The Garden of Stygia

"Your highness the thought of your warriors calling you by your name is really something else, you are the future king of Meabeth you haven't even stepped your foot in your homeland, all this years I waited for you to show up at the palace but you didn't and now you want to go visit those witches, they see future prophecies and I really don't want you to be troubled".

" I saw the worry on Gaius's face but didn't say a thing and only tightened my hold on the horse taking the front lead, going to meet the witches is the very first thing to do.

Cassandra I whispered and soon a shsdow was beside me floating in air ".

" You called for me Aiden", what is troubling you?.

We are all going to the garden of Stygian will the others be able to enter.

"No Aiden only you will be able to enter the garden of stygian, and find the answers to your question. " Aiden you have just little time so make good use of it",and remember you have to go get all your powers from the crystal cave, my time is up here I need to go pls get all your powers back so I can.....

Cassandra couldn't finish her sentence as her voice began to fade and she disappeared into thin air,the Gods have only given her a premium time to talk to me ever since have grown up, probably because she already knows everything that is going to happen,i smirked to myself thinking about it.

"I used my active hearing to know where the others were and realised they were only a stone throw away from me and began to hasten up I don't have any time to waste".

" Soon enough they were able to catch up with me. o....oh p....pls Ai....den...Aiden please spare me I have been walking for hours I really need to rest".

"There won't be rest for a maniac like you Gwen" I don't have time to waste.

Lancelot tie one of Gwen's hand, and hold the rope then ride faster. Gwen I hope that help was enough for you.

"I think that suggestion was the best your highness, I got down from the horse and did exact what I was told to, Gwen starred daggers at me and I shrugged saying "His highness said so" I got on to my horse and rode faster to catch up with the others.

Lancelot from today I shall be called by my name alone'. I declared and everywhere was as silent as a graveyard.

I guess that's a yes from you all.

"Everyone halt, I said raising my hand up and got down from the horse and the others did the same, we have gotten to the Garden of Stygian and I will continue on my own.

But...but..your hmmm Aiden its dangerous everyone chorused at once.

"I will be fine I said removing my sword and walking into the Garden of Stygian.

His highness is so fearless, brave, handsome and heart less who makes a cute grown up man like me walk through out the entire journey I mean who does that.

" His highness does "they all said in unison".

Warriors let's get ourselves prepare cause this journey just began, Gaius said taking the front lead.

Inside the Garden of Stygian

Merry Christmas to you all. From authoress Gifty k.