Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Things normal children would experience in their childhood, I never did, and nor did I know what they were exactly and how they felt.

I was always envious of such a life and desired to have one such myself.

I realized that if I had strength, I could easily achieve that…

With hopes of becoming stronger and receiving love from my family, I trained but, in the end, all of it went to waste due to those bastards.

But now, for some reason, I don't know why but I felt really happy when this little girl in front of me gave me her food, even while living in this area.

I wish I could cry out once again.

I wanted to thank her and express my gratitude but I could not maintain my sense and be too exhausted to walk on the spot.

I wouldn't mind even if she left me there as I at least for once experienced true happiness.

She asked me to go with her as I didn't had anywhere to go so I agreed.

She carried me instead on her back, despite her small stature and weight, she carried me on her back with strength I didn't expect from a girl like her, most demons here were weak commoners after all.

I smelled her relaxing smell along the way, relishing the addictive and sweet fragrance from her, and fell asleep peacefully after a long while.


I woke up the next morning and realized that I was not lying on the cold and dirty alleyway but instead on a bed, although not the most comfortable thing, it was far better than that.

I realized I was probably in someone's home here around.

I didn't die…

Memories of the previous night of the stranger demoness flashed through my mind as I made a mental note to repay her kindness in the future no matter what.

Along with that, I wanted revenge.

I wanted to avenge my household and kill those cruel demons of the police department who butchered my blood, my servants.

I will grow stronger, much stronger than one could imagine, not even the police department head, the 3 Greats, not even Delkira himself could stop me.

I woozily stood up and walked around the room before finally making her way out to find the owner of the house. I was also hungry and there was this delicious smell of food coming from ahead.

My stomach growled as I followed the smell of food.

It didn't take long as the next room was where the smell was coming from and someone…

Long silky soft and shining white hair, similarly deep and mysteriously cute violet dark eyes, small and soft-looking pink lips, and a button nose.

Height shorter than herself by a head and a cute plush body…


Here she was, the demoness from the night and her savior.

She was entranced by her beauty, she was left speechless as she could not find words to describe her, not even the succubus queen looked any better than her savior in her eyes.

She doesn't know what other demons might think of such enchanting beauty but to her, she looked like the most beautiful demoness in the world.

She wanted to hug her small plush body from behind, whisper in her soft ears, stroke her long silky hair and remain like that forever.

No revenge, no luxuries, no life, nothing…

She, at that moment just wanted to be with her for eternity.

She believed she had fallen for her, be it her world-defying beauty, be it her kindness she showed the other day, or be it her beautiful soul.

Perhaps noticing her presence, her savior turned around to fully face her and looked into her black eyes.

She heard her voice for the first time and it was honey-like sweet as if the best song sung by the best singer in her ears.

She could not form words of gratitude for a moment and fumbled in her mind before composing herself and thanking her with noble etiquettes.

Her name was Evelyn, what a wonderful name for such a wonderful demoness.

Evelyn was humble and didn't think much of the favor of saving her life.

She had me take a bath and shared her clothes with someone homeless and dirty like me.

I smelled Eve's clothes and they contained her smell, I was a little weirded out by my actions, and what was happening to me, my heart pounded hard again as her smell was inhaled.

They talked and it was decided that she would help Evelyn with her business in exchange for a roof, food, and other basic things.

Honestly, even if Evelyn hadn't offered such things, I would have helped her regardless.

From then on, she fed me while I helped her with her work.

Some days later, I was struck with a brilliant idea and so I pledged myself, my soul, and my entire existence to Lady Eve, I pleaded with her to accept me as her security devil.

I was initially scared,

'What if she rejects me, what if she thinks I am being too pushy and cocky?'

I had no power at that moment but I still requested something as bizarre as being her security devil.

A security devil is something far greater than being a mere servant of someone.

It holds great importance to demons in the netherworld.

If your security demon is weak and useless, you would be condemned by nobles and demons, be it discretely or openly.

She knew Evelyn had accepted her request for her sake as she had nowhere to live and could not bear to impose on her, she was naïve and innocent and didn't know that such an important task should not be done so carelessly.

But she will prove herself to be capable to be her security devil in the future as she got strong.

And also prevent her from making any more choices in the spur of moments like this.