ll Chapter 1ll part 1: Dreams

Chills were sent through Eradan's spine as an unknown voice echoed around him. He turned around in anticipation to find the voice's owner, but it was too dark to see as darkness engulfed him and his surrounding as a cloak.

He could feel his heart beat tremendously within his chest. His limbs felt cold, fidgeting in fear. Was he dead? Was death like that? Were all he could think of. Reminding himself of his gloomy environment. The voice spoke again in a whispering tone somewhat louder.

      "Please! Pleease!, come to our rescue the waaarrrr ooff Aaarmageeedon awaits usss"

The youth jolted back to reality, shuddering as the whispers echoed around him. The voice sounded like millions of voices, all whispering harmoniously at the same time.

     "Who are you? Where am I? What do you want from me?" Eradan shouted, feeling braver than before, although he could feel his heart throbb out of fear. He surveyed his surrounding as his voice echoed around him.


A beam of light fell upon the youth. A light so bright that it could instantly blind whoever sets its eyes on it. Out of reflexes, Eradan rapidly covered his eyes with his elbow, shielding it from the blinding light as his immediate surrounding was lit up.

 "I am Alabaster, guardian of the Klux. Ahem, I'm sincerely sorry for frightening you with my ability" He heard a hooded figure say, walking out of the shadows into the lit up area.


Although Eradan couldn't make out the figure due to the beams of light upon him, But he could tell that it was a man, despite not being sure. But at the moment, he wasn't interested in the apologies, all he needed to do was to get out of the forsaken light that were on him.

In an attempt to leave the light he discovered something…. He was pinned to the ground.

     "Augh" groans echoed, as it's owner tried to figure out a way to leave the light.

"Ahem" The hooded figure cleared its throat, distracting the youth of his escape thought. Eradan turned towards the cast.

" If I must ask… What do you think you're doing?" It said.

"What else should I be doing rather than trying to get myself out of this light…" Eradan retorted. "Abast,alax or whatever you call yourself, you should get me out of this light torture" He added facing the figure still shielding his eyes. He really didn't know what made him that confident.

Chuckling the figure replied, "I'm sincerely sorry to disappoint you, but no one leaves the Klux rays. When conversing with its guardian". 

Eradan was dumbstruck....

What in the hell was that supposed to mean? but wait, there was something he liked about the figure…. It's voice. Its voice sounded enticing, having an entirely cool and dominating tone, but he wasn't going to lose his guard.

 "Well, since you can't get me out of this torture… Can you at least tell me, what you want from me?"

"To fulfil a purpose"

 Eradan was flustered but kept on. He needed to find the truth." what purpose?" He asked.

Pausing a bit, "The purpose of saving creatures, kingdoms not even that…. A realm" the figure said as its voice grew louder.

"You might be confused, I see." Eradan sneered, "how does that have to do with me?"

"It all has to do with you…. my masters' realm is in grave danger as darkness creeps its way back. You, and only you can save them."

Laughter filled this unknown environment. Eradan laughed so hard and loud that one nearby would think he'd gone insane as echoes of his laughter could be heard around them. It was then he stopped laughing. (all those while, his eyes were covered from the light).

"Why do you laugh?" The confused figure asked in a demanding tone.

"I'm so sorry" Eradan apologized, "But did I just hear you mention me saving… A REALM?"


An outburst of laughter came for the second time, getting the guardian more confused, " I lack qualities to save myself talk more of a REALM. you're conversing with the wrong person." He said as he stopped laughing.



"It seems you lack the knowledge of your true self, and I'll leave you to your ignorance" Were all the figure could say as I came closer to both the bright light and Eradan revealing its facial features… and God! He was a beauty to behold.

Eradan was dazed by the rare beauty in front of him. He took time scrutinizing its features. Starting from its long straight brown silky that fell on both sides of his shoulders glistening as the light shone on it, to the well arched eyebrows so defined as if drawn by a well-known artist.

His set of eyes, which were the most stunning thing Eradan had seen was aquamarine in color so rare but alluring. He trailed his eyes passed the narrow pointed nose down to his plump juicy red lips so seductive and coying.... Oh! how he wished he could have a taste of it. His chiseled jaw: well-defined and….


The guardian snapped his fingers, clearing him of his thought. No way! He had been staring at this guardian. The thought of it sent heat to his ears.

"Seems you cherish my appearance… Hmm?" The guardian teased, a smirk visible on his lips before departing into a lowly lit area, leaving the youth all flushed.

"Alabaster" Eradan called, his eyes squinting at the direction where the guardian had entered.

"Yes" Came from the figure within the lowly lit area.

"You mentioned something earlier... The war of Armageddon,  what does it mean?"

Clearing his throat the guardian told him about the war but didn't go into details...

"Remember you, and only you can save my Master's realm" Alabaster concluded and disappeared immediately, vanishing into the darkness permanently.

 The youth tried calling and asking more questions, but there were no replies. Suddenly… The beam of light above him faded as darkness consumed him and his environment until it became pitch-dark. Back to its original state... Darkness.

As if it wasn't enough… Beneath his feet.




 Seeing this, the youth tried running away but was held back on his right leg by a black hand that broke out of the crack. He had just finished enduring a beam of bright light then this?

Another black hand broke out of the crack holding him on his left leg… He was doomed! What could he do?

As the floor kept breaking, more black hands came out gripping him tightly until he had countless black hands over him, wrapping his lower region like a cocoon.

Black hands began to sink into the floor, pulling the body that it held. The more Eradan struggled to free himself, the fiercer they pulled him in.

 "Let me gooo!" He yelled but to no avail as he was pulled mercilessly by those hands. Within this struggle, he suddenly became dizzy as his eyes felt heavy both wanting to close up. The more he tried to open them, they more heavier they felt.

Persistance… He wasn't going to succumb to the darkness. What's happening? Is this my how I'll meet my demise? He thought as his view became more blurry, gently closing and succumbing to the darkness until it all went black.

He was pulled into the floor...

Despite all those occurrences, he subconsciously began to hear a voice whisper softly to him.

 "Wake up! Wake up!" It said repeatedly like it was calling him. Wait! He knew and recognized the voice. YES! He was sure he knew the voice… He just couldn't discern its owner.

"Wake up! wake up!" It continued as it became louder...
