Chapter 89: Jealousy (9).

Precious left. Isaac came to Perpetual, Desmond was also about to come to Perpetual

Isaac: Perpetual, Can we go and take a walk by the seaside?

Perpetual: I can't, I have something to do with Ann

When Desmond heard Isaac's offer to Perpetual, he jealousy left

Isaac: Okay, then some other time

Desmond bumped into Ann

Ann: Ouch!! Des, Are u okay?

Desmond: I'm fine, it's just that I feel lonely

Ann: But, where's Marcus?

Desmond: He's asleep

Ann: Then, we can go to the Seaside and chat for a while. What do u think?

Desmond: You would do that for me?

Ann: Of Course

Perpetual saw them talking and also became jealous

Perpetual: Isaac, On second thought I think we should go

Ann, Perpetual, Isaac and Desmond met at the Seaside. They were all sitting at different places but Perpetual and Desmond couldn't stop staring at each other. In the evening, the doctors had a big party because they were going to leave to the next day. Jennifer came to Lucas

Jennifer: Good evening, Doctor Lucas

Lucas: Good evening, How are u?

Jennifer: I'm good, Doc. You look so handsome today

Lucas: You also look beautiful yourself

The music came on

Jennifer: Can....

Lucas: Excuse me, Jennifer

Lucas left, Jennifer was so angry. Lucas had just seen Kim who had entered with Stephanie and Freda so Lucas went to Kim. The girls left them to talk

Lucas: Kim, you look so beautiful this evening

Kim: Thanks, Do....I mean Lucas

Lucas: If u say Doctor Lucas again, I'll kiss u

Kim: Really, in front of all these people. I thought you said we'll not let anyone know about about our relationship

FLASHBACK: Lucas And Kim had their date in a nice Italian restaurant, They had finished ordering and their food was brought to them, they had pepperoni pizza as dessert with some cokes

Lucas: Kim, I have something to tell you

There was silence

Lucas: I really like you a lot, Kim. I don't know what to do without you, You're the perfect girl for every man you'll never regret having me as your boyfriend

Lucas held Kim's hand

Lucas: So, what do u say? I'll understand if you don't accept me

Kim: I also like you a lot. And, please don't break my heart

Lucas: I cross my heart that I would never do that


Kim and Lucas danced, Marcus danced with Perpetual, Ann danced with Desmond and Isaac and Stephanie danced