Angels of Doom

"Alright Huntress, time to eat!"

Stoneson looked at the knight with a raised brow, obviously expecting the meat from the previous night. "There's nothing left of it kid, you wanna eat, you gotta hunt!" With a heavy heart, Stoneson cast a tired gaze around hoping to find anything- beast, creature, plant, rock, just anything that could pass in between the lips and reach the bowels would do, the immense hunger he felt was enough to make him crazy.

As he was casting his gaze around, he noticed something, looks like Huntress did too, as she jumped out of his arms and run in a certain direction. Earlier, Stoneson thought he saw something moving through the lush undergrowth.

"They're here." The knight said slowly, his words oozing so much hatred as his aura soared drastically. The barbaric look of bloodlust that creased his face all of a sudden made Stoneson confused.


"Quick, take cover!"

The knight barked at Stoneson all of a sudden, no sooner had he said those words of caution than Huntress bolted back with her tail between her legs, disappearing into his subconsciousness.

He had already sensed the danger coming from straight ahead, he quickly held the two daggers and took a fighting stance, positioning himself in front of the knight protectively.

"No one and nothing scares my pet like..."


He took a hefty kick to his midsection, his ribs were instantly fractured as he flew through the air in an arc and landed roughly a few metres away, coughing up blood.


He was so enraged when he was kicked, much worse from the knight. He was about to reactivate his Deus ex machina and fight tooth and nail with him when he realized something reminiscent of a horn belonging to some diabolical looking beast impaled in his chest.

The beast looked so disconcerting that one would throw up immediately after setting eyes on it.

It looked somewhat like a lizard, albeit a bigger and scarier version, in fact it would be more apt to call it an alligator. It had so many things that were unusual about it, a horn protruding from the center of its massive green scaly head, two pairs of bone chilling eyes that seemed to stare into the very depths of one's soul. Its tail was an epitome of brutality as it was graced with a little barbaric looking wrecking ball at its tip covered in spikes, it had the tattered remains of unfortunate creatures on it.

A chill run down Stoneson's spine as he broke into a cold sweat.


The knight's shout brought him out of his stupor.

"Great. Now you've given me away. Was there the need for that shout?" Stoneson thought angrily, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the knight was definitely trying to save him but he also managed to alert the beast about his presence.


The beast gave a loud, ear rattling roar that shook Stoneson to his core, he stared at those dreamy vertical slits of burning frenzy and felt hypnotized, rooted to the spot and powerless like a sheep awaiting its death at the gallows.

"Snap out of it kid, run!"

The knight shouted all he could but Stoneson was enchanted, unwilling to move. The beast slowly opened its enormous maw and spat some green coloured sticky fluid that flew in a projectile towards Stoneson's face.

'Wow, those are some really nice eyes you've got there, such a beautiful beast.' Stoneson was thinking all these as he couldn't resist the charm that the beast was aiming at him. It was only at the last critical moment when his hair suddenly stood on end and he felt his face about to burn that he instinctively snapped out of his daze using sheer willpower to move aside.

The sticky substance grazed his cheek slightly causing an intense irritation and burn.

He turned around and saw where the projectile landed, it stuck to the grass behind him and instantly reduced the area in a ten meter diameter range from it barren!

The knight was ailing, slowly succumbing to the pain that threatened to drive him insane, but he wasn't going to fall without a fight, he thought. Stoneson, in absolute shock stood rooted to the spot as something was falling towards him, blocking the sun rays from reaching the ground. "Wait, is that its..."

The knight seeing this was angered beyond reason, he dashed to the kiddo's side and muttered a little 'sorry' to him before giving him a slap, sending him at least twenty metres away from the gruesome, sky-blanketting assault's range.

"Thud! .... Booom!"

The sound of his fall was quickly preceded by the deafening sound of the knight and the beast's collision.

"No! I have to do something, although I'm powerless in this case I refuse to admit it. Power lies inside of me, I just have to reach deep within..." The words escaped his gritted teeth as his fists clenched in unyielding defiance yet, before he could unleash the lethal side of him, he felt an aura scarier and more suffocating than that of the diabolical gator like creature that just arrived.

He knew he couldn't resist as the graceful silhouette of a peacock of sorts swooped down with its talons ready to ensnare him or much worse tear him to shreds. He didn't know if he was overthinking things or he was flat out stupid, but the creature just carried him and lifted him gently off his feet and into the air.

He felt neither an ounce of discomfort nor any malicious intentions from the peacock as it carried him, traveling with breakneck speed towards the mountain ranges up ahead. They were nearing the mountain and it appeared grander than he had seen prior, that might be because of the distance but that didn't matter now. What mattered at least the most is his overwhelming curiosity, he needed answers, to the many questions that plagued his mind. Was he going to be slaughtered like a chicken? He shuddered and shrugged the annoying thought off.

"Wait...wait...wait! No, don't!" Fear tugged at his heart as the peacock flew with even more speed towards the hard rock covering their vision, there was no entrance or anything that permitted entrance yet the peacock only increased its speed upon reaching it. Despite the fear, he fought the urge to shut his eyes tight and brace for impact, the curiosity needed to be sated, and fast else he would go crazy.


His eyes widened, threatening to pop out as the grayish stone trembled slightly and birthed a slight crevice, one which he could have sworn with his balls on the line, that, never existed before their arrival, his abductor glided through and it shut with the same whooshing sound again.

It was dark inside a second before but before he could try to adjust his eyes to the dimly lit room, blinding lights flared into his vision, almost threatening to obliterate his sense of sight.

"Aw! Gosh! Would you stop doing that?"

Stoneson lamented loudly. This time though, he wasn't released immediately, he was lifted five feet above the ground and left to crash roughly.


The fall kicking up dust that wandered about the room as he groaned and cursed under his breath, he coughed as the goo entered his nostrils.

The first thing he did when he did after standing back up was to glare menacingly. He was yet to know what this legendary creature was, he tried to say something but felt insurmountable pressure mount on him, as if a building just collapsed on him, hugging him under its rubble. Stoneson's face changed immediately as he started sweating bullets. It took no time at all for him to buckle and fall to his knees but even then, the pressure did not lift no sooner had he tried to gain control on his knees than he fell face first on the stone floor. Head unable to lift, breathing becoming almost impossible, on the verge of being crashed, Stoneson's only stupid thought was,"I can do it! I can do it! I won't allow some stupid creature come out of nowhere and bring me to my knees!" As if reading his thoughts, the peacock sneered even as the pressure on him increased twofold! It was at this moment that he knew what power and dominance meant. Managing a strained sigh, he said the last thing he kept locked away from himself,"sorry."