Chapter Twenty-Two: The Vixen Needs her Rabbit


Arty scrubbed desperately at the blood stain on the concrete floor, her tears mixing with the soapy water. Refusing to acknowledge the fact that the stain couldn't be cleaned up, her panic attack grew worse by the second. Fright rounded her eyes, my eyes scanning the fresh scars all over her skin. How did she get those?

"Do you want to t-" I stopped at her hand raising into the air, my lips pressed together. Struggling to find the words, her fingers clung desperately to my fresh tank top. The hurt in her eyes shattered my heart, the signs of a mental breakdown prospering in the moment. Choosing to let her have it seemed to be the wise thing to do here. The walls she built would come down temporarily thus allowing her emotions to run freely.

"She is twice as powerful as me and I can't beat her." She repeated numbly to herself, seeing her scared frightened me. "I need to get stronger. She had fucking fans with endless steel blades. She never tires. I can't beat her. I can't beat her at this level. I fucking cut off her hands which only set her back." Returning to the blood stain on the concrete, she must have known that the stain would never come out. Knowing how she broke down mentally, such a thing was normal.

"She doesn't tire like I do." She continued brokenly, scrubbing harder. "I am such a failure. I don't deserve the life I have." This was clearly more about her recent losses than a crummy enemy. Her left fist clenched something, a small piece of silk poked out from in between her fingers. Having seen this once before when she was seventeen and about to free my sister, albeit she wouldn't talk back then. Wandering over to the door, her teary eyes met me locking the door. Each step closer to her, her body tensed up. Every breath grew shorter, the quicker it got resulted in harder scrubbing. The brush snapping in half did little to quell her swelling anxiety, the result was her pressing her forehead to the soapy puddle. Pulling her into a warm embrace, my lips kissed the top of her head.

"Hey, hey, hey!" I uttered rapidly, listening to her heart race. "You have the A-team behind you now. We can wear her down and you can deliver the final blow. How does that sound? For some reason I doubt what this is even about. Can you take a couple of deep breaths for me?" Shaking her head, violent sobs wracked her body as her fingers grasped my tank top. Ten solid minutes passed until she took the first deep breath, several following after. Relief washed over me as her heartbeat slowed down to her resting rate, her breathing following suit. Collapsing into a paralyzed heap of muscles, my arms scooped her up. Laying her down gingerly, the bed groaned as she curled into a ball. Tears stained our sheets, her next words sending chills up my spine.

"Why did cancer have to steal him away? He was a good guy who didn't deserve any of that." She cried brokenly, her claws extending from her fingernails. "Everyone I love seems to die. I will never have another father figure in my life. You didn't see the life drain away from either of their eyes. Everything is my fault." Peeling of my boots, a numb expression draining away any emotion. Climbing into the bed, my arm curled around her bump. Cupping my hand, nothing needed to be said. The truth of it all had come out, my ears perking up at a knock on the door. Snapping out of it, she tugged on her favorite scarlet sweater dress. Rushing to the door, the distraction was a welcome change. Ripping open the door, Mouse let herself in.

"I felt your distress from a mile away and brought you your favorite snack." She offered sincerely, placing a plate of marinated veggie wraps. "I made them myself with help from everyone else. We want you to be okay. So if you ever need a day off we are here for you." Cocking her brow, Arty accepted the wraps graciously. Setting them down, her sharp eyes picked up something else. Folding her arm across her chest, she opened the door a bit more. Everyone waited patiently outside, various offerings rested in their palms. Steph had a pile of her favorite books, while the boys held out different games. Shrugging her shoulders, she dragged out a large Japanese dining table.

"How about we have a game night with these delicious snacks. Who's ready to lose?" She chirped cheerfully, dusting it off. "We all need to blow off steam. Am I right?" How could she switch moods so fast? Alfred popped up next to me, his hands resting behind his back. Gazing at her with the deepest worry I had seen from him, his lips parted to speak.

"Shouldn't we intervene?" He questioned correctly, my head shaking. "I don't understand." Resting on the edge of the bed, he copied me. An argument ensued about which game to play, her throat clearing shutting them down. Picking a card game, everyone settled in.

"No. This is how she copes. As unhealthy as it is, she will work it out in time." I explained with a weary smile, his expression softening. "How about you have some fun while we can have it." Put off by my irked tone, Arty glanced up at me. The game began, laughter filling the air. Taking a break from the game, her sharp gaze fell on Wolfston. Panic twisted my face, the wrong questions were about to be asked.

"Did you make a serum to double someone's demon's powers?" She interrogated seriously, her stern face stunning us all. "Alfred, was Mink your servant? I am trying to put the pieces together." The two of them stood too stunned to speak, guilt dimming both of their eyes. A triumphant grin lit up her face, her head resting on her hands.

"Since that is true, you can create a venom of sorts to null the effects. Am I correct?" She implied slyly, dragging the answer out of her. "Starting tomorrow, we will be coming up with a formula to nix her power up. Here's another question, does it make them angrier or violent in any sort of way?" Wolfston's fingers drummed the table, her eyes narrowing in her direction. Tension brewed between them, Blizzard perking up at the fight.

"Only if they were evil to begin with. For example if I gave it to you it would only double your power without changing your personality." She growled through gritted teeth, throwing her cards in her face. "I am an ethical scientist not the monsters currently operating in secret." Arty slammed her fists on the table, her tail twitching irritably. Every now and then these two had issues getting along.

"I know that. I just had my ass handed to me by someone who matches my strength, and doesn't surpass it. That is why I am riding your fucking ass." She snapped hotly, Wolfston flashing an apologetic smile. "Alfred, what is your history with the Mink bloodline? You two are connected but I can't seem to place the puzzle pieces together." Chewing on her lip, he ran his hand through his wild hair. Clearing his throat, he didn't want to answer.

"That is an old feud." He sighed with an equally irked tone, the bed frame creaking underneath his grip. "My father murdered her husband. She is older than me. He kidnapped her and changed her into what he was. That is why she murdered him and took over. Her husband was a criminal who massacred his entire city in the fallout. She was behind his plan and should have been executed with him. Of course, she snaked her fingers into my veins. That is your answer." Struggling to her feet, she stole a wrap from the platter.

"Thanks for the answers. I am going to upgrade our armor. I will be taking my meals that I don't cook in the workshop." She announced venomously, sauntering out of the room. "Have a nice evening." Downing the wrap, she grabbed three vials of her medicine. Slamming the door behind her, I massaged my forehead. All of them gazed up at me, a nervous grin twitching on my lips. What the fuck do I say?

"What happened in the few minutes we weren't around?" Mouse demanded impatiently, noting my fraying nerves. "She is your wife after all. How can we do our job if she keeps it hidden? Now she is withdrawing like when she first showed up to me. Fix her." Putting my hands up in the air, a snarl curled on my lips.

"I am just as lost as you are!" I roared with intense frustration, cursing to myself. "If I knew how, we wouldn't be here right now. If you must know, Mink stole her from the real world and kicked her ass in the dream realm. We should be scared if she is. I will do my best." An awkward silence filled the room, an apologetic Arty knocking on the door. Wiping away her tears, she plopped back down at the head of the table.

"We are facing a crisis that is beyond me so I am asking for your guys' help." She admitted sheepishly, passing out blank pieces of paper. "We need to work together to do this right. I want all of your strengths and weaknesses so I can maneuver you to the proper places." Setting a pile of pencils in the center of the table, the tips glided across the paper. Jumping to her feet, she pressed a piece of paper and pencil into his chest.

"You will be one of the most valuable players in all of this." She promised him sweetly, hugging him warmly. "I am sorry for my temper. The amount of stress I am under is crushing me. I feel like I can open up to you. I need you to write all you know about her." Tatiana raised her hand, Arty rushing over. Helping her fill out the paper, her bat ears pinning back. Her eyes glittered at the lesson, someone else asking for her assistance. A sadness hid underneath her bright smile, the desire to help overriding everything else on her mind. Collecting the papers, she sent them all away. Spreading them out on the table, Alfred dropped his paper into her hand. Stopping him from leaving, a genuine look of concern wore on her face.

"Let me know if anything is going down between Steph and you. I would like to prevent too big of a fight." She commented offhandedly, leaning on her elbows. "Go get some sleep, kid. I can't be the only one not sleeping around here." Leaving with a quick wave, her eyes fell on the papers before her. Moving them around, the only thing I could do was watch.

"Are you going to sit your ass down and help me figure this out?" She teased playfully, happy to have something to work with. "I want to sit on your lap, Sage." Not having to ask me twice, her tired eyes watching me pick her up as I plopped down. Setting her down on my lap, her hands cupped my face. Locking lips with me sensually, time stopped. Thump, Thump! Her heartbeat was all I could hear, her fraying nerves relaxing to the normal level. Releasing me from her spell, a coughing fit wracked her body. Horror widened my eyes at the sight of the blood painting her hand. Wiping it off on her dress, her frightened gaze refused to meet mine. Choosing to ignore it, the next topic came to mind. Placing Blizzard and Gilly into the first pile, she stuck Alfred and Sunny into the other. Focusing on Wolfston and Tatiana, she scratched her head. Setting them aside, only Steph remained.

"Blizzard and Gilly will be the wrecking balls while Alfred and Sunny can take down the front line with ease. Tatiana will form the medical team with Wolfston. Her fighting skills are the weakest among us but her IQ rivals mine. Steph will fight by our sides. How does that work out?" She thought out loud pulling out a map of the city, a red marker spinning in her palm. "We know the president lives here. Alas it would be foolish to attack head on. We will have to infiltrate a ball of course to gain the number of her body guards. The ball would prove to be an option to test Wolfston's venom to weaken her. So much to do." Flipping around to face me, she pinned me to the floor. Resting her head on my chest, her snores rang in my ear. Embracing her shivering body, her new scars throbbed angrily. What kind of a fight did she get into? Taking a deep breath, sweet slumber stole me away.

Standing in an endless sea of ruby, my attention fell on the figure approaching me. My breath hitched at the former servant of Alfred, her bloody stubs stealing my attention. Cocking her head, she limped towards me. Skin tore, a pair of metal hands broke through. Flipping her tight curl over her shoulders, her mink ears pinned back. A pair of steel fans rolled to the tip of her fingers, a wild gust threatened to rip them out of the steady hands.

"I want you to deliver a message to the White Vixen. We didn't finish our fight." She groaned dully, a look of pure terror twitched on my face. "I can grow any part she cuts off. Seriously, one would think she would use her genius brain and join me. I am extending you a free invitation to my masquerade ball. The catch is I get to kill her in front of my hungry crowd." Raising her fans in the air, one flick of the wrist sent a wall of steel blades in my direction. Placing my arms in an x, every single blade bounced off the dome of protection. A broken Arty limped in, several blades sticking out of her arms. Shaking them off, her staff spun in her palm. Her hair blew back, the reverse bob looking sexy on her.

"I will figure you out." She warned darkly, raising her staff in the attack position. "I know you took some sort of enhancer. I can't stand cheaters. How could you lie to me? Get your beady little eyes out of my husband's head." A psychotic grin plastered itself on her worn face, another flick of her wrist sending a barrage of steel blades her way. Creating a counter wind, the blades switched direction. Leaping out of the way, Mink got out without a scratch. Popping up behind Arty, one swift swing had her pinned against the wall of my mind. Lightning crackled up her arms, Mink's wicked laughter echoed hauntingly around my mind space.

"You can't kill me even if you wanted to." She bragged cruelly, slamming her boot into her chest. "Show me how tough you can be. Let your husband see your true nature." Snapping her fingers, the scene shifted to the murder scene of her warden. Barely blinking, Arty clapped her hands, the scene changing into the day her husband died. Her death glare bore into the depths of Mink's empty soul, seeing what she needed to see. The delayed reaction of her impact shattered her ribs, Arty struggled to catch her breath.

"You gave your soul to the inner demon, unleashing a true monster. "How could you ever compare me to you? I may be falling apart from the inside but I know who I am. Bring it on." Arty insulted her coolly. Unable to move from my spot, Arty's left eye twitched irritably. Gears shifted, her staff changing into a high power hunting rifle. Releasing a barrage of bullets, the kick back shattered her shoulders. Sinking to her knees, blood dripped from the corner of her lips. The bullets bounced off her steel chest, the bullets riddling Arty's chest. Crying out for the fight to stop, both of them glanced over at me with twisted expressions haunting their features. Mouthing a healing spell, a coughing fit shook her body. Perfect bullets clanged to her feet, her gun shifting back into her staff. Scanning her enemy for any weakness, the beatings were a direct ticket into her enemy's mind. Mink sprinted towards her, the last of Arty's ribs clicking back into place. Dodging her attack with ease, the pattern had been figured out. A tear popped up behind Mink, the sly character bouncing out. Sinking to her knees, Arty's palm pressed against the bloody grass. A wave of energy changed it to the ocean we always went to on our days off, my breath hitching at the way the sunshine bathed her. The dome faltered, her hand reaching for mine. Curling my fingers around hers, her feet pounded towards the foamy waves. Stopping at the edge, her worn face met mine. Clutching her close to my chest, her frail body shivered in my arms.

"I am so cold." She whimpered in a defeated tone, seeking the warmth of my body heat. "I am so sorry for scaring you." Melting into my arms, the sound of Mouse's voice snapped us out of my dream.

Jerking awake, Mouse hovered over us. Arty still slumbered away, my little sister pacing back and forth. The source of her stress soon found its way into our room, Steph and Alfred were deep into a shouting match. Glancing at their bloodied uniform, a venomous Arty jumped to her feet. Stepping in between them, both reached for each other. Taking them both by their collars, the insults flung on either side of her.

"Do I even want to know what brought this on?" She growled through gritted teeth, her hands trembling with a new weakness. "I was getting some sleep for once and you had to find your way in here." Steph burst from her grip, her bare foot kicking him in the chest. Alfred snarled like a wild animal, an agile leap over their head had the two of them squirming next to each other on the floor. Sitting down on the two of them, her tail twitched with raw agitation. A snarl twitched on her lips, the common fear of her calming them down.

"She started screaming at me out of the blue." Alfred squeaked out, clammy sweat drenching his skin. "That was when she began to punch me for my past mistakes. I already said I was sorry a million fucking times!" A stern gaze shortened his outburst, her eyes falling on the fuming Steph.

"I don't want to forgive you yet." Steph grumbled under her breath, her eyes narrowing in Alfred's direction. "You can't really think that by apologizing a million t-" Arty clapped her hands, the very same technique she used to use when Mouse and I fought when we were younger.

"He told us when you were going to get arrested. I don't expect you to be friends but I expect you to be courteous with each other." She commanded boldly, her lips pressing into a thin line. "Am I understood? Play nice or I will make you sleep in the same room until you can stand each other. Again! Am I understood?" Nodding solemnly, they scurried away as she struggled to her feet. Mouse passed her an iced tea, a bright smile quelled her fraying her nerves. Accepting it graciously, the two of them chatted pleasantly. Rolling my eyes, my knees groaned as I struggled to my feet. Insomnia affected us all, a motherly Arty following Mouse out of the room. Smiling warmly to myself, everything felt like it was going to be okay for the first time in our lives. Lord, bathe us with your light.