Chapter 61: A Little Vacation.

Later in the afternoon, Tracy came home and saw her grandparents and auntie Andrea

Tracy: Good afternoon, Auntie and my sweet grandparents

Maya and Gerald: Good afternoon, Tracy

Andrea: How was school today?

Tracy: Good, but we have a group work and my friends would come here tomorrow for us to do it together

Andrea: Okay

Tracy: Where's dad?

Gerald: He's gone on a business trip

Tracy: So soon? It's like both of them had left me all alone

Maya: It was all of a sudden so he couldn't say goodbye to you

Gerald: You're not left alone, we're also here with you

Andrea: Tracy, go and change from your uniform because we're going to have fun today

Tracy: Really?

Andrea: Yes

Tracy: Where would we go?

Andrea: It's a surprise and can't tell

Tracy: Ooh, I love surprises

Tracy ran upstairs and went to her room

Maya: Thank you, Andrea

Andrea: Oh, I'm just doing it for my brother. I don't even know what he and Ann are doing now

Ann was sitting at the seashore when Edmund came

Edmund: My love, I brought you some cocktail

Ann: Love? But I thought you were just my friend

Edmund: We used to call each other that

Ann: Okay

Edmund: Here, have some cocktail

Ann took the cocktail

Ann: Thanks, Did u made it yourself?

Edmund: Yeah, and this is your favourite

Ann sipped the cocktail

Ann: Nice

Ann smiled and looked at the Sea, Edmund looked at Ann

Ann: Isn't the sea beautiful?

Edmund: Yes, it is

Edmund's Mind: I really miss Ann's lips, I can't even kiss them now

Edmund: Have u ever kissed before?

Ann: No, I don't remember

Edmund: I really love a girl but I can't say it to her

Ann: It's better to say it to her before its too late

Edmund: What if that girl is you

Ann: Huh, me?

Edmund lean in and kissed Ann on the lips, Ann kissed him back and closed her eyes. Later, they broke the kiss

Ann: Oh, Edmund Love. I.....I now remember everything

Edmund: You remember?

Ann: Yes, Where are our children?

Edmund: They're at home, we decided to have little vacation here

Ann: Oh, nice