But mostly how does he know she loved it.""She couldn't even browse any words, her eyes fell back on the sparkling diamonds,shaky fingers glide over the exquisite piece of jewelry she's at a loss of words.

"As my wife you'll have everything your heart desires."

Avery can't believe he'd actually done this for her.But why.When whatever they have won't last. Then why is he doing this."As beautiful as it is.I can't accept it."She snapped the box shut and slid it over to him,but one big hand closed over hers.

"You can't refuse a gift Avery.And I won't accept your no."

"Alex please I-..."

"Consider it my way of apologising and saying thank you for what you've done."One cue a huge bouquet of red roses was brought to her,Avery who's so stunned only stared wide eyed at the roses."I take it roses aren't your thing."He asked after a while when she only stared at them dumbfound.