
Fatimah inhaled the air with her eyes closed as she tried for the last time to pick up the faint scent of Seth that glided along with the wind. He'd been nearby, she was sure of it, it was just a matter of pinpointing exactly where it was he had been.

Fatimah opened her eyes with a frustrated sigh and the first thing she saw was a nice-looking pub. Shrugging her shoulders, she stepped toward it.

"It is never too early for a drink" she murmured as she stepped into the dimly lighted pub. The place looked cozy and she was sure it was a place Seth would have been in.

The bartender flashed her a smile, then a wink as she walked toward him. Fatimah smiled back and took a seat on the low stool that faced him.

"What can I get for you today gorgeous".

Fatimah watched him as she tried to decide whether she liked him or not. His blood also gave a really appetizing scent. "Why don't you surprise me. I'm not too picky, but make sure it hits".