New Changes

It has been days since you left the hotel, and was now living in city with your Aunt Pamela

She was also happy with the new changes in the recent days, no need to be seeing squads running here and there, everything was like back to normal days. She even had a new job..... Splendid.

You were also happy because new school again, You've changed school about twice now but this time maybe lucky would be there again

"Good morning Aunt" you greeted rushing to eat your food

"Morning Y/N, how was your night?" She asked still rushing around

"It was fine" you replied after swallowing the last piece of food

"Okay, that's good to hear... Let's get going now" she said already outside waiting for you

With a step outside, your lungs took in the fresh morning air but your legs moved into the car

"Buckle up!" Your aunt voice was anxious and excited too as she started the car

The road didn't have traffic today because it was early and it wasn't Monday but rather Wednesday

Through the past days, you always experienced something new and wonderful and also traumatic

The car stopped close to the school gate and you remembered the driver who always drop you off for school everyday, he was a kind man with a good heart and also was someone who would do something deep to help others

"Goodbye Aunt" you waved at her as soon as your legs touched the ground

"Be careful and alert all the time, bye my beautiful niece" she waved back before driving away

"Another school again, I missed my old school because of my friends, but maybe new friends will be here today" you said walking towards the school

It was only because of the principal that you were able to find your way through the building, well eventually to your class

The class wasn't crowdy not rowdy because of the math teacher who was around at the moment.....

"Oh! Another one!" He said pushing his glasses inward, "Go and sit down on any vacant seat"

You just nodded slightly and sat down in the middle row, the teacher however continued

"Hello" a boy in the front row waved towards you, he had blue eyes with black hair and he looked handsome and familiar somehow

"Hi" you waved back shyly with a slight smile

"Whoa girl, first time of school and you've caught a guy's eyes" a girl beside you said with a tricky smile

"I don't understand" you replied looking confused

"Well if you don't know, that handsome dude is a smart guy and also... " she came closer whispering the words, "he's the Russian mafia boss's son."

Your soul went on vacation immediately she said that.