her long fingers grasping my ankle. Whipping me to the floor, an invisible wall kept everyone away from us. Digging her heel into my chest, a sneer curling on her dark face. Unable to fight back, this only made the situation worse in my mind.

"I am creating an accelerator potion for your heat, but I didn't want you to know!" She retorted angrily, her ears flicking in all directions. "I see all of the pain you are in and I want to help you. You weren't supposed to find out. It now has bad intentions. I have a bone to pick with you. You haven't listened to my medical orders at all! I just want you to be okay. Did Sage let you go?" Sage shrank back, nervous laughter pouring from his lips.

"Furthermore! I have had it with your attitude problem with me." She ranted darkly, Sage sliding me her mask. "I am grateful for you rescuing me, but you still act like you don't trust me. Don't you get that I am on your side!" I had gone too far, knowing when to stop chastising her. Holding the black wolf mask up, her face softened. Putting it on, a wicked grin spread across her face.

"Do you like it?" I stammered anxiously, her heel stepping off of me. "If you need to go anywhere, it protects your identity." Taking her heel off of me, she clutched me close to her chest. Burying my head into her ample breasts, the air began to steal itself away from me. Lifting up my chin with her finger, player vibes swirled off of her. Passion described her basic instincts, her finger tracing my cheek. Scarlet burned my cheeks, Blizzard marching up to her. Placing his hand on her shoulder, the tension brewed between them.

"Let her go before I make you." He threatened with an evil grin, his good hand pulling me in the opposite direction. "She doesn't need to be a part of your perverted obsession. You really need to get laid." Her eyebrows twitched irritably, her grip only growing stronger. Feeling like a toy being forced to be shared with siblings, a quiet rage simmered within me. Mustering up all of my strength, black lightning shocked them. Falling to the floor, the two of them twitched as black smoke curled off of them. Stepping over them, my wall of sanity crumbled. Brushing past everyone else, so many thoughts haunted my mind. The image of that fucking dick kicking Steph while she was down caused my temper to flare, Sage's gun dropping to the floor. The metallic clang reminded me of the many times the warden had held a cold muzzle to the back of my head. Collapsing to my knees, a panic attack began. Endless days, that damn muzzle would be pressed against the back of my head for hours at a time. Never knowing whether you were going to die or live really tore at you mentally. My chest grew tight, my heart pounding faster than it should. Each breath grew shorter, my hand clutching my chest. Involuntary tears flooded from my eyes, my arms clutching my knees to my chest. Strong arms scooped me up, a solemn looking Sage carried me to our room. Crashing onto the bed, his arm flipped me over. Struggling to get out of his arms, his resolve held on strong. Every cell in my body told me to run to a private place, his arms refusing to let me go.

"I am going to hold you until you calm down." Sage promised warmly, my eyes refusing to meet his loving gaze. "I am sure a traumatic memory just hit you. I get panic attacks all of the time as well. We spent time in prison and let's just say it wasn't easy for us." Snuggling my head into his firm chest, his arms held me like his life depended on it. Giving in felt so wonderful, anxiety mixing with nausea at the prospect of my next words. Already knowing that they were going to trigger him, this was a ship just waiting to be sunk on its maiden voyage.

"We need to rescue Steph." I blurted out cautiously, watching his face harden. "She is being controlled by the new president. His son murdered him and he wants to arrest everyone who doesn't comply." Glass shattered at the foot of our bed, Sunny standing there. Watching her reaction unfold looped over and over again, my nightmare just beginning. Her eyes fluttered with wet tears, a broken scream exploding from her lips. Leaping from his arms, my panic attack died down. Mixed emotions flashed in her eyes, her whole body quaking wildly.

"Is that true?" She sobbed violently, my arms embracing her like a sister would. "I was going to just put him in prison so we could work on our relationship. Perhaps it was my older brother pulling the strings and not my father." Burying her head into my shoulders, tea pooled around my feet. Broken pieces of glass buried themselves into my heel, silent tears flowing down my face. Unfortunately, she was wrong. She was as wrong as the pieces of glass digging into my heels. For generations, her family has run the city like that. Every moment I spent with him, his plans only got worse. Every bill he passed only benefited him, the poor people suffering more.

"I think everything was on his own accord." I pointed out, hoping that she wouldn't kill me. "I am sorry if that hurts your feelings. I had to stand next to him during all of the discussions and signing of all of the bills. Sorry." Shoving me off, shock rounded my eyes as she slammed a thick shard of glass into my side. Horror rounded her eyes, instant regret dimming her eyes. Rolling my eyes, she attempted to rip it back out. Shaking my head, Sage still struggled to comprehend the information in front of him. Jumping to his feet, my hand stopped him.

"I am so sorry. " She apologized profusely, my hand stopping her. "I just lost it for a minute. You're right. He would brag about it at dinner. He was an awful man, but my older brother is twice as bad. He will burn the city down if he has to if anyone stands in his way. We have to stop him and rescue my little brother. I know he can be swayed." Running down the hall, she waved goodbye. A black eyed Sage pinned me to the wall, his hand pushing the glass in further. Why the hell was he losing his composure so much lately? Biting my lips, this wasn't going anywhere.

"Why would we help that brat!" He growled through gritted teeth, ripping the glass out. "Tell me now or you will bleed out!" Clutching my side, blood cascaded over my fingers. Unable to move, he only put more of his weight on me. Trembling underneath, my quills needed to be shown.

"She was being beaten in front of me, and showed some humanity!" I retorted desperately, my vision blurring as claws extended from his fingers. "My duty as a leader is to protect those smaller than me. She is the small guy, and needs our help." A broken whine escaped my lips, his claws digging into my shoulder. Reaching into my nearby boot, a milky liquid in a needle spun in my palm. Slamming it into his neck, his eyes rolled back. Collapsing to the floor, the overwhelming sensation of fear crashed over me. Leaning on the wall, my ability to heal was currently shut down. Searching for Wolfston, she was the only one who could fix me. Blood soaked my outfit, my vision blurring. Sinking to my knees, my own blood pooled around me. Crawling on all fours, a pair of black heels came into view, a white tail tickling my nose. The sensation of relief crashed over me at the sight of the good doctor tossing me over her shoulders. Walking past the kitchen, she dropped me on her cot. An already threaded needle shimmered in her hand, her white gloved hand guided the needle through the skin with ease. The weird thing was that I felt no burning sensation as she finished up her first job.

"Why can't I feel any pain?" I inquired softly, watching her with childlike wonder. Smiling warmly to herself, my mask hung off the wall. Beginning on my shoulder, a potion boiled away in the corner. Ruffling the top of my hair, she crouched down to my level. Her motherly nature calmed the storm crashing around in my body, her teeth gritting into a thin line.

"I take on my patient's pain for a couple of hours." She explained gently, attempting not to alarm me. "It was a skill that I learned when I was in charge of healing my entire gang. I am so happy to be a healer, but also glad my father taught me how to fight as well. Oh yes, I want to apologize for earlier. I was just so thankful for my mask. Do you know how many of us rebels wish to have that honor?" Confusion dawned on my face, her nimble fingers finishing up my other shoulders.

"I don't understand. My goal is for no one to get hurt." I replied simply, fighting the urge to cry. "I don't want any lives to be lost." Shaking her head, she offered me a glass of water. Nursing my cup of water, the cot creaked as she sat down next to me.

"What do you think about forming contracts with the non-violent gangs? You know, the ones who live outside of the city." She suggested seriously, crossing her hands. "They are hunting us down left and right. So please help us. Then we can grow more crops to trade among each other. What do you think about rescuing Steph? She has her hands tied behind her back, and begged me for help the last time I spoke to her. She is my best friend and has been seeking a way out. I have a favor to ask you. Could you save my friend? I am so worried about her." Bowing my head, teardrops plopped onto my lap. The fact that she had a friend only made her more human, part of me happy that she was created after all.

"I wanted to save her!" I shouted brokenly, my mind flashing back to the physical abuse. "I saw the bastard kick her in the stomach and told her that she only has three weeks to find Sunny or she goes to jail. I can't have that happen. I am a firm believer in second chances." Tears welled up in her eyes, her hand wrapping around mine. Relief twinkled in her eyes, gratuity evident in her face.

"Thank you so much." She blubbered, wiping away her tears. "I am so glad you are willing to help. I hope it won't take too long." Pressing my lips into a thin line, the next words doomed to be an arrow to her heart. Cupping her other hand, a deep concern flashed in her eyes.

"That will have to wait until they transport her to the prison." I explained with uncertainty in my voice. "We will have to raid the prison vehicle carrying her. I know she was your friend, but you have to recognize that she needs to learn a valuable lesson in humility or she won't work with us. There will be a personal issue with her when she pinned a couple of her murders on my fiance. Didn't she arrest you anyway?" The corner of Wolfston's lips twitched, a strange quietness coming over her. Finding the right words, her grip grew stronger.

"She told me that you would break me out." She admitted with frustration in her eyes. "I think she was hoping that you would. I know she fucked up, but please forgive her. Do it for me." Hollow footfalls caught our attention, a furious Sage fuming in the door frame. His chest huffed, his eyes back to normal. Shaking his head, his fang bit his bottom lip. That was a tell tale sign that his point needed to be heard.

"I can't!" He snapped hotly, slamming his fist into the wall. "She left me to rot in jail and I can't for-" Wolfston jumped to her feet, the crack of slap on his cheek stunning me. My breath hitched, her fist slamming into his stomach. Clutching his stomach, a bruise formed on her knuckles. My jaw dropped to the ground, frozen with shock.

"She did that to get you to Artica." She groaned bitterly, confusion mixing with the pain on Sage's face. "She knew that she would rescue you. This whole time she has been setting up the shutdown of the current system. She pulled a Mouse. So what do you say to that, Sage!" Standing up straight, the hatred brewed between them. Shoving a note into his chest, his eyes scanned the paper. Crumbling it up, his expression softened. A deep sigh escaped my lips, my hands crossing. Submitting to the situation, his tired eyes flickered in my direction.

"I get it. She was continuing Artica's plan. I am sorry for getting mad but you have to understand where I am coming from." He apologized exhaustively, the black bags hollowing out his eyes. "She ruined my life. I was put through scientific experiments and horrible abuses of all kinds. It will take a bit to forgive her. Can you handle that?" Crashing back onto the cot, sweet exhaustion swept me away.