Chapter Thirty-Two: The Rise of a Living Agent


Horror mixed with panic at her draping over his arms, the crystal clattering to the floor. Stopping it with my toes, it was hot to the touch. Dropping it again, my eyes noted a small line of blood dripping from the corner of her mouth. Choking on my fear, he carried her to one of the spare bedrooms. Tucking her in, the crystal spun in his hand. How could he freaking hold it but I couldn't?

"She'll be fine." He assured me with a warm smile, motioning for me to sit. "I didn't think anyone would be strong enough to make a holy crystal. Make sure she uses gloves next time. These suckers can do a number on you. Don't worry about the baby by the way. I have loads of work to do but do me a favor and tell her to visit the kids once she wakes up. Congratulations, my dear friend!" Exiting the room, the diamonds on our masks stole my attention. Laying back, Arty stirred awake. Groaning groggily, she leaned over the edge of the bed. Hot vomit burned its way up her throat, the chunks hitting the bottom of the can. Cursing under her breath, she leapt off the bed. Sliding on her boots, a steady stream of curse words flooded from her lips with every attempt to tear her reaper's cloak. Taking the knife off the table next to her, she cut off a small piece. Tying it around the crystal, my heart stopped for a moment at a reaper standing in front of her. His robes floated around his skeletal feet, his black leather gloves glistening in the light. Taking off her cloak, her sweatshirt and tank top floated to the floor. No fear burned in her eyes, the two of them looking upon each other with respect. Reapers usually come to take a soul not to help a person when they call for them.

"If you do this, then you have to serve as a reaper in the afterlife." He warned her cautiously, taking off one of his gloves. "How can I sweeten the pot?" Clutching her hands to her chest, a long sigh poured from her lips. A look of sadness dimmed her eyes, a single tear slid from her eyes. Her ability to seek the light at the end of the tunnel was a gift, her next words sending chills up my spine.

"Carve a home for my family and friends in the realm of the reapers if they wish to join me in the afterlife. I would like to come home to my family. They are my family at the end of it all." She pleaded through a wall of tears, his hand hovering over her back. "Helping people move on is nothing. You know I have the compassion for that. I need to do this to save the church and its blessed people. Please do it already." Placing her hand on her back, a tattoo of inky wings formed itself on her back. Crying out in pain, the left wing began to burn up as inky blood dripped from her back. The bleeding stopped, the result was one perfect wing while the other one had frayed edges. Her staff floated into the air from her boot, the weapon shifting into a sleek black scythe. Mixed emotions flashed in my eyes, something was different about her. Physically she looked the same, her scent shifting into the soft scent of a water lily.

"You can't change your weapon anymore. You can touch other living people until you die. You will be called to do some soul deliveries." He informed her briskly, watching her get dressed again. "This is the most important rule. Don't lose your scythe. You will have twenty four hours to live if it disappears. Find it or become one of us for real. Do you understand? Now that crystal can save everyone." Brushing past him, I tossed her mask to her. Lowering it over her face, the sound of impatient knocks echoed in the church. Staring death in the face brought me to my knees, his ruby eyes falling on me. Tugging on his glove, he picked up my hand. Silent tears stained my cheeks, my face paling further. Horror rounded my eyes, my trembling hands struggling to hold the twins. Why was this so frightening to me? She looked at him as if he was another human, not a bringer of death.

"She is a living reaper which means that when you die, you can live with her in the realm of the reapers. It is a lonely existence." He warned me warmly, his aura feeling like a bear hug. "I welcome all of her friends and family. Support her and make sure she keeps her scythe near her at all times. I get the sense that she can be a tad forgetful." Havianna skidded in, taking the twins from me. Disappearing in a puff of smoke, the reaper was gone. Snatching my mask, I lowered it over my face. Sprinting through the halls, Arty stood centimeters away from the large church doors. Holding her head high, her wicked grin scared me more than the reaper.

"Let us in, you filthy fox!" Mink shouted on the other side of the door, lightning crackling around her scythe. "I want to devour and bathe this city in darkness." Inky drops stained the worn floor, the crystal absorbing her blood. The little sick children hid behind Wolfston, all of their eager eyes filled with horror upon every passing second. Arty was doing her best to keep everything under control, her presence giving everyone a solid peace of mind.

"I don't think so." She returned sarcastically, passing the crystal to a trembling Ash. "I am going to unleash a blessing to undo your reign bit by bit. Then I can kick your ass until you are with us no more. Say the prayer now!" Ash stepped up to a cross painting missing a crystal, his hands trembling. Pressing his palms together, Arty pressed her palms against his. Energy built in the air, my eyes proving to be the only one picking it up.

"Combine the prayer of a father with an angel. Give these blessed souls protection and the ability to make food and shelter." They chanted together, the crystal began to glow, blood pouring from the corner of their lips. "Oh mighty Lord, please grant us these simple wishes." Placing the final crystal into its place, lightning mixed with white energy blasted everyone back. Her cloak floated up, both of their bodies struggled to stay standing. A dome hummed over the church, the slums lighting up with similar domes. Sinking to their knees, a cross had been burned into their palms. Mink twitched outside, the officers dragging her away. Wiping the blood from their lips, they gave each other a high five. Helping each other to their feet, she placed her hands on her hips. Donning her false front like usual, my wife simply chose to brush off the pain.

"Let's build some garden beds so you guys can start growing your own food more efficiently if you have already tried. The kiddos can even get in on it." She chirped cheerfully, waving at the kids. "You guys are all safe. The only thing I need is for you to get better. Can you do that for me?" Smiling kindly upon them, they pressed their palms together. Seeing the raw excitement in their eyes made it all worth it, my heart fluttering at the sight.

"Yes, White Vixen." They shouted together, Wolfston telling them that it was time to go to bed. "Thank you!" Leaving the four of us alone, three bags of fertilizer dropped to our feet with seeds of all kinds. Picking up the gardening supplies, she followed him to poorly constructed plant beds. Taking them apart, her need to make things better took her to a place of intense concentration. Toiling away for hours, she would take breaks to feed the twins and herself. Stepping back, perfect garden beds waited for their seeds. Wondering how she managed that in such a short amount of time, her real smile caused a tender blush to rise to my cheeks.

"I need you to do something for me. Build more of these beds when you get enough seed from your crops. Pass the food out during church services. The fertilizer is designed to grow food three times as fast. That being said, seeds shouldn't be a problem." She explained calmly to an eager Ash, the kids gathering at the back door. Spinning on her heels, her bright smile made them all light up with childlike wonder.

"Who wants to learn how to garden?" She chirped cheerfully, the kids running to her sides. "First we need to make a bunch of holes." Her beauty in this moment stole my breath away, the afternoon rays painting her as an angel. Working with the kids all afternoon, laughter twinkled in the air. Stopping in front of the bathhouse, she paused for a second. Rubbing the back of my neck, a white robe hung off of her arms. Ever effortlessly gorgeous as usual, the look on her face reminded me of all the tender moments we had together.

"Sorry about becoming a living reaper but now the people should have food, especially the orphans. I hope that it all works out." She apologized with a nervous grin, her scythe was tied to her back. "I will have to make a lockable case for my new weapon but life sure has a way of taking you somewhere else." Opening the door, a small gasp of surprise left her lips at me grabbing her wrist.

"Promise me that I have a place in your reaper's home." I pleaded desperately, her hands cupping mine. "I want to be by your side no m-" Kissing the top of my hands, her loving gaze fell on mine. Her real smile made my heart flutter, her wink causing scarlet to color my cheeks.

"As if I would leave you all behind in the afterlife. I said that I would always protect you guys." She assured me darkly, a wicked grin scaring me. "Alfred will be my first victim for sure. That brat has so much to pay for. Time to take a bath!" Stepping through the door, I couldn't help but to peek in. Her tattoo caught my eyes, a nun tapped my shoulders. Her robes bounced with each word, her polite smile hid annoyance.

"I am afraid you can't look, good sir." She uttered politely, her hands slamming the door shut behind me. "We have to keep the water pure as possible. Father Ash would like to speak to you alone. He has much to discuss with you. Havianna has the twins with her anyways. The lady of the church promised to let no harm befall them. Thank you for letting her visit the children. It always makes their day." Following her to his office, he sat at a worn wooden desk. Pictures of his father lined the wooden walls, the happy memories of them warming my heart. Stopping at a picture of Ash and Arty playing together, a soft chuckle tumbled from his lip.

"She became a living reaper to save the church. I wouldn't expect anything less. She will make a marvelous reaper." He commented with a crooked grin, sliding me a golden cross necklace. "This for you. It will heal you instantly. Don't worry about it burning your skin. The metal is made of a precious metal that only burns if the soul becomes impure. I called upon you for something else. I need you to protect Arty for me. As you know, reapers are angels. In fact they are the only angels left in this world. A living angel only appears once every century. Guess who it is! The devil himself will now be sending his underlings to come after her. Mink will be child's play compared to them once she is done. Do you catch my drift?" Tapping my chin, he watched me drop the cross over my neck. Expecting it to burn me alive, nothing happened.

"By becoming a living angel she gained many new enemies, right?" I uttered in bewilderment, feeling the heat of a protection spell coming over me. "Why does that not shock me? Thank you for telling me. I needed to know all of this. Do you mind doing something for me?" Pulling my gun out of my pocket, I slid it over to him. Holding it in his palms, he traced the butt of the gun.

"Can you bless this for me? I want the bullets to be able to take on full fledged demons." I stammered nervously, his kind smile meeting my nervous grin. "I don't mean to be a bother." Dipping it into a vat of Holy Water, he dried it off with his robes. Drawing a cross on the butt, a golden cross appeared. Attempting to keep my cool, my wide grin did little to hide it.

"All set. You can take any demon down with your bullets." He answered with his crooked grin, sliding it back over to me. "Let me know if it backfires or anything. My orphanage wouldn't be okay if she didn't come to my rescue. Thanks for stopping that bomb from hitting the city. I sensed it and I wouldn't know the first thing to do." Too stunned to speak, he rested his head on his hands. A soft knock interrupted us, a refreshed Arty leaned on the doorway with the twins in her arms. My heart skipped a beat at her beauty in her reaper's cloak, her clean clothes peeking out from underneath. Pulling down her mask, she had to remain the hero.

"You know I can torture you in Heaven if you speak too much, Ash." She joked tenderly, kissing their foreheads. "I have to go back soon. I have my own people to take care of. I wanted to let you know that if you need any more fertilizer, you can call me and I will send it through the portal connecting us now. However, I wouldn't mind staying the night if that would please you. I need some rest. Don't worry about those demons. I am sure I can come to an understanding with the devil at some point. The kids are waiting for the meal's prayers. We should eat a lovely meal together. Let's go, boys!" Rising from our chairs, the kids fought who was going to sit near her as she smiled warmly in their direction. Sitting at the head of the table, she shut it down.

"Let's pray and eat like good boys and girls. If you don't, I won't put any of you to bed." She threatened playfully, pressing her palms together as she led the prayers. Eating with everyone, she answered their questions. Relief washed over at me at the sight of her eating her full portion, the meal finishing up without a hitch. The kids picked up, my wife dancing over to me. Passing them to me, a tender blush rose to my cheeks at her gentle peck on my lips.

"I will see you later. These kids love it when I put them to bed." She chirped cheerfully, feeling in her element. Dancing over to them, the nun guided her from room to room. A good solid hour passed with her crashing onto the bed while kicking off her boots, her nimble fingers tossing her cloak onto the bed post. Tying her scythe to the bedpost, she draped her arms over the twins and me. Snoring soon echoed in my ear, the exhaustion getting to her. Wolfston paused in the doorway, her real smile falling on the slumbering Arty. Sitting up, I tugged on my sweatshirt over my naked chest as a way to prepare for a battle with her. Everything seemed to be a battle with her.

"I thought that I was going to have to knock her out." She laughed blithely, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I get it now. Everyone loves her because she sacrifices herself no matter what. I would follow her into the reaper's realm without a second thought. Tell her thank you for letting me help people today. It has been way too long. Good night." Leaving the room with her smile, I was left to stew in my thoughts. An eleven year old girl wandered in with tears in her eyes, surprise rounding her eyes at my face without a mask on.

"You're the Rabbit hero, aren't you?" She stammered nervously, rubbing her eyes. "I thought the White Vixen could help my nightmare go away. Can you help me out?" Holding her blanket in her arms, her ocean blue eyes fell on my empty arms. Climbing onto my lap, her caramel curls tickled my chin with her tired embrace. Caramel wolf ears popped up, something seeming familiar about her. Her fluffy tail began to wag, the memory of her mother dying in front of me broke me. One of the many serial killers had murdered her while she was working the streets, my luck having me stumble upon her bleeding out. Guilt ate at me, every breath growing shorter. Spacing out into the memory, despair widened my eyes.

"Make sure my girl is safe. Her name is Carma Ocean. She has caramel wolf ears and a tail. Her eyes are like the ocean." She wheezed, blood soaking her caramel curls. "Tell her that I love h-" Her hand twitched one last time, a baby screamed into the night. The perpetrator ran into the shadows, my arms scooping up the child. Wasn't an orphanage just starting in the church? Tucking her underneath my cheap suit jacket, the child grabbed my finger. Chewing on the tip, I sprinted through the streets. Skidding into the church, a younger Ash stopped at the door. Noting the blood on my fingers, the look on my face had to say it all.

"Her name is Carma Ocean. Do you have a place for her?" I asked through a wall of tears, his arms scooping her up. "I have to go now." A peck on my cheek stole my attention, snapping me back to reality.

"You must be the officer who brought me here. Can I go with you? I saw another wolf demon with you. Do you think she would like me?" She asked innocently, Wolfston coming back in. Her eyes fell on the girl, not a care showing in her face. Hurt dimmed the girl's face, a long sigh pouring from her lips.

"I know a better person for you. He is a wild card, and a bit of a weirdo." She explained briskly, her tone softening at the nearly sobbing girl and my pissed expression. "His name is Blizzard and he is my brother. Would you like to meet him when we get back home? I am sure he will fall head over heels for you. You are adorable like your mother was when she was a kid. We are leaving once she wakes up in the morning. I have more medicine to make." Clearing my throat, her death glare met mine. One could cut the bitter tension between us with a knife, Carma's eyes flitting between the two of us.

"Apologize to Carma. You were rather rude and I am sure if Arty was awake she would rip you a new one." I commanded vehemently, her ears pinning back at my authority. Carma buried her head into my shoulder, her tiny hands grabbing my sweatshirt. Refusing to do as I say, an agitated Arty jerked awake. A low growl rumbled in her throat, her feet swinging over the edge of the bed. Sliding on her boots, she tugged on her slings. Tucking the twins in, her right fist met Wolfston's face. Not upset by her action, Wolfston needed to know who the pack leader was. Such was the way of the wolf demons, Arty not quite understanding that quite yet.

"How dare you talk to a fucking kid like that! She lost her mother to a serial killer that I had to take down myself. I don't if you don't want her but she came to us for help. God damn it!" She barked venomously, angry tears flooding from her eyes while she kicked her in the nose. The crack of her nose breaking scaring us all, the girl hiding behind me. Yanking her down by the color of her sweater, her face was inches from her.

"My father was murdered in front of me and my mother chose death instead of her daughter who risked her life to save her. Fuck you!" She continued hotly, her hair floating up while lightning crackled to life. "I will cook you through if you do that shit a-" Carma tugged on her cloak, her palms pressing together. Cocking her brow in the girl's direction, her attention had been captured.

"Please calm down. We came to an agreement already." She chirped cheerfully through a wall of tears, Arty dropping Wolfston. Sliding down the wall, she cupped her nose. Snapping it back into place, Wolfston chose to use her sleeves to wipe away the inky mess pouring from her nose. The lightning died down, Wolfston aiming her fist for her face. Catching her fist, the raw strength of Arty causing it to creak in protest. Sparks danced between them, Wolfston was practically begging for her to take her proper place.

"Learn your place, wolf. I will forgive your mistake this one time. Next time, I will kick you out." She threatened icily, dropping her fist. "I expect members of my squad to behave in the most proper manners. Next time a polite no thank you will suffice. Am I understood!" Worry mixed with fear, the little girl looking up at Arty with utmost admiration

"I said, do you understand!" She roared thunderously, Wolfston rubbing the back of her head. Mouthing a silent apology, the issue had been squashed. Seeing her fold like that freaked me out, bewilderment twisted Arty's face.

"I understand." She returned with a salute, Carma clinging to Arty's legs. "Carma, I am sorry for my behavior but I do think that Blizzard would be a better fit for you. Is it okay if I am more like an aunt?" Placing her hands on her hips, Carma stood up straight. The kid had such a powerful energy about her.

"Okay, Aunty Wolf!" She sang jovially, hugging her leg. Scarlet colored her cheeks, Wolfston ruffling her hair. Leading the way to the cross, Ash greeted her with a sad smile. Passing quick goodbyes, she touched the cross in a simple pattern. A blue light stole us away, the church becoming the bunker. Dusting off her cloak, her scythe dropped through a small portal. Embarrassment burned her cheeks, the scythe shrinking down to a sleek black necklace with a scythe charm. Dropping it over her neck, a quiet smile danced on her lips. Blizzard walked down the hall, Carma smashing into his legs. Tatty leapt off of his back, her hair grazing the floor the moment she leaned forward.

"So you are the little wolf haunting my dreams." She mused playfully, taking both of her hands while Blizzard kissed the top of her head. "Would you look at that? Blizzard already likes you. Welcome to our family." Arty took off her cloak, a nervous grin twitching at the chastising note from Ash.

"Thank goodness for the charm spell." She joked tenderly, walking up to a dejected Wolfston. "I am sorry for losing my temper. I get a little too passionate about things that have to do with children." Bowing in her direction, Wolfston patted the top of her head. Cocking her head back, a hearty laugh burst from her lips.

"Knock it off, pack master. You had to put me in my place!" She proclaimed haughtily, her tail wagging. "Keep up the good work. Most people never even dared to try. Be good to her, Blizzy. I have work to do if I wish to keep those kids healthy. I will take my leave now." Wolfston left with an odd grin on her lips, confusion dawned on my face. Arty stood stunned in her spot, Blizzard noticing the impact of her words as a special bond formed between the three of them. Spinning Carma around, he acted as if nothing happened. Like it or not, Wolfston was correct about the connection as Tatty fussed over her. Smiling softly to herself, Arty felt like she was at home. Yanking her closer to my waist, her loving gaze met mine. Leaning down to kiss her, she passed out in her arms. Snoring into my chest, I prayed that this peace would last.