
"Sire someone is here to see you, he has some information about what the Druid is up to with your permission may I tell him to come into your chamber".

"Gwen you know how much time is precious to me and I hate to repeat myself, anyone who claims to have information about the druid should be brought to me immediately.

A... am... am so sorry sire, I had to ask for permission again I will send him in this instant,I shall take my leave.

"Let him go levy, his highness wans to meet him right this instant, I will escort him don't worry too much, Gwen!! don't you think you are been too over protective of his highness I mean even rats can't enter his chamber or go any where close to him,we all know he can kill anyone with just the snap of his finger so why worry for his highness when we should be the one worried for ourselves cause if we don't find the druid and his daughter then we will all seem to exist,and we really see how respectful you are when you call his highness sire and at his back you call him his highness I think you need to be punished, Noah said while approaching me.

You all are fools just get lost, bunch of idiots called warrior.... that's enough OK levy butted in,I think it's better if you escort this man here cause main looking at him its obvious he will die just by feeling his highness's presence and you Noah resume back to your post levy said with a serious face .

OK an going, mister are you ready to embark on the journey of your life where coming back is not certain I asked while pulling the man by his collar leading him to his highness's chamber.


There is a man gracefully wearing a black cloak standing in front of of the window,and his silver coloured hair flowing freely according to the direction of the wind, slide his hand to his pocket and brought out a diamond ring.

I promised to revenge on our enemies I will end them all, I swear on God Baharam I will destroy anyone that has the blood of the druid and Darkdamor flowing in them,they will all have to pay for separating me from you, they have turned me into this monster that I am and they will all taste the vengeance of.....he was about to say before his thought was disrupted and put the ring back into his pocket.

Sire he is here,now tell his highness what information you have. ..your...highness i.... I ha...have...have .....som....some... on the druid he is going to invade the the country of Irishians and and later move to zagram to make a deal with Darkdamor to destroy you, I said still on my kneels peeing on myself when his highness asked a question.

"And how did you know?, you....your highness I work as a butler before and after the war and had to stay loyal to the druid, and one day I was about to enter the druid chamber when I overheard him said those things, your highness I was caught eavesdropping and sent to the dungeon but the guard lost guard and o had to run for my life it took me a lot to look for you your highness and finally I have found