Childhood Memories

Sana's POV

My alarm rang at 5 am as always. Because of medicines I felt like sleeping more but that won't be possible as it's a Monday morning. As I tried to get up I saw a hand holding me tightly around my waist. How much only I dreamt about such a blissful morning. Carefully without disturbing his sleep I got out of his embrace and went to freshen up. I tried to wake him up. I called him once, twice, thrice no response. Oh god! How much he sleeps.

"Veer...!!!" I yelled near his ear and he woke up and sat with a jerk. He looked here and there and at last at me.

"What happened? Who died and why are you looking at me like I have grown horns?" He said in one go.

"Idiot it's 5:40 don't you have to get ready for work." I asked putting my hands on my waist.

"Oh that. Actually we are on a week's leave." He said.

"But I don't remember applying for any leave." I said.

"Because I applied on your behalf. Now sleep and let me sleep. You literally shout way too much these days." He said and again drowned into sleep. He should be named as Sleeping Handsome.

Just then I heard the door bell sound. Who could be this early morning. Wondering I went to open the door.

"Karan..!!" I yelled and hugged him and he hugged me back. I don't have any siblings but being with him I feel like I don't need a sibling. He is my brother from another mother. We both went inside and he went to the guest room to freshen up. Meanwhile I prepared a coffee for both of us.

"Thank you bhabhi." He said and we both started talking about anything and everything. After some 15 minutes he said something which really shocked me.

"Actually bhabhi I got selected for NDA." He said.

"Are you serious?" I asked him for assurance.

"Yeah. And please don't tell bhai about this. I will tell him myself. I don't know how will he react." He said in dull voice.

"But I never knew that you were interested in joining Army." I said.

"Actually no one knew about this because I never said anyone about this. Even mom and dad were unknown to this fact. When I got my recommendation letter last week, I said everyone. It was hard for me to convince mom to not to say bhaiya about this. And to be honest no one knew that when I had my written exam and when I went for SSB." He said and I was amused at this new information.

"In this whole thing I didn't understand one thing that why you didn't let anybody know about this, especially your brother." I said.

"Actually I was scared about bhai's reaction. To be honest am still scared. That's why I said dad to book the tickets and I came here. I hope he doesn't kill me." He said.

"Nonsense. He would be so proud of you." I said he just hummed and I sent him to his room to take some rest.

Suddenly a idea popped in my mind and I didn't tarry a minute before implementing it.


It was around 9 am when I heard a yelling sound coming from our room. I rushed towards our room because I already knew why was he shouting. Now the fun begins.

Let me tell you what I did. Firstly I applied some white glue on his whole face and I sprinkled green, blue, pink, yellow and red colour zinc on his face and then painted his nose red. Then my subconscious said that something is missing. Then I bought some green, blue and pink colour sprays from the store room and sprayed them on his hair. And how could I forget to take a picture of this. I took a picture and came out of the room.

At present Veer is continuously yelling and it's really very hard for me to suppress my laugh. I composed myself and went inside.

"What the hell you did to me idiot?" He asked.

"What? I just made you more beautiful. Aww such a cutie pie you're." I said in a childish voice and he took the cricket bat which was kept in a corner of the room and ran after me.

After running for 20 minutes and destroying the whole house we took a break when Karan came out of his room. He was literally controlling his laughter after seeing Veer like a joker.

"How much you both shout? Didn't even let me sleep peacefully." Karan said and Veer was shocked seeing Karan.

"When you came? No wait how did you came? Did you come here all alone? I said mom and dad several times not to leave you alone. Now what are you staring at me. It's all your bhabhi's deeds. Leave that how come mom and dad let you come alone. Now why are you not answering. God forbid you didn't lose your ability to speak right." He said in one go.

"Bro if you will let me speak then only I can speak right. Well I came this morning. I came by flight and yes I came alone and about me coming alone, I ain't a kid anymore." Karan said.

"You would have atleast said me that you are coming. I would have received you from airport. But why all of a sudden you came?" Veer asked.

"Bhai you better wash your face and come. It's literally hard for me to control my laughter." Karan said and burst into laughter along with me.

Veer came after 15 minutes and settled himself on the sofa in living room.

"Now tell me what was so important that you didn't bother to inform me." Veer said sternly and I could see Karan getting nervous.

"Umm.... Bhaiya first promise me that you won't be angry." Karan said not meeting his gaze.

"Well that depends on what you are going to say. Now don't beat around the bush and speak." Veer said.

"IgotselectedforNDA" Karan said

"Bro speak in way in which I can understand. And I don't think that you are going to miss your train that you are speaking so fast and I ain't Sana that I can understand in whatever speed you say." Veer said and I smacked his head playfully.

"I got selected for NDA." Karan said looking everywhere except Veer. He was silent for a while.

"I am so proud of you my boy." Veer said and hugged Karan in a brotherly embrace. I didn't waste a minute and took a picture of them.

"Aww..!!! How cute." I said and they broke the hug.

"Karan I won't ask you when and how you prepared for the exam and how you did your SSB, because I know you gave your best that's why you got selected. But you dumbass, idiot, stupid, nonsense you could have atleast said me that you wanted to join army." Veer said and playfully smacked Karan's head.

"Bhai I was just scared of your reaction. I didn't even say mom and dad about this. When the recommendation letter came home last week then only everyone got to know. Mom didn't talk with me for 2 days. It was really hard for me to convince her. And after that I didn't think twice and asked dad to book my tickets and he did so and I came here." Karan said.

"Well that's completely okay. Mom did the right thing. Jokes apart when are you joining the academy?" Veer asked.

"3rd of next month." Karan said.

"Hm.. okay. Well then I ain't letting you go from here before 30th of this month." Veer said in a joyous tone.

"I won't mind teasing you along with bhabhi." Karan said and ran and Veer ran after him. Just boys things.


It was almost 11 pm when we 3 returned home. We had our dinner outside. I went to freshen up and after me Veer went. We both were sitting on our bed in each other's embrace.

"Thank you Sana." He said out of the blue.

"For what." I asked.

"After many days I felt like I relived my childhood. Remember in our childhood how you were used to annoy me always." He said and I smiled.

"After so many days am happy. I agree what you did could bring pimples on my face and also I may go bald after that colour spray thing but whatever it is I was genuinely happy." He said with a smile.

"Well those colour sprays are not hazardous so you won't go bald. And about making you happy then I can do that everyday and night." I said and winked.

"Good one, but be prepared I will take my revenge soon, like I used to do when we were kids." He said and winked me back.

"I still remember the day when you got a good beating from Mom for spoiling my favourite dress and breaking the edges of my heels. Because of you I wasn't able to go to Rishabh's birthday party that day." I said faking anger.

"Ofcourse. It was my birthday also that day and instead of talking and playing with me you wanted to go to that nerdy rishabh's birthday party. So I just found my ways to not let you go. Simple." He said.

"Whatever it was but you were always jealous of that rishabh." I said with a smirk.

"Why would I be jealous of that nerd? God such a creepy guy he was." He said in a annoying tone.

"And because of that creepy guy you fought with me for the first time and didn't talk with me for whole 2 months." I said faking anger.

"That was because you were giving more attention to him and not me. So I just ignored you so that you realise my value." He said with a smirk.

"Whatever. But tell me honestly did you really threaten rishabh to stay away from me." I asked and raised my eye brow.

"Well..umm.. something like that you can say." He said and winked.

"Yaar.. we were in 10th STD at that time. God knows what would he have thought about me after that." I said.

"Very very very good. You were worried about that idiot but not me. Remember you didn't even apologize to me till today." He said faking anger.

"Okay na sorry. I would be the first person in the world who is apologizing to his husband that too for a matter that happened almost 8 years back." I said and made a annoying face.

"Well you are forgiven. But I think rishabh had a crush on you." He said.

"Not just mere crush but something more than that." I said with a smirk.

"What?" He asked me amused.

"Umm.. actually he proposed me and not only that he asked me for a date." I said.

"What? Are you serious? What did you answer him then?" He asked in one go.

"Well at first I was about to say yes, but then your thought crossed my mind. I thought if I would say yes to him, then you wouldn't think twice before killing him and I never wanted you to end up in jail. So only because of you I denied him politely." I said and winked.

"I would have killed that nerd for sure." He said faking anger.

We talked for some more time and drifted into deep slumber in each other's embrace. Although he didn't had any feelings for me as of now but he was trying his best and one day he will surely fall in love with me.


How are you all...???

I hope everyone is doing well.

Well their relationship is progressing.

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Have a good day readers ❤️