Chapter 18

Chapter 18

With the crazy magic experiments she had started performing, I was worried that she might do something inappropriate to milady.

I have yet to see milady's magic but someone as delicate as her….

No, no, it's not like I was underestimating her magic powers. She must be great definitely…. But you never know if that was not the case.

And if something were to happen to her, I swear I would destroy this whole world.

I confronted the grey-haired twin Iris myself.

She also bravely confronted me.

All it took us both was a little 'something' and we both understood the other party's intentions.

I was made aware that she was loyal by her actions, I understood some things from our little encounter, that however crazy things she might do with her magic, she won't ever harm fall on Lady Eve whom she had thought as her big sister.

It was enough that she is still loyal to milady… she had become like me… our loyalty was also similar…. She was still inexperienced and could not fully hide her obsessive tendencies like me but she will learn eventually.

Over the next years, I found potential slaves—uh subordinates for Lady Eve, I trained them loyal to milady.

I wanted our strength to build for the future.

Both for Lady Eve and my revenge.

By the time, I enact my revenge, I wanted our fighting force to be capable to tackle the demon police department.

They were strong and savage demons and matching their strength was hard.

Not to mention, many of them were above Rank-5 as well.

But I was willing to work hard to encounter them.

I didn't want to end up like the rebel army who were wiped out single-handedly by Delkira.

It would be too wasteful and I will prevent such a scenario.

I trained them mercilessly and removed the useless ones.

One thing I came to enjoy was training them, breaking their bones, and beating them to a pulp.

The cursing and suffering expressions of those demons…. Ah, how delightful…

I almost let myself leak out to Lady Eve when she once came to see the training but I somehow managed to avoid direct talk with her at that time and swore to be more careful next time.

Ivy had grown in the years as she was taking after me.

'Good girl, as expected of my little sister.'

I, just like milady had accepted the twins as our family, they were only a year younger but the feeling of having a younger sibling was great.

Ivy seemed to admire me a lot as well and it could not make me more proud that my little sister is looking up to me.

Iris was a good girl too, and she seemed to become some sort of personal bodyguard for Milady.

Anytime I meet milady, I could always feel her presence nearby.

Heh, little brat thinks she had mastered the magic of [Concealment].

Lady eve, as I expected never noticed Iris though.

She rarely gets the time to train due to work.

I am worried she might over-exert her delicate self…

I have forced the brats to help the lady do more work but milady still works as much as she could.


Milady, please rest sometimes….

It is painful to watch you overexert yourself, although kind of cute sometimes when you try so hard…

Anyways, with Iris always stalking—protecting Lady Eve, I could be worried less.

She was a capable little sister.

Ivy seemed to also acquire my habit of picking up stray demons and she seemed to pick gold one time when she picked up Mathew.

Anyways, not much to say about him, just that he was kinda great in business and reduced milady's work….

I also acquire a security demon of sorts.

It sounds so absurd, that a security demon herself has her security demon.

Hahaha, not even the nobles would have something like that.

That girl Kana was a cat demon, she had some bulky muscles and a great height for her age as well.

I asked her to become a security devil to Lady Eve but alas that muscle head didn't agree to say some shit about how she could not be my equal and as per the norms of the demon world, she will serve me forever.

Oh well, it kind of pissed me off but also satisfied my noble pride.

I made it clear to her that Lady Eve's safety is my priority and she will do the same if she wants to serve me.

She was a capable leader as well as she organized and lead her thug group.

I appointed her as the vice leader of the army.

Ivy was indeed capable but she still lacked the experience to be a leader and more importantly, as my little sister, I didn't want her to be in a lower position than me.

Well, it felt good to spoil my little sister sometimes.


I wanted to somehow convey my intentions of expanding our forces and territories to Lady Evelyn… the numbers in our army were huge now and the land was becoming insufficient for their training.

I have asked Mathew about it and he could not proceed without Milady's permission.

I was wondering how to convince milady when she suddenly announced her grand plans to us 5.

She planned to take over the city. It was outrageous if someone heard of it.

Little runts of demons just starving yesterday were now planning to take over the city,

But they would be fools to think that as we had every resource to make it very well possible.

I could barely contain my excitement after listening to milady.

I immediately took orders from her and left to prepare the troops.

My revenge was one step closer now….

Just wait…. You bastards.
