Third P.O.V
After hearing Adam's mom's statement two people were shocked. One was Carina and the other was Maddy. She couldn't believe that Adam's mom would gift a sari to Carina. Usually, a boy's mother giving a sari was seen as a way of the mother approving the girl for marriage with her boy. Even Samantha's mom was shocked by her sister's sudden behavior change! Though everything was stopped! Only the sound of everyone breathing could be heard! After the shock, the request from Samantha's mom and aunt, and permission from Carina's mother, Carina wore the saffron saree Adam's mom gave her while the sisters wore the bright pink saree. Samantha would wear a red saree for the Hindu rituals and Akash would change into the Red sherwani chosen by Samantha's family. Everyone who went to change came out, but Carina took some time as she changed her hairstyle into a loose bun decorated by some gajras she found inside the room she was changing. All the girls were out only Samantha was left, so Carina thought she would go and fetch her to go out.
" Wow, Who's she ?" Said one new house help to the old one As the other could answer the one who asked the question replied " I think it's the new daughter-in-law! " All of their discussions were being heard by Adam's mom and then she called Adam and told him to change the Sherwani. Without asking any questions he changed his pink sherwani into a saffron-colored one. When Adam asked his mom " Maa isn't this for the brothers and Brothers-in-law? So why am I wearing one? I am neither married nor engaged! " To this, he didn't receive any answer just a hmm, and then she said " You will bring Samantha out to the mandap! " And then she went out. On the other hand, Carina thought as she was the only one left she would take Samantha to the mandap, so thinking this she went toward Samantha's room and when she went inside she couldn't help but gasp looking at the most beautiful bride but to her shock, Samantha looked at her weirdly and asked: " Did Adam gave you this saree ?" Though Carina didn't understand why Samantha would think that Adam will give her the saree still she shook her head and said " No Adam didn't but his mother did. Though I didn't want to, your mom and that auntie managed to convince my mom, for what reason it's still unknown to all of us. "
Carina's P.O.V
As I explained to Samantha about the whole thing, I saw her smirking and then she told me to bring the lotion from the washroom so I went to bring it, while I am inside the washroom, someone came inside the room and I heard sniffling and a male voice. " You have grown so quickly. All of our memories are flooding my senses! If you still want to escape the wedding I will make you escape it don't worry. That boy won't even touch you !" Before Samantha could reply I replied " Don't worry, I had already asked her this question and she doesn't need to escape the wedding if she doesn't want to. She can just tell me and I WILL stop the wedding no matter what " saying this I smirked and saw that it was none other than Adam wearing a saffron-colored sherwani. He had his mouth slightly opened which at first I didn't notice first but when Samantha said " Bro close your mouth or flies will enter I looked at Adam with a giggle and said " I know Samantha looked good but isn't it an exaggeration by doing this Adam? " He looked frustrated and then Samantha said "Oh, It's time! We need to go! Quick quick!" While I draped her the pallu I said to Adam " See the girl you wanted to make elope is jumping to get married!" Hearing this Adam and Samantha laugh heartily which was a mistake because we were right by the entrance and everyone was looking at us. I know everyone would look at us as were bringing the bride but it was like a look of astonishment and disbelief. Murmurings could be heard but Samantha looked relaxed so I and Adam safely made her reach the mandap and then I went to the place where my cousin and Samantha's cousin and her brother-in-law were. One of Akash's brothers told Adam " Dada I didn't know you were married and that to such a pretty girl !" Hearing this we all were a little shocked and looked at Adam for explanations when he said "What do you mean? I am still single! Who do you think I am married to? " The boy looked at Adam and then pointed toward me and I couldn't help but choke on air alone. Everyone was shocked and only my struggle to breathe could be heard! On the other hand, we realized everyone was quiet and Samantha was snickering and looking toward us. " Excuse me, but I am very much single and very happy being single right now! I AM NOT MARRIED TO ANYONE! " I all but shouted at the end. "Then why are you both wearing matching colors and especially the one married couples from your side are wearing ?" Hearing this I looked around and noticed that Samantha's married brothers and sisters were wearing Saffron colored clothes matching their spouses. I looked at Adam's mother and then at my mother who was trying to calm me down so that I don't get angered. Samantha'smom then announced that it was time for the pheras and I moved away from Adam and went close to the stage. I am so much angry at Adam's mom right now. Who the hell gave her the right to make me match with her son? Just because she's the elder doesn't mean I won't say anything. My cousins were seeing that I was getting more angered as time passed and after seeing the pheras and wedding getting completed I went away from everyone and went to a washroom. I couldn't believe this was happening.
Author's P.O.V
After Carina went inside the washroom and couldn't help but cry." C, You don't know what happened! How could a random stranger pair me with her son? I will not spare her. Why would she do it? No, you don't get it! It means she's going with her approval of me being her daughter-in-law. What if she brings a proposal of her son to my family? What will I do? You know very well that If my father says Yes I won't argue with him! Please do something! Talk with your family! My family won't ever agree to this! They can't know about you if you and your family are not ready! I can't handle them for too long! Do something quick!" The secret call was cut.
Who had done this call? On one hand, Molly Rodriguez ( Adam's mother ) was happy, on the other hand, Adam was tensed seeing Carina react like this. On the contrary, Carina's cousins were scared of seeing Carina lose her anger. After all the famous tigress will be out if she's not controlled but Carina's father was having some other plans. Thinking this he went towards Adam's parent's direction thinking of talking to them. Keeping it a surprise for everyone! It would be a hell of a surprise for not only Carina but everyone including his father!