First Kiss..!!!

Veer's POV

I informed to one of my trusted friend in the Army intelligence to keep an eye on Nisha and her so called brother. He must be tracking them now and I have to wait for some more time until I get a solid proof against them.

I went to check on Karan only to find him completely engrossed in some stupid movie. I jerked him once but no response, twice and thrice still nothing. I took a bottle of chilled water which was kept on a shelf in the room and poured it entirely on him. Perks of being an elder brother.

"What was that?" He asked me annoyingly.

"When you don't listen to your elder brother then this only happens." I said proudly.

"As far as I remember I did nothing now. Hm.. so you probably want something from me." He said with a smirk. And I pulled him out along with me.

"Let's cook." I said.

"Bhai if you seriously want to get some good scoldings and beatings from bhabhi then say it to her directly and if you can't then I will say that to her on your behalf." He said and I smacked him.

"Umm let's cook chicken biryani. Dumbo see something on you tube." I said joyously.

"If you seriously want to eat biryani then let me say that to bhabhi." He said and made his way to our room.

"No. Don't disturb her. She is sleeping." I yelled.

"Then let's order it na." He said.

"But I want to cook it for her." I said making a pout and my idiot brother pulled my cheeks.

"Ok fine. Am with you in this." He said clapped his hand like a kid.

After good 2 hours of hitting each other with spatula, hands and legs we both finished making the biryani. Now our next target was curry. An appetizing chicken curry. Hope it turns out to be good.

It was almost 9:30 pm when everything was ready. I went to our room to invite Sana over, to the ever so delicious dinner prepared by me.

"Dinner is ready." I said and she lifted her face from the mobile screen.

"Is that why you locked the door from outside?" She asked.

"Something like that. Now come. Am starving." I said putting my hands on my stomach.

We 3 had our dinner peacefully and I can't believe on my ears when Sana praised me. It's like someone is giving me a bravery award.

I talked with Karan for some more time while Sana went back to our room. Can't believe my baby brother is going to NDA for training and after 3 years his training will be completed at NDA. God knows when he became so big. And one more year training at IMA, then there would be a lieutenant against his name.

I remember the time when I got the 2 stars on my shoulder. That feeling was so foreign. Mom and dad were so happy at that time and once again that time will come after some years. Time literally flies away.

We both talked with Mom and Dad over video call well that wasn't just a call though. Mom was continuously scolding Karan for not telling them before, about the NDA exam and SSB. After much pestering she somewhat calmed down. Then we both went to our respective rooms.

Sana was setting her clothes in the closet. Water was dripping from her hair indicating that she just took a shower  She was literally looking like an angel. I was literally a fool to not to notice her before. She is beautiful inside out. I must have done some great deeds that I got her as my wife.

I couldn't control myself and advanced towards her.

Third person's POV

Veer advanced towards her. He pulled her out of the closet and pinned her to the wall. His hands were caressing her face as if she was a doll. Her hands were around his neck. Both were looking into each other's eyes deeply.

There was silence in their room. But they were communicating through their eyes. Thousands of emotions were flowing through their eyes. They weren't talking through words but their eyes spoke numerous emotions.

He held her tightly by her waist. He leaned his face towards her. Their lips were just an inch apart from each other. If anyone would have opened their mouth to speak then their lips would have touched without any doubt.

He put a hair strand behind her ear. Maybe for the whole world she was just an ordinary girl but for him she was his queen, the most beautiful girl in the whole world. He asked for her permission through his eyes and she blinked indicating him to go ahead. He leaned further to kiss her.

Their lips touched each other's. He was kissing her softly yet passionately. She couldn't register what was happening at the moment. She was standing numb and he was trying hard to enter her mouth. For a moment he felt that she wasn't interested. But he was not the one who would leave her so soon.

"Open up damn it." He said.

And she opened her mouth for him to explore it. She wasn't responding as she was still shocked. Slowly yet steadily she started kissing him back. From her lip moments he knew it was her first kiss. He let her explore his mouth in her own way.

After some 5 minutes or so they pulled out as they ran out of breath. He started showering feathery kisses on her collarbone. She bit her lower lips to stop a moan coming out of her mouth.

He bit her neck earning a moan from her. He then bit her earlobe and kissed it to ease the pain. He cupped her face with one hand and started caressing her cheek. He again leaned to kiss her. This time it was bit rough.

Both of them were so indulged in each other that nothing else bothered them. Suddenly Veer's phone rang and they both pulled out. She was crimson red by now.

"I have to go. It's kinda urgent. I promise I will come back soon." With this he rushed to change into his uniform. After changing he winked once at her and pecked her forehead and left.


It has been 20 days since he left. There was no sign of him. Sana continued to go to work after her leave was over. Karan was back to Mumbai 2 days ago and now he was all set to go to the academy.

Sana was wandering aimlessly in the house. Missing is just a word to define what seemed to people from outside but from inside her emotions couldn't be defined in words. She was lost. Maybe to the whole world she seemed normal but from inside she was struggling with herself.

All negative feelings were surrounding her. For some reason she was feeling uneasy. She was not in her usual self. The girl who was always calm and quiet now seemed restless. Something was eating her up from inside. Just then her phone rang. It was some unknown number. She picked it up.

"Captain Sana Sharma?" The speaker asked.

"Speaking." She answered.

"I don't know how to say this but Captain Veer Rathod is missing. We tried to trace him but unfortunately we couldn't." The speaker said.

"Is he alive?" Was all she asked.

"Ma'am as of now we couldn't say anything. There are high chances that he may have died in the bomb blast but we couldn't find his body. I am sorry Ma'am." She couldn't hear anything further than that. She kept her phone down and fainted.


When she opened her eyes she was in a different surrounding. She didn't find it hard to realise that she was in a hospital. After some minutes her whole family entered the room.

"How are you princess?" Her father asked with concern and caressed her face and she just smiled.

"How long have I been here?" She asked.

"You were in coma from past 1 month child." Veer's father answered.

"Where is Veer?" She asked and no one could meet her gaze and she got her answer.

She was discharged after a week. She engulfed herself in work. She was living physically but mentally she was dead. Maybe something in her said her to not to lose faith. She still had some hope that Her Veer will come to her one day. With that hope only she was living.

She didn't share anything with anyone, spoke only when it was that necessary. People were now used her one word answers. Her both families called her everyday but she needed something else.

She needed his warmth, his care, his protection. In short she needed him. When everything was on line, when everything was almost fine this happened. She felt her world was destroyed. Now her only aim was to live and die for the nation.

Her hope to meet Veer again in this world was fading away. She hardly had any hope that he would come again. Many days have went past since that incident but still nothing was confirmed.

Only god knew if he was alive or not. People tried to console her and adviced her to move on. But she was the same stubborn girl who loved her Veer like she used to. She turned deaf ears when someone said her to forget Veer.

Maybe yes her hope was fading away but it didn't die. She had that small hope which kept her alive. That small hope which reminded her that she was his and he was her's. She was now no less then a stone.

Every member in her both the families had already left hope of his return. But here she stood as hard as a rock, still waiting for her love to come to her. She was ready to wait for him for the rest of her life because he was her life her everything.


How are you all...???

I hope everyone is doing well.

I know it's an emotional chapter. But please don't stop reading it here. It's just a phase of her life and this sad phase is going to end soon.

A little spoiler for next chapter :- ⚔️ 😖 👫🏻

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Enjoy reading..!!!

Have a good day readers ❤️