Chapter 2

"Alright! Two people will be battling here while the others will be watching from up there. The two who will be battling are…you two". Commander Richard pointed to a prisoner who had a Japanese fire character tattoo on the right side of his face. The other had a whole mermaid tattoo on his right arm.

"The rest of you will be following me to the watch room".

When everyone was up in the watch room. Commander Richard spoke up to a microphone and gave the two prisoners the go to fight.

They both gave each other a cold stare. 

"What's up with that mermaid tattoo?" asked the prisoner cocky with the Japanese fire character tattoo. 

Instead of giving his opponent the answer, he threw the question back. "What's with that weird symbol on your face?" 

"What! Don't you know the Japanese symbol for fire!" The symbol on the Fire Prisoner glowed bright red. Flames started to flow out of the tattoo. There was a sound of a spark. All of a sudden, his right hand burst into flames.

"Get ready! I'm about to burn you to a crisp". Fire Prisoner charges towards Mermaid Prisoner with confidence and victory already seen on his face. Seeing that the Mermaid Prisoner isn't avoiding his attack or in a defense stand. But somehow the Fire Prisoner got hit by something that he couldn't see. A force field? No. He was now covered in it. The texture felt recognizable. His whole body was covered in water.

"Cool yourself!" said the Mermaid Prisoner nonchalant. 

However, the Fire Prisoner just laughed. "Do you really think a splash of water will wash my flames out! Think again". There were sounds of sizzling. Steam was coming out of the Prisoner's body. His flames reappeared. The Fire Prisoner charged again but this time with absolute speed but so was his opponent's power. Every time the Fire Prisoner tried to punch him with his fiery hands it got cooled out by his levitating water. Annoyed that his attacks aren't reaching his enemy, he yelled "Alright that's it! Enough games!" His flames grew bigger and the room burned brighter. The view of the two prisoners was harder to see spectators from the opposite side of the glass. His clothes were disintegrating. His hair was dancing like a candle flame. Smoke was filling up the room. He was about to give everything that had until he realized he couldn't breathe. But not from his smoke. Or from the intensive heat wave that could wipe out the whole city. But from a massive water filled bubble which also made his flame disappear. In a panic, he heated up his body to shrink the bubble. But it was no use. Every time the bubble shrunk; it grew back to its original size. Trying to gasp for air but all that came in was water. His vision was getting blurry. It was the end for him. Now he was only a lifeless body floating in the bubble. The Mermaid Prisoner waited for 5 seconds until he decided for the bubble to pop. The Fire Prisoner fell to the ground hard. The guards cleared him away from the room. 

"Of course naturally water beats fire" said Richard. He pressed on a button that turned on the microphone. "You stay. Your next opponent will be you…" 

Pointing at a guy whose hair was green. His face looked worn out. Eyes looked like they were about to shut as if he hadn't slept the night before. The Sleepy Prisoner entered the battle room. The light in the room stinged his eyes. "Ready! Fight!"

The Mermaid Prisoner trapped the Sleepy Prisoner in his bubble. Knowing that this skill was effective on the last opponent the Mermaid Prisoner couldn't help but grin. However, this didn't change the Sleepy Prisoner expression. The bubble started to shrink. Confused to see his magic fading as he couldn't see the reason why there was no sign of the opponent's magic. He tried to enlarge his bubble but it was no use the bubble kept shrinking until it was gone. Everything seemed to be back to the moment that the battle had begun. But this time the prisoner with the green hair was wide awake. However, there wasn't any emotion in his face. He didn't show any anger towards the Mermaid Prisoner for suffocating him in water. The green hair stretched his arms out. His arms formed into something unhuman like. In a split second, his arms turned green. It stretched out reaching for the Mermaid Prisoner like a snake charging towards its prey. However, seeing the alien-like arms coming at him. The Mermaid Prisoner wasn't even worried. In a split second he formed his water into a blade and sliced the vine arms apart. The detached vines rotted immediately when it fell to the ground. However, the Green haired prisoner's arm grew back again. He launched for the Mermaid Prisoner again. But every time his vine arms came closer to his target they would be sliced by the blade. 

"That's it. It's time to finish this," the Mermaid Prisoner yelled. The Mermaid Prisoner created multiple levitating water blades and threw them at the Green Vine Prisoner. The Green Prisoner protected himself from the blades by putting his arms in front of his face. However, the blades sliced through his arms and left a cut in his right shoulder. But in seconds his arm grew back and the shoulder was fully healed. 

"You are right," said the Green Vine Prisoner. "Let's end this." The Green Vine Prisoner started to grow. His skinny arms were now muscles. As if he took a pill for instant steroids. He was now the Hulk. "Thanks to your water bubble," The Green Prisoner continued. "I could absorb all the water to become powerful." 

The Mermaid Prisoner was now pissed. Realizing that the battle will take longer than suspected. 

Meanwhile, back in the city, a high school girl was taking a ride back home on a public bus. Her name is Zoe, and she is one of the most popular girls at school. Due to her blonde hair and great features. But it's not just her beauty. She is also smart and sporty. 

She is looking at an app called 'ShortVids' where people post short videos of themselves dancing, makeup, singing, people reacting to other people, and other entertainments. She was checking a video of a girl reacting to cute kitten videos. All of a sudden she felt a gentle touch on her left thigh. She could see a hand rubbing against her school skirt. She looked behind her and saw a school boy. He was wearing a different uniform than hers. The guy was now squeezing her thighs. She turned to look at her friend but she was way too focused on her phone. Zoe was now panicking. This guy was squeezing her thighs up and down and her friend has no clue that it's all happening beside her. Zoe wanted to scream but no words came out. The guy moved his hand lower to her bare leg. The feeling of hands shot chills down Zoe's spine. A feeling that Zoe disliked. She kept trying to push his arms away. But the more she did the more the hand felt coming up her skirt. She was praying for a miracle to happen. Then, all of a sudden, the door from the bus opened. Zoe ran out as fast as possible. But felt a grip on her arm.