Delightful Day Gone Bad!

Julius and Jane went to the dining table to have breakfast, they chatted animatedly for a while, the dining table was lively with chatter and laughter when Jane suddenly stood up unannounced and bolted to the washroom, leaving a befuddled Julius staring at her back in...excitement, or should I say expectation? He rushed after her to check if his hunch was right. "Are you okay?" He asked her affectionately and she answered in the affirmative, she downed a glass of water Julius had given her and said she was okay and that she was only feeling dizzy but Julius insisted they went to visit the hospital for check up. It became a dragged out argument till Jane reluctantly agreed to go to the hospital.

They immediately set out on their journey and not long after, they arrived at their destination.

Julius was pacing about on the corridor, sweating bullets and praying silently that his hunch should be correct. "Is she just dizzy or pregnant!?" He hoped for the latter to be the case. He was so expectant that as soon as the door opened, he rushed to meet the doctor, in exuberance and anticipation but before meeting the doctor, he noticed that the doctor's facade gave something away, extinguishing his burning flame of expectancy. He asked shakily, "what is the problem doctor? Is my wife pregnant?" The doctor in turn shook his head and put on a wry smile, "I'm sorry Mr. but your wife is..." He paused to allow his words to gather some gravitas. The suspense was tugging at Julius' heart like prickly needles. On one hand, he wanted the doctor to seize the suspense and tell things to him straight whereas on the other hand, he dreaded what he might utter next. "...pregnant! Congratulations!" Julius grabbed his collar tightly, shaking him vigorously ad he said with a smile, "if I'm to give awards for the best actor on earth, I'll look no further, you are the best!" Julius was on cloud nine, all the nurses' efforts to calm him down was nowhere near the energy he put into jumping about like a kid who had been gifted with a VR game on his birthday. They finally gave up and resolved tho let him do as he wished. Soon enough, he run out of breath and energy to continue the joyride so he calmed himself and left after gifting the doctor and his comrades.

On the way home, Julius was behaving like a kid and driving as if he was acting the famous fast and furious movie. Jane occasionally cautioned him to slow down but her warnings fell on deaf ears. "If you continue like this, we are surely going to meet a gruesome end." But Julius ignored her once again. "Please stop this and save your celebration for when we get home. Just calm down!" In response, he feigned anger, " how could you ask me to calm down when I've finally received this fabulous news after all that tongue-lashing? I can assure you that right from here, I'm going to that wit..." He paused and looked at Jane apologetically before continuing, "forgive me, it was a slip of tongue, I promised not to call your mom a witch but as it stands, it's so difficult for me tho not call her one when she so much fancies tho act like one." all the while, Jane had a faraway gaze lost in thought, "I just pray that weird sign from last time has no connecting tho my son, he needs to be a normal kid, then and only then would he be unlikely to cross paths with the Doomsday Party, I understand those people are dragons who must be slain but not by my son!" She was at war with herself.

She was still lost in thought and didn't realize that they were in front of the JJ villa. Julius dropped her and zoomed right off again to break the news to his mother inlaw even before Jane could caution him to drive carefully. He sped off, leaving trails if riding dust in his wake. Jane, on the other hand, was busily ringing the doorbell to get own house, totally forgetting the simple signature traits on the phone that usually unlocked it. She suddenly heard a hoarse voice behind her, startling her back to reality. She sounds around to check the uninvited guest out and as soon as she did, the strong stench of burning liquor wafted through her nostrils, making her sneeze thrice, she instinctively covered her nose after realizing that just wriggling it won't help. "Who are you and what do you want from me?" She asked with a frown. The man, barely able to hold his ground against the gentle dusk wind laughed unpleasantly for a moment before saying, "I knew your husband was a shameless man but I never expected him to be such a good liar, he always claimed he controlled everything in his house with his phone and yet, here his wife stands, ringing the doorbell." Jane wanted to reprimand him for calling her husband shameless and a liar but she quickly realized that he was actually right! She had no idea how she could have forgotten! The man looked on as strangely as he would to see a flying goat, looking at Jane who slapped herself for no apparent reason, he suddenly understood though that her husband had been right after all, it was just the young lady was being plain stupid for reasons best known to herself. Right before his prying eyes, Have unlocked the door with her phone! He watched in bewilderment as she stepped in. Once inside, she pressed tapped her screen again, allowing the gate's to slide slowly back in place but before she could take another step, "argh!" The scream was so unexpected that she almost tripped over. She turned and espied the same man from earlier, sandwiched between the two heavy silver doors, a horrific but hilarious sight. She opened it once again and asked with a perplexed look, "why won't you just go home and stop worrying me?" The man in turn answered shamelessly, " I deserve a tip for helping you out of course, I wouldn't allow you to leave without giving me something at least. What if Flynn Cross had paid you a surprise visit?" Have was instantly enraged, the man was so shameless, "what could possibly please someone like you, don't tell me another go at that burning liquor." Jane ordered him once again but he tried protesting. "As I said, I'm not leaving until..." He paused abruptly as he felt some cold air wash over him, Jane's pupils had suddenly constricted into vertical slits, making him feel entrance and hypnotized. He suddenly saw Have as some goddess that he will willingly last down his life for, "now leave at once!" Jane ordered seductively, this time, he didn't resist at all, at that moment he had lost all command of his body. "Sure my queen!" He says dreamily as he walked like a zombie, out of the house and beyond. Once outside, the hypnotic feeling vanished and he scampered away in fear, running as if the gates of hell had been opened right after him!

Back inside, Jane's pupils became normal again, she sighed and said," sometimes you have to go to unfathomable lengths to deal with some people." then she entered the living room.


Julius was standing in front of an old wooden structure, "bang!Bang!Bang!" He banged ferociously on the feeble gate. "Who is that mannerless person? Are you on a quest to wreck my humble abode? Came a tired voice from within, seconds later, the door was pulled slightly open, an old wrinkled face popping out of the gap, after a good squint, she was able to recognize the offender, "oh so it's you who seek to demolish my structure? Tell me, are you finally here for my elixir for impotency?" She asked with a smug grin. Julius walked right past her into the house, putting for himself a cup of tea and making himself comfortable, after taking a sip, he whispered, making sure to mimic the old woman's tone of voice," listen up, your daughter has taken seed, the man you claimed impotent has impregnated your daughter!" Her jaw instantly dropped, enough for a fully fledged adult's clenched fist to fit in. "Bang!" Not waiting for her response, Julius had left immediately after dropping the bomb, the old lady hadn't even realized he had left, it was the bang from the door slamming shut that brought her back to reality. Julius had entered his car at this moment, feeling on top of the world after his performance. Eyes almost popping out and jaws almost reaching the floor, he was going to remember this look of the old woman for eternity! He revved the engine and speed right off again, wanting to reach his darling as soon as possible. He was so happy that he didn't immediately notice the unusually deserted road, it should have been jamming with traffic but for reasons unknown, there were fewer and fewer cars as he went on ahead. He took a turn and almost knocked down a middle aged woman who was running helter skelter from something unknown to him, whatever it was though, he admitted it was on the road in front of him and he didn't want any trouble so he resolved to reverse his car and take a much longer, yet doubtlessly safer route home. As if the trouble he was currently in wasn't enough, seven stupid drivers driving in oblivion to what is happening screeched to a halt behind him, he cursed and vented his frustration on the horn, blaring loudly for sometime and then, having no option, he got out and walking to the forefront of the traffic to see what's up ahead, fifty metres to the scene and he could espy the most unexpected scene in front of him, it was the last person he ever wished to cross paths with! Flynn Cross! He had always been hearing tales of the infamous Flynn and how he would occasionally appear out of the blue and descend unannounced, the next time, place and victim was a complete guesswork but Julius always thought the chances of he, meeting Mano a Mano with this maniacal killer was akin to finding a needle in a haystack! Sadly, that wasn't the case, although lady luck proved helpful since he wasn't the ultimate target, that was only a matter of time because only he knew what stupid idea was cooking in his mind! Looking at The eight metre tall titan who had his big burly hand wrapped around a lady's neck and seemed delighted as his victim was helpless against his herculean strength, he knew he was running out of time. Although Flynn could snap her neck in less than one tenth a nanosecond, he, for reasons best known to himself decided to opt for the slower, and more painful way. The weakling could only grab his burly hand tightly and throw useless kicks with her legs that hung ten inches off the ground. There was no time to think about all this, Julius knew he had to act fast, since from the look of things, the lady didn't even stand a snowflake's chance in hell against such a monster and she would doubtlessly die if he dilly dallied any longer. With such a strong personality, he was stunned only for a split second, after which he was quickly able to put himself back together and think rationally again. He looked around to see if there was anything as could do to help the poor lady in front of him. He quickly checked his surroundings and caught sight of a white Land Cruiser Prado right in front of the sea of cars just forty metres behind him and without thinking, he noiselessly tiptoed backwards to it, making sure not to alert the monster when in fact Flynn knew everything tht was going on in his mind, it would be absurd if someone with psychic powers wouldn't notice. Under full assumption that he had succeeded in not attracting the villain's attention, he got into the car and took a long, deep breath. He jammed on the car horn, stunning all those entranced by the brutal display in front of them back to reality. They backed off subconsciously wondering who was gutsy enough to try and challenge such a person, with skin that missiles explode against without leaving a scratch! Although every single on of them knew he had a death wish because this was only going to wind up his lifespan and draw death closer to him, they hoped that at least he could beat all the odds against him and create a miracle. It was unrealistic, almost stupid to have such thoughts but since a bad plan was better than no plan at all and this was their only life saving straw, they latched on to it with anticipation. Julius turned the key in the ignition and with a sigh, pushed the speed to the limit as the wheels revolved and the car gained kinetic energy, picking up breakneck speed as it went forward. Julius was incredibly worried as it was only now that the villain tilted his head to the side to see what was happening. That wasn't the reason for the pang of worry in Julius' heart however but the wolfish grin with which he turned, locking gazes with Julius as if there was no wind screen, it was then that Julius started feeling extreme fear. Flynn's gaze was disconcerting, it was as if he was staring directly into the depths of Julius' soul.

At this moment, there was no turning back, the black eye devoid of a pupil has locked target on him, and he had to dance to the tune of his own music. Under everyone's astonished gaze, the car stopped moving forward, although the wheels were still madly spinning for it to do so, "it's over for me!" Julius screamed in his heart as a single stray tear escaped his left eye as he thought of his wife and the unborn baby... A pitch black spear materialized out of thin air emitting a nauseating aura shooting towards Julius as it defiled the laws of physics and gravity for that matter, Julius closed his eyes and waited for his death. As if the unbelievable spectacle in front of them wasn't enough, there was suddenly an orb of light, golden in colour and radiating a blinding light that everybody had to cover their eyes to alleviate the burning sensation they felt. The brightness dimmed and everyone opened their eyes to yet another unbelievable sight, a magnificent figure, clad in shiny golden armor was now in front of Julius' car, facing Flynn. "Why? How? Did he appear here?" Everyone had this question on their minds but no one had the answer. The figure had a smile on his face as he looked at Flynn, displaying his pearly whites.