All to know about Napeloen.

Three days had passed in the Vellin Domiciliary after the visitation of the Maelis Domicile. Today, being the fourth, a certain youth sat within a resplendent environment while his clear, blue, pupils moved to and fro, reading the contents of the book within his hold. A pile of read and unread books in front of him. Some dusty, some clean. One he had gotten from his elder sister's library when she was an Emelean.

Eradan was in one of the most splendid places in their Domiciliary. In the map, it was called the Crandill. A transparent glassy cuboid of ever cozy temperature located within the Frava Garden. A botanical garden owned by the Vellin Domicile, and filled with weather resistant flowers called the Frava's. Rose flowers which changed their colours and features in response to the weather.

During the winter season, this plants were usually white in colour and developed more petals for warmth. While in  sunny season, they gave shades of bright red respectively.