Then it was between the gates of the "Dark Dimensions Road" to Surcross , along which its primary sub dimensions between the dimensional rifts, being taken in various caravans from the galactic Territories of the planets under the dominions made by the galactic alliance of the Laws of the High Council. , under orders from Darkness from the Empire shed the priests of ThisrihisaThays traveled.

When they went to the upper margin of the antigen , the portals and the galactic dimensions expanded in their domains and opened territories towards the planet that was part of the solar systems, under the galactic alliance, which was located in the region of the galactic sector of the Northeast between the The enclave's Zaradon galaxies , while the southern edge was at the southern end, where winding stone-cut passages separated the stagnant waters of the Rotting Swamp in the southwest from the accumulating Horrid Swamp in the northeast.

Discovering information, when he learned that dark fey had taken over the region, they introduced malevolent new creatures and harmful flora to the local ecosystem, notable among these being witchcap mushrooms , a wide variety of mushrooms that were harmful to the touch.

Being that the outpost formed by the elves Iliyanbruen of New Dark-Shardkundilkandar , in which the dark fae enclave was a region of The Mystical Galaxy between the dimensions of Fey World Wild that was corrupted by evil forces that originated from the Feydark , being that it was named for the dark fey denizens who took up residence in its numerous swamps, groups that were led by the Fomorian witch Gramorda Curse-Eye.

So while the region was said to be a pure and beautiful land, it was degraded and poisoned in a particularly degraded galactic alliance, the waters being conMathriusinified by the corrupting magic of the Famorian witches and the forest being stripped of its natural resources by their redcap minions , when approaching and passing through the Banshee Gate portal connected an area near the southern edge of the enclave to the elven Mathriussen settlement of New Dark-Shardkundilkandar .

Even though the enclave was located not far from New Dark-Shardkundilkandar , it comprised two noxious bands of swamps that were formed from a once-great and far between portals and galactic dimensions expanding into their domains and opening up territories towards to the planet that was part of the solar systems, under the galactic alliance that ran between the great trees of the Fairy.

The upper margin of the antigen between the portals and the galactic dimensions expanded in their domains and opened territories towards the planet that was part of the solar systems, under the galactic alliance, which was located in the region of the galactic sector of the Northeast between the galaxies of Zaradon . of the enclave, while the southern bank was at the southern end. Winding passages carved into the stone separated the stagnant waters of the Rotting Swamp in the southwest from the Horrendous Swamp that was accumulating in the northeast.

Knowing that when the dark fae took over the region, they introduced malevolent new creatures and harmful flora to the local ecosystem. Notable among these were witchcap mushrooms , a wide variety of mushrooms that were harmful to the touch.

Finding out about the outpost formed by the elves Iliyanbruen of New Dark-Shardkundilkanda , in which the enclave was a base for the king's forces in the Famorians Malabog, who had been expelled from the galactic alliance in order to appropriate some ruins, to found a part of the cult on numerous planets of the galactic empires of the galactic alliance to reform them and take possession of Dark-Shardkundilkandar .

As they led a campaign against the fae -setter of Nova Dark-Shardkundilkandar , circa the Galaxy of the Empire of Eternatus , 1479 DR, a group of elves led by Finderal Birchspear formed an outpost around a group of standing stones near the southern shore, and he used this outpost to attack the swamp witches and stop their foul spells that plagued the region.

Horrid Mire, an extremely dirty swamp that was clouded with toxic swamp gas, in which it led to Putrid Fen , the disgusting swamp in which a large number of fallen trolls lived, making deals, collecting substances and leftover products, in which Tsuki I followed to the Witch Fen , the swamp domain of the terrible Gramorda Curse-Eye and her clan of Famorian witches .

When Tsuki knew about all the inhabitants, that all sorts of dark fairies inhabited the swamps of the enclave, including large numbers of nasfamoriandass , cyclops, trolls, redcaps , and quicklings , even learning about the sect, which was an offshoot of the Gramorda Curse . - Eye was a Fomorian witch who took control of a corrupted region of The Mystical Galaxy between the dimensions of Fey World Wild known as the Dark Fae enclave, coming to her domain in the Witch Fen , Gramorda led a coven of witches who poisoned the lands in preparation for King Malabog 's malevolent army .

Gramorda 's name originated from the fact that his face had a grotesque "evil eye" with a pupil that resembled those found in felines. This eye was the source of their magical powers, as it was for all witches in the Famoriandas , so, together with their fellow witches, Gramorda collected a plethora of strange collections of plants, reagents, and parts of various creatures, which they used in their gruesome alchemical experiments. As they worked together to hone their dark magic, their secret ways were closely guarded from others.

Gramorda 's rule over the Famorian witches was aided by his three lieutenants Nyx , Mab , and Usha , all of whom shared his domain in the swamp.

The Witch Fen was a malevolent swamp located in The Mystical Galaxy between the dimensions of Fey World Wild, formed from a river corrupted by Gramorda Curse-Eye and his clan of Famorian witches .

The swamp can be found in the twisted region of The Mystical Galaxy between the dimensions of Fey World Wild known as the dark fae enclave.

When the witches in the Famorians proved a serious threat to the people of New Dark-Shardkundilkandar , circa the Galaxy of the Empire of Eternatus , 1479 DR, the Iliyanbruen elves of the Mathriusent assen acted quickly. His agent Sorrow orchestrated it, in which he found himself in some supernatural dimensions of Faeria to bypass the defenses of various witches using viper tongue sheets and their personal cauldrons, working alongside an adventurer from the planet of Numer Spring Never.

When the soldier from the Bridge of the Sleeping Dragon was able to sabotage the cauldrons of three witches and gathered enough alchemical reagents to gain access to Gramorda's Curse-Eye itself, the former hero defeated Gramorda and his minions in battle, finally overthrowing the coven . nasfamoriandas who poisoned a large part of the lands of that mystical galaxy between the dimensions of Fey World Wild.

Gramorda Curse-Eye 's personal lair , the swamp was home to several other Famorian witches , including Mab , Nyx , and Usha . It was invaded by his dark fey minions, among whom were dozens of evil redcaps , hideous trolls, and brutish cyclops.

Gramorda Curse-Eye and his coven remained within their fen around the Galaxy of the Empire of Eternatus , 1479 DR, when Malabog began their war in New Dark-Shardkundilkandar , when the elves of that Mathriusent seat began their counteroffensive against the nasfamoriandass , the witches were attacked by a band of priests led by the Soldiers guarding the dimensional portals of the sleeping zones of the Dragons of Time, in which Gramorda and each of her witches were killed, and her foul magic was finally stopped.

As they led a campaign against the fae assent of Nova Dark-Shardkundilkandar , around the Galaxy of the empire of Eternatus , towards the galactic sector of 1479 DR, a group of elves led by Finderal Birchspear formed an outpost around a group of standing stones near the southern shore, and he used this outpost to attack the swamp witches and stop their foul spells that plagued the region.

Hanging precariously along the edge of the pit, and extending down to abut the rocks and mounds of earth, was precarious, tortuous scaffolding that supported heavy cranes and treacherous walkways, the entire structure creaking noisily under the weight. of workers, and there was a constant risk of being skewered on splinters or rusty nails.