Edmund: Do you have anywhere to live

Ann: No, I don't

Edmund: Then followed me

Ann: Where are we going

Edmund: Oh, you'll see

Edmund took Ann to a beautiful and big house

Ann: Wow, it's so beautiful. Who's this for?

Edmund: For me, My parents gave me this house. Sometimes, I come here to rest but u can have it for now

Ann: Thank u Edmund

Edmund gave the key to Ann Marie and they went inside the house. At Ann's Parents house, Maya went upstairs to go to Ann's room to talk to her but when she went there, she was not there. She hurriedly went to her husband David

Maya: David, Ann is not in her room

David: She might be at school doing a project work

Maya: Are you even serious David, it's 6PM and Ann is still not here at home

David: Are you sure, have u checked everywhere

Maya: Of Course, I have. We have to tell the Police about this

David: We won't inform any police, we'll search for her on our own. I need some rest so can you leave me to sleep

Maya slapped David

Maya: You've really changed David, you're not the same kind of man that I married 15 yrs ago. Our daughter is missing and you're here telling me foolish things, I'm so disappointed in you Dave

Maya said and left, David poured himself some beer

Maya: Where are you Ann?

Maya said as she tried calling Ann on her phone. Ann's Pov

Edmund: I think I have to go now

Ann: Okay and thanks for saving my life today

Edmund: It's nothing

Ann: See you tomorrow

Edmund: Would I see you tomorrow at School

Ann: I'm not sure

Edmund: Okay

Edmund left, he went home and tried to hide his face from his sister but she caught him

Andrea: What happened to your face?

Edmund: Just bumped into something on my way here

Andrea: Edmund, stop lying and tell me the truth

Edmund: But I'm telling the truth sister

Andrea: Or did you get into a fight?

Edmund: Yeah, I did. Just wanted to save Ann from some bad guys

Andrea: What was she doing on the streets?

Edmund: Her parents argued with eachother because of her so she decided to escape

Andrea: And does she have somewhere to live?

Edmund: Yes, I gave her my house

Andrea: That's good

The next day, School was boring without Ann there for Edmund. Ann's mother came to the School to ask Edmund of Ann

Maya: Edmund, have you seen Ann today at School

Edmund: No, I saw her just yesterday when we were in class, breaktime, lunch and closing. Those were the times that I saw her

Maya: Ed, if you see anything call me

Edmund: Okay, I will auntie