Chapter 6

"And the last thing we see is this marine's ass disappearing into the brush with this angry Thanator chasing after him!" Grace told the tale for the fourth or fifth time this night.

Harry stood in the canteen, where all the Avatar drivers human bodies gathered to learn more about Jake's great adventure. He was very noticeable, being blue, 9ft tall and wearing a mask but no one bothered him. All were focused on Jake.

Jake had a miraculous encounter with the natives. He, instead of being killed for trespassing which had become more common, was instead welcomed among the tribe. He would now learn how to be one of them – The Navi.

The opportunities it created were extraordinary, not only for Selfridges desire for Unobtanium but also for science. Grace and Harry's on-going feud had been forgotten tonight as both enjoyed the tales of a world they could not even dream about.

"You know, for reasons I cannot fathom, the Omaticaya have chosen you."

Jake just smiled his cocky grin. "Hey, it's not something you can teach."

Harry pipped up. "What of the people? What are they like?"

"I've only been there one evening. Most didn't seem pleased I was there, but they accepted me into their circle. There was this evening gathering, they all sat around a fire and passed around food and drink. Like a college bonfire, only more nudity and less drinking."

The surrounding crowd laughed and Max, one of the Avatar engineers shouted out "That's awesome!"

After some time, Harry drifted off into the background. He could see something new in Jake. A purpose. He had found what he come to Pandora for and he was happy for his friend. But that didn't fill the gaping hole in his heart. What was his purpose?

After the excitement of Sully's news position died down, Harry was able to sweet talk Selfridge to place him on another expedition.

It was about time he got down to business. The loading of the starship was nearing completion. It wouldn't be long before he could unload his own cargo, he only needed a destination. A home base away from this mining camp.

This time he was the only avatar of the group. A larger rotorcraft that had a hanger below where two of the human mechs could be stored was sent out. It wasn't a scientific mission like his previous excursion, but more of a scouting of an unexplored area. He had been given a resonator that was able to detect Unobtanium deposits, even buried underground.

At least he could see a professional scouting mission, he could find out how they function. What they look for. He would need all of that when it came to his turn to find a base.

They took off and landed in a clearing not far away. The human drivers of the mechs mounted up and the group advanced through the jungle.

As they walked along, Harry noticed the plants here were different than he had scanned before. Almost as if they had walked into a different biome. The colourful plants gave way to soaring trees whose branches weaved pathways through the tree tops.

His scanning device in one hand, the reasoned on his back, he pushed forward. The great mechs seem to crush much of the wildlife and scare away what animals he could have found, much to Harry's great displeasure. However knowing how his last trip when, he thought it better to stay on the good side of the giant machines carrying portable cannons.

It was a good long trek through the forest. They looped around to maximise the field for the resonator to scan. When they preparing to head back, and Harry had filled his bags with samples, one of the escorts called out.


The guards, well trained formed up with their weapons ready, scanning the area where a blue shadow had been perched.

Knowing the situation could deteriorate quickly he called out "Hello, we mean no harm."

He then mentally slapped himself. Very few of Navi attended Grace's school and therefore not many learnt English. He correct himself and called out a greeting.

"Kaltxi. Ngaru lu fpom srak?" (Hello, How are you?)

The response was hissing. From behind a tree, he saw a flash of colour and dodged the side. An arrow embed in the ground where he was standing. He couldn't pull his eyes away from the arrow. The feathers were brightly coloured and looking closer, he could see a sticky liquid on the stone tip.

Poison! He could almost hear the Colonel's voice in his head. 'They are fond of arrows dipped in a neurotoxin that'll stop your heart in one minute.'

The escorts see the attack prepared to return fire.

"Stop!" he called out. Surprisingly it worked. The mercenaries didn't fire.

He raised his hands to Navi.

"Nimwey" (peace/Calm) He repeated it again almost begging. "Nimwey!"

He heard some Navi he couldn't quite understand, but the word "Demon" was clear to hear.

There would be no peace today.

Arrows flew and bullets returned in a fury.

It was over soon. The natives had taken out a young marine with an arrow to the heart. The Navi, the group of 6 that they found had been wiped out.

Harry fell to his nears one of the corpses. His head bowed in shame. It was a young man, barely of an age to be a hunter and now he was dead. His journey ended.

What for?

Who benefited from this ceaseless death and destruction?

He brushed a strand of hair away from the corpse's face and could only mutter his apologies as tears fell from his eyes.

"Eywa Ngahu" (May Eywa be with you)

He looked around the clearing where the Navi had been slain. He could see vine nets half filled with nuts from a nearby tree. This was no war party; they were gathering food from the jungle.

He looked to mercenaries. He wasn't sure how to feel about them. They had killed these natives with ease. The superior numbers and firepower left little advantage for the Navi. He could see them laughing and smiling at each other. Congratulating each other on a great hunt. He hated that. He hated them. But a part of him couldn't help but acknowledge, they had probably saved his life.

"Grab a shovel. We're going to bury them" Harry informed the party.

"What!" they spluttered "They killed John and now you want to give them a burial. I suppose you'll be wanting a funeral service too?" The mech moved its large metal limbs to point its fingers at Harry accusingly.

Another chipped in. "Let the animals take them!"

"They're barely adults who were gathering food. This didn't need to happen. We bury them."

"I don't.."

"I have spoken." The steel in his voice must have conveyed something to the surrounding men. They sighed and mumbled under their breath but soon six graves were dug under the roots of a large tree. The bodies of the Navi were placed gently in by Harry himself, not trusting the others to be respectful.

They pushed the soil to cover them. The rest turned away and saw to their own fallen while Harry hung back. The words came from deep inside him.

"All energy is only borrowed and one day you have give it back. Eywa Ngahu." (May Eywa be with you)

As the rotorcraft took them away, he knew in his heart. He had to get away.

This killing was beyond his capacity to endure.

On his holo-tablet brought up the satellite images of Pandora. He soon found the mining camp located on the main continent. He used his fingers to zoom out, looking for somewhere far enough away to disappear in.

His eyes caught a series of islands just off the coast. From the scans they looked rocky are barren with very little vegetation covering the jutting rocks that seemed to push themselves out of the sea. A small group of trees grew at the centre of the group of Islands, but the rest was perfect.

He could shape, mine and change that place to suit his needs. He wouldn't have any issues with the tribes as there was nothing of value there for the Navi to protect. Just rocks.

He looked at the map again and nodded to himself.

That could be my new home.