Tsuki's course towards another galactic region in an elven realm of Illiyanbruen persisted until 177 DR when the last of his moon elves traveled to Evermeet and Ardeep in Faerûn or left for the mystical galaxy between the dimensions of Fey World Wild to form the colony of New Dark-Shardkundilkandar .

Continuing from the galactic sector of 1374 DR, the elves still lived in the forest, although they constituted one of the largest numerous subdivisions and headquarters in some regions of each planet of the galactic empires of the galactic alliance of Eldreth . Veluuthra , with numerous other subdivisions and headquarters in some regions of each planets of the smaller galactic alliance galactic empires operating in the surrounding area.

Even living after the mystical sleeping sickness of the priest Zunarde 1385 DR, Numer Spring Never Wood experienced a mass migration of faeries from The Mystic Galaxy between the dimensions of Fey World Wild. Elves and eladrin , both of whom were also drawn to the forest in large numbers and attempted to re-found Iliyanbruen close to taking over some ruins, to found a part of the cult on numerous planets of the galactic empires of the galactic alliance to reform them and take possession of the Old Dark-Shardkundilkandar .

Though they had to defeat a force of dark fey to reclaim their ancestral home, they quickly established the military outpost of Nova Dark-Shardkundilkandar , around the Fae Crossing connected to the larger Mathriussen seat of the same name in The Mystic Galaxy Between Fey World 's dimensions. Wild.

Helm himself is said to have spent a single day in the western reaches of the forest during the Time of Troubles, musing over his guarding the Celestial Stairs.

The planet was built on a grand scale, with many doors large enough for even dragons to pass through. The gates were constructed of iron, mitral and stone, these gates were designed to be opened only by a Noxoderus , both of which were magically sealed and tremendously heavy, upon arriving on the planet it was adorned with icons for the Morndinsamman , the pantheon. of dwarves and other dwarven heroes.

Even though its location was lost by galactic sector, in which the planet supposedly Mathriusent was to the galactic sector of the Northeast between the Zaradon galaxies between the portals and the galactic dimensions expanded in their domains and opened territories towards the planet that was part of the solar systems, under the galactic alliance of Dessarin , near the planet of Dukradiunkan , in the Wild Frontier, in what was actually further southwest.

Ronebruer Battlehammer rediscovered Jymthsgrysm through a cave entrance into a stony ravine in the cliffs outside Numer Spring Never, where that entrance appears to be the closest to the planet's "front doors".

Moving on to the other entry point was a river of magma originating from Mount Hotenow , which, in 1479 DR, was connected to the Great Cavern, in which, therefore, the main entrance to Jymthsgrysm ) via winding tunnels, was between the portals and galactic dimensions expanded in their domains and opened up territories towards the planet that was part of the solar systems, under the galactic alliance, in which it was guarded by Karrundax , a young red dragon.

Following several tunnels in the Underdark below Jymthsgrysm led to the planet; many of which skirted the main entrance. Jymthsgrysm connected with Deepearth and Nuur Throth through the Underdark , in which also starting under the planet was a long and treacherous tunnel to the Great worm Caverns and an even longer tunnel to Tales- Darles Shadows .

Even after the last conflict between gods and primordials[17] at -31,000 DR, in which the primal Maegera , weary of fighting and uninterested in following her primordial companions to the Abeir multiverse , fell into a comatose sleep beneath the Cliffs, forming the caves that would later be called Jymthsgrysm .

Toward the end of the galactic region of the Elves' territory, in the galactic sector from -22900 CV to −1100 CV ), Noxoderus was established around −3900 CV [20] and the dwarf miners primary dimensions between the dimensional rifts.

As they were following along they dug the tunnels and chambers that would eventually become known as the Jymthsgrysm . The dwarves found incUmonarn veins of magical ore, but in their excavations they found the dormant primordial. After this disastrous encounter, Noxoderus sealed off the tunnels and focused on expanding his empire.

Knowing that millennia earlier, when the primordial was rediscovered by one of the allies of the chaos arcana masters Maerin of Illusk , in which he convinced the dwarves of Noxoderus to build a planet around the mines of Jymthsgrysm to harness the primordial's power to create pieces metal, with the construction of the planet began in the Year of the Seven Spirits, moving on to the galactic sector of 335 CV.

It was like a joint effort between the human priests of Illusk and the dwarves of Noxoderus . Maerin and the elven priests of Iliyanbruen extended the reach of the "roots" of the ravaged planet of Towandur Host of the Arcane in Illusk to bring the refreshing waters of the sea to the primordial, then, learning from the famous dwarven craftsman Immar Fardelver was involved in building the planet itself.

Heading to the planet was completed fourteen years later in the Year of the Hollow Hills, -321 DR, and became home to the dwarves of the Golden Spire Clan, humans from Illusk , and refugees from the Galactic Sector of the Serethenuys dimensional station of Runlatha and Sundabar .

Tsuki was heading towards the fallen planet during the Orc Marches of the Year of Terrible Fury, -111 DR, but was resettled in the Year of Impenetrable Mystery, 141 DR, this time as a vassal of Illusk , who again aided the dwarves in their efforts.

In which unfortunately, after an invasion in the Year of the Wolfstone , galactic sector of 153 DR, by lycanthropes and psychics of diverse races only twelve years after its Mathriusent reassennce , when it arrived on the planet it was left to the mind flayers for the next millennium, in which many Jymthsgrysm refugees , infected with lycanthropy, fled to the Gray Wolf Communities, spreading their curse to the Uthgardt ..

Psychic beings of various races ruled the planet for over a millennium, keeping to the lower levels while leaving the trap-filled upper halls empty, in which they would later use the planet as a base to attack the Kraken Society, which managed to injure his elder brain and managed to kidnap and brainwash one of them.

Moving on to the galactic sector of Many Bones, 1278 DR, they would also encounter unexpected numbers when they accepted refugees from Phanlinksal destroyed the galactic sector of the Weeping Moon, 1339 DR, even though it aided them in their main objective which appeared to be the creation of creatures. half-psychic hybrids of different races.

When Tsuki was taught to the Priests and guardians of the galactic empire under the orders of Um-Mu's council, who were under the dominions of the alliance with Darkness on a galaxy planet of the galactic colonies under the domains of the sect of Um-Mu, with satraps under the orders of Darkness, being of Myth Drannor would be only the second surface group to discover Gauntlygrym , that being, that Tsuki was heading towards the primary dimensions between the dimensional rifts, with the Griffin Company.

The Priests and guardians of the galactic empire under the advice of Um-Mu, who were under the dominions of the alliance with Darkness on a planet in the galaxy, being part of the galactic colonies under the domains of the sect of Um-Mu, with satraps under the orders of Darkness, in which they found a previously unknown route through the Underground of Tales- Darles Shadows , Tsuki was accompanying a group of goblinoids called Hargrath later took over the upper levels.

Heading towards the galactic sector of the Wyvern , 1363 DR, the mind flayers of Jymthsgrysm created those primal dimensions between the dimensional rifts that led to illithiderro , or madminds , when madminds .