chapter fifteen

We took the lunch into the family room and ate in front of the TV. The same boring shows were still on as we cuddled on the lounge under a blanket, she in her Long T shirt and me in some loose shorts and 'T'. We were so comfy and wasted from this morning's efforts that we soon both nodded off. It was there that my wife, found us and mentioned that we both looked worn out poor things.

I looked at my daughter and explained how she had got caught in the rain and when the temperature had dropped following the storm, had got cold and we both cuddled under the blanket for warmth.

"Stay right there I'll just get a drink and share the warmth with you, she said."

I sat there, with both my girls cuddling up to me, one on each side, their heads on my shoulders and my daughter slowly slid hand on my cock under the blanket.

My wife turned her head and looked up at me and kissed me on the cheek. Amy, not to be outdone did the same to my other cheek which in turn spurred my wife to kiss me on the corner of my mouth. Amy mirrored her again. I loved this attention until both Felicity and Amy kissed me on the lips at the same time. Unprepared for this I automatically returned the kisses, turning what we were doing into a three-way kiss.

They broke the kiss and Amy started to chuckle and soon she had Felicity joining in too. Embarrassed a little I also began to chuckle. Soon it was so infectious and we were all laughing.

Felicity was the first to stop and asked Amy. "Have you told him yet?"

"Yes. He knows."

They leaned across me and hugged then kissed each other deeply.

"Well". Felicity said "We both want you to know that we love you and we have wanted to get this all out in the open for a while now and I'm so relieved that you're taking it so well."

"You know that I love you two as well," I said, and I put both my arms around them and brought them closer to me and cuddled.

Looking into each other's eyes they moved together and kissed. Felicity's hands moved to Amy's breasts and Amy did the same to her. I was beginning to come to terms with what had been going on. What should have been obvious to anyone except to a male of the species!

I was not surprised to see this level of affection between them after what Amy told me earlier. They had always been close, but it had been building up these past few years to where it was not uncommon to see them just walk up and hold each other for a time and kiss and then often drop into one of those mother-daughter quiet conversations that fathers aren't allowed to hear.

They both stood and facing each other holding hands in front of me. Seeing them side by side I was struck by the fact that they were both the same height and hair colour. Both sported trim figures and both were just gorgeous.

They stopped and glanced at me to see how I was surviving this revelation. Seeing my smile and the bulge in my shorts, they both broke into big grins.

Amy was the first to speak and sat down next to me again. "Daddy we wanted to tell you a long time ago but it never seemed to be the right time. If I hadn't got caught out in the rain today we mightn't be where we are now. So are you okay with this?"

Felicity sat to my left and held my hand. "We both love and want to share you in a more intimate way," she said, and kissed me for a long time full on the lips.

Wow I thought could my life get any better?

"Of course I'm okay with it," I assured them, "How could I not be? You two are the best things to ever happen to me and more precious than anything else in the world. How long have you two felt this way about each other?"

"Mum knew I was falling for you years ago, dad," Amy said, "and noticed how I was sitting on your lap at night to watch the movies and holding you close before I went out to school. We had a little talk and a cuddle and a cry. But then we had a kiss then another and before we knew it we had to stop and have a talk. We realised we both had the same feelings for each other, strong feelings."

Felicity joined the in conversation saying. "At first I thought Amy's feelings were just transference from you to me but I soon saw that she loved us both equally and needed a more physical form of relationship from both of us, not just me."

"Well you know we should celebrate our new love life. Let's get into the Jacuzzi with some champagne and see what comes up." I said with a wink.

"Daaaaad." said my daughter. "That's so typical of you." Ha

My daughter ran to the Jacuzzi stripping off her T shirt on the way and jumped in. My wife went to the fridge to get the champagne. I grabbed her from behind in the kitchen and said. "I love you and I love this new openness we have. This can only bring us closer together." We kissed and heard Amy saying, "Hey, where is everybody?"

"Coming" we both said at the same time.