Jennie: Emergency meeting, not again

Rosé: But we're still not done with what we were talking about

Ann Marie: Okay, but we're already done

Jennie: We're not

Ann Marie: Okay, okay. Fine

Ann Marie, Jennie and Rosé went to the meeting and got sited. David came

David: I've got an important information that our sardines have been poisoned

Everyone: Poisoned, who could have done that?

David: And that's why I need a nice suggestion and presentation within two weeks, Ann

Ann Marie: Why me

David: Cos you're the only one who could help me

Ann Marie: Okay, I'll try dad

The meeting was now over and Ann Marie went back to her office. She then decided to call Edmund

Ann Marie: Hello Edmund, is me Ann

Edmund: Ann, why are u calling me.I thought u were angry at me

Ann Marie: Yeah, still but can you help me by giving me Perpetual's number

Edmund: And what do you need her number for?

Ann Marie: Just send it to me, I'll be waiting

Ann Marie hanged up, few mins later Edmund sent the number. Ann called Perpetual

Ann Marie: Can we meet?

Perpetual: Who are you?

Ann Marie: Meet at Blue And Pink Sweets shop right now

Ann Marie hanged up on Perpetual, Ann went to meet Perpetual and saw her eating some blueberry cake

Perpetual: Ah, so is Desmond's new girlfriend

Ann sat down

Ann Marie: Look, I'm not his girlfriend

Perpetual: Then why are you engaged to him?

Ann Marie: Cos my parents forced me, I don't love him. Desmond loves you a lot, everytime I talk with him he mentions your name

Perpetual: I think you're saying that to fool u

Ann Marie: I'm not fooling you. I'm a woman just like u and I know how it feels to lose the one that u like or maybe love cos it have happened to me

Perpetual: And how do I believe you

Ann Marie: Cos I'm telling the truth or do u want me to call him

Perpetual: No, I don't want to hear his voice. Besides I have Edmund and he would be my new boyfriend

Ann Marie: Boyfriend!!

Perpetual: Yes, of course

Ann Marie: Uh uh, he's not yours

Perpetual: So he's rather yours right

Ann Marie: Just follow your heart and see what it tells you, I have to go now

Ann took her bag and left