Chapter 70: I'm Tracy's Mom.

An unexpected guest came there, People were whispering who this beautiful woman is and what she want there. Others were also thinking that she was Max's Mistress but that was not it

Olivia: Sorry for the interruption but I'm actually here for my daughter Tracy

Everyone: Huh

Ann: What?

Tracy: No, you're not my mom

Tracy said almost teary

Tracy: Mommy Ann, she's not my mom

Olivia: Tracy, I'm sorry I left you when you were a baby but I left you for a reason

Edmund: You're not Tracy's mother

Olivia: She is my daughter

Ann: What Prove do you have?

Olivia: I have none but I know she's my daughter

Ann: How about we do a DNA Test to see if you are her real daughter

Olivia: Sure, How about tomorrow?

Ann: That'll be good

Olivia: You can now enjoy newly weds

Olivia left and called Rachel on the phone

Rachel: How did it go?

Olivia: Good, I guess. But, they need me to do a DNA Test to see if she is my real daughter

Rachel: I have everything under control

Olivia: Okay, ma'am

Ann heard the conversation

Ann's Mind: I knew she wasn't her real daughter. Who was even the ma'am she's working with? But I'm pretty sure is Rachel and I know she'll do everything to change the DNA Test and that's why I'll do my own too

Ann went back inside

Ann: Edmund, can I have a minute with you?

Edmund: Sure

Edmund went to a corner with Ann

Ann: That woman is not actually Tracy's mother

Edmund: Do you have a plan in mind?

Ann: Of Course, I do and I'll handle this on my own

Ann said by smiling. The next day, Olivia came to the house

Ann: How about we have some tea?

Olivia: Sure, I'll love to

Ann poured Olivia some tea

Ann: Would u like biscuits or cakes?

Olivia: I love cakes

Ann: Suit yourself

After the tea

Olivia: I want to do the DNA Test now

Ann: I'll be right back

Ann held the cup

Ann: This would be my prove

Ann placed the cup in her handbag and took Tracy's hair from her hairbrush and placed it in her bag

Ann: Let's go, I have Tracy's hairbrush here

Olivia: I want us to go to Life Hospital

Ann: Okay, I would also stop at Bright Star Hospital because I have an appointment with him

Olivia: Okay

They sat in Ann's car and Ann first stopped at Bright Star Hospital, Ann went to the doctor

Ann: Good morning, Doctor Andrews I really need your help

Doctor: With what?

Ann: I want you to do a DNA Test for me using these

Ann brought the cup and hair out and gave it to the doctor

Doctor: Okay, it'll be ready by next week

Ann: I'll come it myself next week

Ann went and sat in the car again

Ann: Let's go

Ann left with Olivia and they soon reached, The doctor took Tracy's hairbrush and Olivia's blood

Doctor: It'll be ready by next week

Ann: Okay, thank you

Ann and Olivia left, Rachel sent Olivia a message that everything was under control. Ann saw the text but she saw the name as ma'am