"Pain killers."He was about to take four but she covered his hand with her own."What are you doing?"He demanded.

"I believe two is the correct dosage."She said after reading the label,she gave him two and took the bottle away."I'll hold onto these."He scowled at her well she doesn't care she's not about to let him kill himself with an overdose of pills.Why does she even care about him,all he wants is to see her on her knees begging for his mercy."Come on.You need to take a cold shower to cool you down.Your fever is spiking."Getting him to the bathroom took great effort because he was leaning on her with his weight,he was so tall and big whereas she's small and petite."Will you be able to undress?"She asked after switching on the shower Claire's shower is so small she wonder if he'll fit.

"Do-don't g..go."He stammered stopping her at the door,Avery looked at him and saw he was shaking violently.