Chapter 74: Edmund's Gone.

After Edmund had closed from work, he was on his way home when a car stopped him to get out from the car. Edmund got out from the car, Just then Leo came out from the car

Edmund: Leo?

Leo: Yeah, It's me

Leo's men began beating Edmund, After that they threw him into the Water from the bridge

Leo: Now, all I have to do is get my Ann back

Leo said to himself. It was 9PM and Edmund was still not back, Ann became feeling so worried

Ann: Edmund, why are not answering my calls?

Suddenly, Ann saw on the news

News Presenter: This evening, we found Edmund Gonzales car and looks like he was not in the Car

Ann: Oh no, Where could Edmund be?

Tears began to fill Ann's eyes, Ann switched off the TV. Ann went to the Police Station

Policeman: Miss. Ann pls what do you want?

Ann: Edmund is my husband and he is no where to be found

Policeman: Yes, We found his car last night and we also found a body too last night

Ann: Can I see the body?

Policeman: Yeah, Of Course. Please follow me

Ann's Mind: God, please don't let it be Edmund

The covered body was uncovered

Ann: It's not Edmund so that means he's still missing

Policeman: We'll do everything to look for him

Ann: Thank you

Policeman: We'll start tonight

Ann: Please do

Policeman: You can now go home and rest whiles we search for him

Ann: He's my husband so I'm going to also search for him tonight

Ann said and left, She began to search for Edmund until it was in the morning. She went home and bathed then she went for work. The media came to her company to ask her questions

Person 1: So, Have you found your husband yet?

Person 2: How are you going through?

Ann: Just stop, I'm not answering any of your stupid questions

Ann went to her office and called Security

Ann: Sack all of them out of here, I don't want to see anyone here

Security: Okay, ma'am

The Security sacked everyone out

Rosé: Ann, Are you okay?

Ann: No, I don't know where Edmund is and now the media too is worrying me

Jennie: Maybe you should go home and rest

Ann: I can't, I have to make sure our Companies are going well and also search for him