Asking about sisters...

Despite the fact that Eradan had been taken aback earlier, he still couldn't hide the confounding look that flashed his face. With the way Jade spoke, it was clear that the truth was told, and Eradan was to accept it whether he liked it or not.

What was his mother really thinking?

Eradan's light coloured pupils and his delicate face flatly gazed at the maid, until a golden colored fur caught his attention. Eradan rolled his eyes upon recognizing the owner of those furs. His face unconcerned at the beast who practically abandoned him as he trained and went to only God knows.

Myst approached his master, nibbled his cloth but was unable to get his master's attention that was on the maid.

"So what I should understand is that you confessed to my mother, and she instructed you to serve me?" Eradan narrowed his eyes which stared keenly at the maid.

" Yes... Master... " Jade's response was slow, with her words dragged.