Young master finds the first Bitch...

A wave of blue mists spread throughout this cottage, suddenly. Waltzing those rose flowers to it's opposite direction. Afterwards this cottage embraced an irksome and chilling silence that sent shivers down Alicia's spine.

Did she?... Did she just get a glimpse of the five leviathan blades? Maybe not? She shook her head lightly as the sudden burst of divinity affected her eyesights. It was menacing.


Alicia's skin began to grow goosebumps at the sudden drop of temperature. It was like the usual cold weather of the Borean region was  back but in full force. Her environment felt colder than usual that she questioned herself if the equinox solstice was over?

The blue mists dissipated and an environment decorated with ice was revealed to her... All glittering with sparkles...