???? (Title at the End)

"You better watch your back.” After that, he left the inn. But just as he was about to get out, a voice reached his ears.

“How do you expect me to watch my back and I’ve got no eyes behind? You’re being unreasonable!”


Alex’s words immediately evoked laughter from the people dining inside the inn. The young man on the other hand almost spat blood from anger. This was the first time that he’d been angered like this. He was from a good family in one of the few first tier cities in the kingdom.

He’d left together with his younger sister so that she could take the examination to join a sect or an academy. But, they had been delayed on the way several times. The first time was a bandit group that was trying to rob them. Then another, then followed by another. They had been attacked by bandits four consecutive times. Luckily, there was an expert that was protecting them or else, they would have been killed.