Chapter Fourteen


Where Eric is being kept captive. It is a special prison for highly wanted criminals.

He's just finished his lunch and two cops are returning him to his cell. He has a bright and wide smile on his face. He doesn't seem to bother about where he is. Ever since he was transferred here, he has been relentless about how the eye will get him out. The guards pushed him into his cell and closed it shut.

"Very soon they'll come and get me, you better be careful how you treat me if you don't wanna lose that hand, you bastard," He said to the two guards who just ignored him and walked away from him.

"How about you shut the fuck up," His fellow inmates who have been asleep until Eric returned spoke out loud, sitting up on his bed.

He has had enough of Eric's chapter about the eye this and the eye that. he was pissed and had his hands clenched. "I dare you to say one more about that fucked up cult, I dare ya mother fucker,"

Eric stopped for a moment before mustering enough courage to speak up. "You don't scare me, I'm a member of the eye…"

Before he could finish, the guy punched him in the face and he crashed to the ground, holding his bleeding nose. He kicked Eric continuously in the belly until he couldn't move again before he returned to his bed.

The completely beaten-up Eric managed to lay his back on the wall and coughed out blood before smiling to reveal his bloody teeth.

"Very soon, I'll be out of this shit hole, they will come for me… and I, you, I will get your head and feed it to my dogs…" He mumbled, nodding wickedly.

His partner hissed and used the pillow to cover his head to stop the words from reaching him.

Some years ago.

Cloud college.

Eric breezes through a double door into the college theater, walking as fast as he could, obviously running from someone. He was about to hide when a guy walked in and caught him before he could step into hiding.

The man quickly held Eric by the collar and pulled him out into the open. He had no mercy in his eyes as he pulled him along.

"Jimmy please, just gimme another month I swear I'll pay you back your money," Eric beseeched him. He has his hands clasped together as he begged.

But the Jimmy guy ignored all words that came out from Eric's month, after all, it wasn't the first time he had made such a promise, so why listen to him now?

"This is not the first time you spew those words! Pay up… I have no desire to show mercy," Jimmy said in his husky voice.

This made Eric shiver in his boots. Jimmy watched as he shivered in fear. His jaw tightened as he looked at him in disgust.

"Fine… I'll visit your dorm room today and take anything that I see has value that is worth the amount you owe me. Hehe…" he says, turning to leave the place.

Eric held his hand and pleaded even more. "Please… no, I have nothing"

He forcefully unhand himself from Eric's grip and walked out of the place. Eric stood there for a few seconds before chasing Jimmy.

Jimmy just ignored Eric's call and kept on walking forward. Eric knew he was owing Jimmy a large amount of money and doubted he'll ever be able to pay back in the conditions that he was in.

He chased after Jimmy to the stairs and with a small nudge, Jimmy was rolling down the stairs he hits the last with a thud. Eric gasped as he slowly approached the body.

His heart is throbbing fast as he gently kicked Jim-boy with his feet, only to see a large amount of blood gushing out of his head. He let out a low scream and fell to the ground his body shaking in fear.

"I… I sw-ea-swear I… never int… kill anyone, he's de-ad?…" He stuttered.

He looked around the place and luckily no one was there, he quickly got on his feet and ran away, leaving the body there on the ground.

Two weeks pass and nothing happened, there was no report on the dead body found. Eric was shocked and relieved at the same time,… until he got summoned by an anonymous message, threatening that if he does not come to the location, his secret will be out. He had no choice but to head over to the location given through the anonymous message.

Present day.

The completely beaten-up Eric managed to lay his back on the wall and coughed out blood before smiling to reveal his bloody teeth.

"Very soon, I'll be out of this shit hole, they will come for me… and I, you, I will get your head and feed it to my dogs…" He says, nodding wickedly.

His partner hissed and used the pillow to cover his head to stop the words from reaching him. Eric smiled as he took a walk down memory lane.

"They helped me that time. They took care of the body no one knows about that moment to date. I don't know how they did it, but it happened, and it will happen here too," Eric grinned.

As if on cue, a guard stick his key into the lock and pulled the door open. "You have a visitor,"

End of chapter.