[Bonus chapter]Tribute to the Moonshine Domicile.

Eradan looked at the mirror before him and took gentle turns, finding the outfit he wore too stylish. Was this Francis guy a lover of exquisite but disturbing clothes?

"I find this outfit too discomforting... Another would be better. A simple one."

He requested for a simpler one as most of the stylish ones were epitomes of discomfort. The precious stones and jewelries, brilliant but irksome.

He was immediately changed into a new one by one of the maids who refused to let him change by himself. She claimed that the outfit was a tactical one and truly it was. The hooks and buttons were inside out.

Finally, Eradan got changed into a beautiful yellow outfit, as brittle as sunflowers. His blonde hair, a perfect match for it while his sharp blue eyes, like that of the sky, were paired with the azure coloured necklace that adorned his neck. His hair was as usual, tied in a pony tail but with a few strands out. On both sides of his face.

An icon of beauty...

The maids were entranced in his beauty that a few of them nosebled. He was too gorgeous. Him and his pair. Myst.

"Young master you're beautiful."

"You're gorgeous Young master. "

"Young master's beauty is as par as the sun. Bright and dazzling."

Eradan devoured a whole bunch of compliments throughout the morning including that of Lloyd who gawked at him. At this point, Eradan had to accept that beauty compliments were seriously enjoyable.

It was time to visit the moonshine Domiciliary before they would head back home. Lloyd didn't do it as that was when he found Eradan. The remaining days were used on treating his younger cousin.

"Here young lord." The medical elven that helped with his treatment arrived early to administer a few doses to him. "This would help reduce your dizziness and also arm pain." He added, giving a vial containing pink substances to Eradan who appreciatively took it.

"A midget spoon every two days."

"Thank you..." Eradan said kindly. His eyes sent to the vial, wondering how it would taste like. If it was going to be bitter, he'll rather throw it away.

"My pleasure Young master." The other replied then turned to Lloyd with a bow, then stood straight," Hope this young lord would ensure that his junior one takes this drug." He said and Lloyd gave a throated chuckle.

" I definitely will."

The Elven folk bade both of them goodbye and left, his pointy ears visible behind his grey hair.

Robin... It reminded Eradan of him but Eradan tucked away the thought with a mild smile.

Eradan helped himself into the blue and white carriage that was readied for them. His buttock fell into the softness of the cushion within the carriage, his back doing the same. It was soo soft that Eradan stroked it a couple of times. Myst curled himself beside Eradan and immediately dozed off. The softness of the cushion really had an impact on Myst.

Eradan looked at his pet and rolled his eyes. If not for Lloyd's convincing words and his story, he could've doubt Myst being a useful beast despite being tagged mystical.

Slow paced, the carriage swung into action at the whipping of horses. It bucked before It's movement became smooth. Eradan leaned closer, blue eyes peaking out the tint window of his carriage, into the dim environment outside. That of early morning. He was really going to leave this place. The place that had most part of his memories. It harboured the main onset of his journey in this new world. The experiences he'd had here were going to be a reminder for him in the future.

Back to the original body's niche. To live the life of a stranger. An illusion it really was.


Eradan exhaled...

He missed the most important people he'd known since his arrival into this place. Firstly, he had to admit that he really missed Andrew. He really really wished the best for Andrew wherever he was. Though he wasn't able to go back to Andrew's house but he really wished the best for him.


The cute grey haired boy who he had once met with his fellow orphans, requesting for his assistance as a guidance. Then the vasperian attack separated the little boy from his peers. Strangely, Eradan had never seen Robin's peers ever since the vasperian attack happened.

Robin, the playful mate of Myst who loved tagging him and Andrew as couples.

Eradan unknowingly grinned...

Despite being taken away because of tradition, he just prayed for his safety also.

Lastly, although it seemed weird, but yeah, his saviour deserved a hint of his remembrance. The individual who really knew how to irk him to the bone with his egotistical and arrogant attitude. That flaming tongue of pride on how handsome and charming he was.

Eradan snorted.


Fingers rested on Eradan's shoulder before squeezing it carefully. Blue eyes reverted from the window to Lloyd. Meeting his gleamy midnight eyes. Hints of worries. Eradan blinked.

"Is everything ok? You've been displaying certain countenances lately." Lloyd's voice drawled a breath beside him. Lloyd didn't know what was wrong with his little cousin who had been excessively thinking lately. What was really troubling him? What had his mind strenuously bugged?

"I'm fine. Everything is okay." Eradan replied with a smile laced on his lip. He was just reminiscing per say.

"I doubt little brother." Obviously, there was no way Lloyd was going to be convinced easily. He had noticed it for a couple of while now. "Is there someone else we need to thank for your survival or anything?" He asked.

Maybe that was the case... He assumed.

Eradan's lips beamed brigher. Well, there were but nowhere to be found. They had all departed. "No. There is nobody." He replied and lloyd nodded, his lips scrunched up.

"Okay." He spoke up, "But you need to stop spacing out... It's unhealthy." He added with a grin which Eradan reciprocated.

The carriage suddenly bucked and took a right turn, heading straight. Into the very streets of this county. Lloyd retreated to facing his own side of the carriage while Eradan did justice to the other side. Both gazes out the window, enjoying the beautiful early view of this county.

Myst, in between, kept sleeping like there was no tommorow. Releasing low snores at some point. A pregnant woman won't really sleep that much. Would she?

The carriage kept on with it's movement, taking few more dozens of twists and turns before it arrived on a trail that deemed straight. Right ahead, into a lush green forest.

From a bird view, the road ahead was a serpentine one, which further divided into three more roads, each leading to certain destined places. The one at the right was the route that would lead to their Domiciliary although it was farther and a bridge had to be crossed. The left led to the Maxon city of the Dextern olyr province. Which harboured the Moonfall domiciliary and other places... Including its counties.

Straight their carriage rolled, deep into the heart of the forest. At this point, all Eradan could see was lush green trees with little creatures scampering everywhere. The trees had choirs of birds all chirping harmoniously, each to their own nature.

Eradan who indeed enjoyed his view for a while, got bored. He turned towards Myst who was still fast asleep. Was this wolf dead? It had been sleeping for seemed like eternity now? He thought then glanced at Lloyd.

As if Lloyd could sense his gaze, his midnight eyes were flashed at Eradan. "Any problem?"

"No, I'm beginning to feel sleepy." Eradan replied, his body concurring the fact as he yawned.

"Hmm, this little cousin is already tired just because he sat for a few minutes." Lloyd joked and Eradan snorted a smile.

" Funny,"

"Indeed." Lloyd smirked then beckoned the Coachman, ordering him to bring the carriage to a halt.

Dust particles soared as the carriage came to a full halt. Partisans from other carriages alighted and approached theirs.

"Carry him to a more spacious carriage for him to sleep." Lloyd's voice rang within their auditory organ and they obediently waited for their young master to come out so he could be carried.

"That shouldn't be necessary" Lloyd heard and turned towards Eradan.

" Why?" He asked with a brow raised.

"Because I can clearly walk. You shouldn't spoil me too much... Elder brother."

Lloyd blinked severally, astonished. Was this really Francis? Or was it some clone or puppet? The Francis he knew was clearly not going to refute this. Besides, that was one of the main reason why Lloyd disliked and bullied Francis. He was too lazy and weak per say.


The Francis before him seemed changed. What really happened to him? Lloyd rummaged. Now he wanted to treat Francis the way he liked, the other was suddenly refusing every offer he had made.

The look of surprise on Lloyd's face was there as he watched the last child of the vellin household guided.

Eradan was alighted off the carriage, His empyrean yellow glass boot, made clicking sounds as he alighted and changed to another carriage. A large and more comfortable one for this young master to sleep with.

Eradan was about to close the door when,


Myst was right in front of his carriage, hoping in, on one leap. Eradan fell backward due to the impact and groaned. How did this beast reach here? I thought he was sleeping??

Eradan's pupil lined like sharp daggers, shooting towards Myst who knew the level of nuisance he had caused. He whined then licked Eradan's palms, a movement to ask for apology. Quite adorable.


Eradan rolled his eyes in defeat. "Just be mindful of how you behave." At this point he felt like Max again. Always good at scolding. He repositioned himself and laughed at the thought which had Myst confusedly blink at him.

Has his master gone cray cray?

The door was closed and their carriage was now in motion. Eradan laid down on the wide soft cushion, hands on his chest and dozed off.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Waakee up...

Waakee up...

Brows flinched.

Waakee up...

Brows creased then relaxed.

All I need is your blood...

The voice became louder and lids of black thick lashes fluttered open, revealing blue eyes.

Black. It was all black. The coarsed floor with lined patterns Eradan laid on was dark. Like the effect of a cooled magma.


A groan escaped pink lips. That of the reason why his precious sleep had been disturbed. Eradan propped himself in a sitting position. His legs still straightened as he sat, using his hip. Pale slender arms on the obsidian floor served as support until one was sent to his ear. A light scratch on his ear and the feminine palm was sent back to the floor.

Where am I?

A question directed to himself while his moist blurry eyes looked around. Unaware of the creepy environment he was in.


Luminous rays fell on something at a distance. A mini platform it looked like.

The environment at this point had been lit up.


Eradan thought as he glanced around, the environment now clearer to him. He let out another groan of discomfort while he hauled himself off the ground. Standing on his two boots. Eradan dusted himself as he stood straight, then observed his surrounding afterwards.

This environment was mildly shady while pillars surrounded it. It was all dark except the rays of light that fell on something few metres away. Blue eyes looked up and saw a black ceiling really distant from the floor. What was this place?

"What is this place?" Eradan couldn't help but ask out loud.

Unhurriedly, Eradan headed for the center of attraction. He glanced around as he did so while his boot resonated sweet clicking sound on every step he took. The floor was rough yet glassy.


Eradan stopped halfway, his clicking footsteps died out. This weren't just plain large pillars. He hadn't seen it earlier but they had large hideous creatures engraved on each and every one of them. They were seven in number. All surrounding this large room.


A sinister voice, almost a whisper rang into Eradan's ears, grabbing his attention...

At this point, Heartbound goes premium.

I'll be participating in WINWIN next month and I'll need every single support I can get in exchange for daily updates. and interesting ones 💓💓

Please don't leave 😢

[Kneels down on alter and prays fervently.] 💓💓💓 See y'all July First...