Maya was done putting on her long sleeves pyjamas before she came out of the bathroom and walked towards the bed. She met Logan coming from the wardrobe direction and also walking towards the bed. He was putting on his pyjamas trouser with a white short sleeve shirt which showed his muscles and she swallowed down. She wasn't used to sharing a room with a man, she most definitely always have the room to herself.

They both stopped and stared at each other before turning to the bed and back to each before they quickly ran towards the bed. He got on the bed before her and before she could get on also, he stopped her.

" Wait! " he ordered with his hand. She stopped and folded her arms.

" You really are not aiming to sleep on this bed, right? " he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

" Hmm, let me think... yes. I'm definitely sleeping on the bed. "Maya replied him

" Why? " Logan asked her

" What do you mean by why? " she asked him confusingly.

" What is your reason? " he broke it down a little for her.

" Um, the fact that the bed is meant to be laid on... I think that's enough reason. " she told him before she pushed her hair behind her ear.

" You do that when it is your bed. This is my bed and I alone have the right here so, you will sleep on the sofa over there. " he told her before pointing to a crampy looking sofa beside the balcony.

" Um... haven't you heard of a gentle man... I have an idea, why don't you sleep over there while I sleep here. " She told him before she got on the bed while he still stared at her.

" Oh, and by the way, you gave me the right to sleep here the day you made me your wife. " she told him as she got her legs under the duvet.

" What are you doing? Are you really going to sleep on the same bed with me. " he asked her in a confused manner which left her confused as well.

" Of course. I will rather handle this than to sleep in a crampy manner. If you want to do it, very well be my guest. Do go ahead. " she told him before she laid her head on the pillow.

" Oh this bed is so soft and comfortable... oh so soft. " she said with a smile as she shut her eyes. " Don't blame me for what might happen tonight. " he said which made her to immediately open her eyes. " What does he mean by that? Is he trying to scare me? Well, Maya can't be easily scared. " she said in her mind.

" If I see even just a finger of yours on me will surely cut it off. " she warned him with all seriousness as she sat up and turned to him who was already lying down with both of his hands behind his head. She picked up a pillow which was on the centre close to the headboard of the bed and created a demarcation on the bed, " this is your side and this is my side. Anyone that crosses each other's side would pay dearly for it, okay? " she told him and he just gave her his blank stare.

" Whether you agree or not, to me it's an agreement." She told him before she laid on the bed properly.

" I can't believe she's doing this. She is really disobeying me right now! I don't believe this! She was really sleeping on the same bed with me. " he kept on wondering.

After he switched off the light and turned his back to her then shut his eyes, he started hearing someone giggle. He opened his eyes and it still continued. It was obviously Maya because she was the only one who he knows whose laughter sounds like bubbles. She continued doing it as she covered her mouth. He tried to ignore her and sleep but it wasn't working. In annoyance, he turned, and she turned her also to face him.

" Why are you laughing? " he asked her as he held her hands to the bed. She suddenly bursted out laughing which confused him the more.

" Stop it! " he ordered her but she just continued laughing and on staring at her, he suddenly found her looking cute in the darkness of the room and only the moon's light shone into the room. He shook his head to remove that thought.

" It's... It's just that I... I remembered the look on your face when you saw that there was no food in there.. you looked so... so funny... " she said in between laughter.

"There's nothing funny about that so shut up and go to sleep. " he told her. She slowly stopped smiling and glared at him. She drew both of her hands away from his grip.

" You always manage to spoil my fun. " she said grumpily as she turned her back to him.

" Better. " he said quietly as he laid down back and as he was about to shut his eyes, he heard that silent laughter again.

" Maya! " he called her angrily as he was about to turn.

" Okay, okay, I'm sleeping. " she said and that was it and there was peace in the room.


Logan slowly opened his eyes then stretched his hand and switched on the lamp on the bedside table before he got down from the bed to go to the toilet and pee.

After he was done he headed back to the bedroom and that's when he noticed her. Maya was really asleep, she had turned and now had her leg and arm on top of the pillows she had used to draw a demarcation. Her feet and hand was clearly seen on his side. He snorted.

" And she dared to talk about punishing who dared to touch each others side. " he said to himself almost in a whisper and as usual as she was snoring but this time around it sort of sounded like a baby's. He laid down back on the bed before he turned off the lamp. He took one look at her and her face looked so angelic and peaceful which made him kind of smile. He looked away from her to the ceiling as he tried to stop any weird thoughts that was pooping into his head already. He stared at her after he turned to face her.

" Maya was definitely not all lady-like. She talks too much and really doesn't care. She loves to challenge me and she is very outspoken. It was very obvious that she was trying hard to be tough and that was.. that was sort of applaudable but her size always said otherwise. " He couldn't help but stare at her face as he sililoquised He didn't know why he couldn't fall asleep again. He didn't know what was wrong with him and what he was really doing but it really felt good inside and he clearly knew it was weird. Just that night, just that one night he decided to give in to his sudden crazy desires and after that, it will be over, he will go back to being the real controlled Logan.

He stretched his hand and gently pushed a strand of her messy hair from her face and behind her ear so she doesn't wake up. He couldn't help but watch himself stroke her red cheek softly which made him feel really nice. He smiled at it. He wanted to see what she will do, he wanted to know if she was a sleeping dead while asleep like most people or if she was unconsciously active. He stretched his hand and gently and softly rubbed the tip of her nose. She instantly reacted and he quickly drew his hand away as she shook her head like a little cute cat and brought her hand to rub her nose. It made him smile. As soon as he noticed that she was slowly opening her eyes, he quickly closed his, to pretend that he was asleep.