Edmund took Ann and her friends to his house

Ann Marie's mind: It's so nice and big

Edmund: Your rooms are upstairs

Ann Marie: Mmmm hmmm

Jennie: Thank you so much, Edmund

Rosé: Yeah, thanks

Edmund: You're welcome, I have to go to work now

Ann Marie: What kind of work do you do?

Edmund: I have a fashion Company and La Sierra

Ann Marie: Are you the ones who transports pearls for us

Edmund: Wait...what is the name of your company

Ann Marie: Senedoza

Edmund: I think so, I have to go now

Ann got a call from Desmond, Edmund was still there

Ann Marie: Hello hon

Desmond: Why are you calling me that?

Ann Marie: Uhhh...nothing

Desmond: But you know I love Perpetual right

Ann Marie: Yeah, I was just kidding

Desmond: So where are you cos I just went to your house

Ann Marie: I packed my bags out of my dad's house and Company

Desmond: Why

Ann Marie: He hates me

Desmond: So do you have somewhere to live

Ann Marie: Yes, at my friend's house

Desmond: Okay

Edmund left for work

Ann Marie: Sorry for calling you Hon earlier, I was just trying to make someone jealous

Desmond: I understand

Maya was in her Company when Gerald came to her

Gerald: Maya, let's talk

Maya: About what

Gerald: About us and our daughter Ann

Maya: Okay, I'm listening

Gerald: I want us to tell our daughter that I'm her real dad

Maya: Yes, I want to but not now

Gerald: Why, I have everything I could give it to you and her

Maya: I don't want David to find out

Gerald: He won't find out, all we have to do is escape to another country or city

Maya: Hmmm, I'll think about it

Gerald: Please do

Greenee had come to the Company and met David's Secretary

Greenee: Where's your boss

Secretary: Pls who are u

Greenee: It doesn't matter, where is he

Secretary: Right this way

The Secretary went to David's office

Secretary: Boss, someone would like to see u

David: Let the person in

Greenee came

Greenee: Miss me

David: What do you want here, Greenee

Greenee: You made a deal with me and u failed

David: What deal cos I don't remember making any deal with u

Greenee: Then what about the baby or else I'll tell your wife and daughter about it

David: Do not dare do that

Greenee: Oh don't dare shout at me

David: So what do you want

Greenee: I want $200,000,000

David: That's a lot

Greenee: Then I'll tell

David: Don't do it, I'll give it to you

David signed a cheque for Greenee

David: Make sure to leave this country

Greenee: But what if I want to stay here

David: Leave and shut up

Greenee happily left