Be Careful

The incident which happened yesterday made you felt more safe to the brim.

You were not only staying in a well secured house but also with experienced undercover spies around whose role in acting was that of children and teenagers to blend in.

You also started a new school the following week, but Everytime you felt lonely.

"Sometimes I miss Janice and also.... my father even though he's a Mafia that doesn't mean he wasn't there for me everywhere" you mumbled the words with your eyes shut

"Hey.... hmm... may I sit close to you?" a girl almost your age said shyly tucking her golden locks behind her ears.

"Of course, sure" you smiled at her patting a space closeby. The girl smiled back at you sweetly and sat down ready to talk.

"My name's Ann Greg.... I'm way too shy to talk to people around but you seem good... c... can I be your friend?" the girl stammered as she spoke up.

"Sure I always wanted a friend, My name's is Y/N L/N and it's a pleasure talking to you Ann" you offered a handshake towards her and she shook it with a happy face.

"So that means we're friends?" she radiantly asked.

"Yes we're!" your final speech made her dance smoothly for joy, while you just smiled.

Meanwhile, an undercover agent furrowed his brow at this conversation.....

"Miss Y/N you need to be careful with making friends!" the chief said with seriousness after you came back from school

"So that means I should just be a lone Wolf?" you weren't happy at all about this conversation

"I don't mean it that way, I just said you should be extremely careful around! This is reality not a movie, don't underestimate your father ability just because he isn't talking or making action" the chief warned earnestly

"Sure thanks" you smiled before shutting the door.

Your school life was awesome with just two friends, but even with that you still remained to be cautious because of course, your father eyes were watching you ready to strike!

Today, you forgot one of your textbook in class and decided to go get it. Upon reaching inside the school, everywhere was quiet and it was only the janitor who was moping the halls that was around.

You however went to your class and saw the textbook lying there on the table without use. Taking it, the door suddenly locked. You look back in fear only to see a person in the darkness.....

"Y/N!" the voice was feminine but was still elderly and that of a woman

She came closer to you and the setting sun reflected her beauty, she had a striking resemblance with your mother..

"Hello Y/N, you do remember me right" her eyes were narrowed and she looks tired

"A bit.... why do you look like my mother?" you asked coming closer

"Because I'm her sister and I got a long story to tell you, a story that will make you more confused and scared, a story that will make you tremble before your father's face" she approached you and your eyes roamed around her body, one of her arm was no more and she actually looked like someone who has passed through torture continuously

"Okay, follow me I'll take you to the general!" you said opening the door, "why do you even lock the door in the first place?"

"I wanted to make a good entrance..." she was actually telling the truth honestly and she looked guilty, "I'm sorry if I gave you the creeps"

"it's okay, but let's get going now!" you left the classroom with the strange woman who calls herself your mother's sister

Again, you passed the janitor who had almost completed the mopping.

You looked at the janitor before leaving and then shut the door...

"Boss, your wife's sister is around and she's with Y/N, I'll wait for your instructions before I take action" the so called janitor said whispering into a small phone like device slowly but with evil eyes and no mercy in them

"Please don't rush in killing her, just continue your work and when I say strike..... You obey!" your father said over the phone with an air of finality.

"Sure boss!"


You showed the woman you've found to the general and after so many tests, she was actually who she called herself....

"I want you all to listen carefully to what I want to say!" the woman said.

"Firstly, My name's Beatrice...."