Final Day in the Tower

After seeing the results of his attack, Alex was happy on the inside because this was the first time that he had used a magic spell. He really appreciated having the system because with the system he could now easily gain access to skills that would have costed him a lot. So, he was really happy that he could now be considered a mage.

Knowing that this wasn't enough, he decided to practice more so that by the time he would be out of the tower, he would be skilled enough to be considered a mage. He knew that a single spell wouldn't be enough for him to be called a rank 3 mage and so, he entered the system store to access more spells so that he could practice more during the following two days.

Lightning ball: Rank 2 peak grade; A spell where one unleashes a ball of concentrated thunder essence that would blow upon contact. It is an area of effect attack spell and it has a radius of about five meters with the caster as the center. Cost; 1200.