Home at last...

"Yes." A smile appeared on Lloyd's face, " it is."

Side by side they both walked back into the carriage which continued it's movement. Leaving footprints on the snowy soil.

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Wheels of carriages rolled on the floor of this region as This household prepared their return back to their domain. The carriage bucked at certain intervals whenever it bumped into midget stones on the floor, swaying the individuals within, left and right. And Inching closer to the Borean city.

Eradan, both eyes outside the window, enjoyed the high view and misty background the mountains offered. He stroked Myst who just mopped in boredom, probably tired of sleeping. Lloyd at the corner fiddled with his water ability though his conscience pricked him on the secret he refused to confess.

The environment was saturated with a toxic quiescence until Lloyd suddenly spoke up.

"Have you been able to discover your Divine weapon?"