A new start

Sana's POV

I woke up around 6 in the morning. I did my morning chores and again changed into another dress of Veer. I can't go out like this. What will everyone think of me. I am not very fond of making a good impression as a newly wed but still walking out in Veer's clothes is really embarrassing. Now I need to wait for Veer to wake up. Wake up fast damn it.

It was 7:30 when his phone alarm rang and he woke up. Finally.

"Why are sitting like ghost." He asked me as he was shocked to see me sitting on my knees and looking at him as if he is an alien.

"Noth.. nothing." I stammered.

"From when did you start to get nervous while talking to me?" He asked, blankly looking at me.

"Nothing. I wanted to ask you something." I said.

"Go for it." He said while getting up from his bed.

"When is Karan going to get my clothes? I can't step out of the room like this." I said not meeting his gaze.

"From when are you awake?" He questioned me back. Man atleast answer me first.

"Like around 6." I said.

"That wasn't needed though. Anyways wait for 10 minutes, then I will myself go and get your clothes." He said. Wow a gentleman I see.

"Ok." That's all I could say.

Then I heard a knock at the door. Who would be at this time? I went to open the door.

"Ooh Aunty come inside please." Jaya aunty was standing at the door with a bright smile.

"Actually Karan bought your belongings from your home." She said giving me my suitcase.

"That's so sweet of him. But I never knew Karan wakes up so early." I asked with amusement.

"Haha.. he would never dare to increase his brother's anger." Aunty said and I remembered what Karan was saying yesterday.

"Good morning mom." Veer came out of the bathroom and greeted aunty.

"You got up so early?" Aunty inquired.

"Mom I always wake up early." He said.

"How can I forget that you are an Army officer." Aunty said in a joyous manner.

"Mom did Karan went for jogging?" He asked.

"Yeah and he bought Sana's things also." She said.

"Oh good." That was all he said.

"Anyways am going. You both can come after sometime. And Sana am not those typical Mother in laws who pester their Daughter in laws to get up early and do the household work. So no need to get up early. You youngsters should enjoy your sleep. And Sana you should call me mom, you're  like Shreya to me. Ok? So now bye my sweethearts." She said and went. She is literally a nice person.

"Umm Sana I want to tell you something." Veer said.

"Oh..ok" I said.

"Actually I booked our tickets back to Srinagar." He said.

"Oh.. when are we going back?" I asked.

"Tomorrow at 4 pm. Sorry I didn't ask you." He said.

"No it's ok." I said.

"And can you say Maya to pack your things." He said.

"Why?" I asked, surprised at him.

"Actually my parents wanted to gift me house on my wedding. Registration was done long back. So umm we are staying there." He said casually.

"Oh." I said.

"Veer." I called him.

"Yes." He answered.

"Can we talk?" I asked nervously and he hummed in response.

"I agree you see me just as your best friend. Our wedding was all of a sudden and it's not easy for me also to go through this. But for once atleast, can we give our relationship a chance. It's ok if you don't want to, but please don't get angry." I said not meeting his gaze.

"I honestly need time to think about this. Please don't get me wrong but am not in a condition to make any decision." He said blankly.

"It's ok." That's all I could say.

"Umm... We have to go for paghphera today." He said out of the blue and I hummed.

"Would you like to stay with them today?" He asked.

"If you don't mind,then..." I said.

"From when did you start taking my permission?" He asked, amused at my statement.

"Like from today you can say." I said looking directly into his eyes.

"Sana it's your life, you don't need to ask me. Even if you want to, then just inform me, that would be more than enough." He said without any emotion and I hummed in response.

"Damn it speak like you were used to. I never saw you saying in a low voice or the worst just humming in response." He spoke angrily.

"Sorry." I apologized. Wow this is something new, I never apologized to anyone except my senior officers. And actually I never had the need to apologize to someone because as per everyone I was perfect and never did any mistake. Enough of praising myself.

"Now why the hell are you saying sorry. Did anybody spike your food last night. Or have you seriously lost your brain." He said not believing what I said.

"Nothing like that." I replied.

"Sana, tell me honestly do you want me to take you to a doctor. You are not in your usual self. I agree you were never sane, but you weren't this insane. It's better to get treatment in an early stage before it becomes worse." He said in serious tone but I felt the urge to laugh but had to control it.

"No it's ok." I said suppressing my laughter.

"You have seriously lost it. Get ready after breakfast we will go to your house and maybe on the way we would meet a psychiatrist." He said and went.


"Princess would you stay with us today?" Papa asked.

"Yeah papa. And we both are leaving for Srinagar tomorrow. Don't know when I will again come. So yeah I will stay today." I said while munching a samosa.

"Veer, my boy why don't stay with us today." Mama said.

"Actually aunty..i...umm...that i..." He stammered probably looking for an immediate excuse.

"No excuse Veer you are staying today. And most importantly call me papa and sudha as mama." Papa said sternly.

"Oh..ok uncle. I mean papa." Veer said. And a sudden tide of happiness filled in me.

"I will send some night clothes for you." Mama said and Veer nodded in response.

The evening was delightful. We had our dinner and headed towards our respected rooms. I guess I have to share the bed with Veer.

"Actually I don't have a couch in my room." I said not meeting his gaze.

"Hm.. I think I have to sleep on the floor." He said in response.

"I don't think that it is required, we can share the bed if you are comfortable. Like we can put pillows in between." I tried to justify.

"Umm...are you ok with it?" He asked and I hummed in response.

"Good night then." He wished and I too wished him back.


Next morning

"Why do you have to wake up so early?" He asked.

"Because I am habituated to it now." I replied and started laughing.

"Why are you laughing? How many bottles of alcohol you had this morning?" He asked, shocked at my behaviour.

"Go see your face in the mirror, then you will know who is drunk and who is not." I said and he ran to see his face in the mirror.

"What the hell? Who did this?" He was shouting angrily. So yeah Raj's plan worked. He applied grease along with various water colours on his face. When asked why is he doing so, he said that it's his style of welcoming his brother in law.

"Ok I didn't do this completely. Like I have part in this but only 10%." I said.

"Who did this?" He asked again.

"Actually my cousin brother. He came today at around 4:30 am." I said suppressing my laughter.

"And how did you help him?" He asked.

"I just opened the door for him. He did his work and went." I said casually.

"I will seriously kill him." He said.

"What? Why would you kill a 14 year old boy?" I asked teasing him.

"Shut up." He said.

"Go wash your face and freshen up. We have to leave after breakfast." I said and he went to the washroom.


Well it's time that we should leave Mumbai. I thought to myself after settling in the plane. After a journey of 7 hours we reached Srinagar. And now we are on our way to our house. Did I say our house. Yes I did. Maybe he didn't accept me as his wife but I accepted him as my husband. So whatever is mine so is his and whatever is his so is mine.

A new start

I thought as soon as we reached our destination. Maybe this would bring some change in our relationship I thought. Moving forward with some good vibes and some good expectations. Hoping that they would be true.


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Have a good day readers ❤️