He isn't suppose to be here she thought.Seeing his latest mistress on his arm made her sick it upset her stomach even further, unknowingly her fingers tighten around the glass.He was never yours Avery she told herself.You had an agreement.Your body for his money.That's it.Then why does she feel like her heart has been ripped out of her chest and a big empty gap was in it's place. She must get out of here.She won't stand watching him with someone else.

"Avery?"Jake's hand on her shoulder snapped her back."You pale."

"I'm fine."She lied,taking a step forward but instead she swayed Jake's arm came around her waist supporting her she leaned into him.

"Fine.You say.Come on let's go take a seat."He led her into the living room.

For a split second she had felt light headed."Can you please get me a glass of juice."He quickly left her side,she saw Alex coming over to her.If only she could get up and leave.His scent closed over her making her even more dizzy.